Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling for Beginners

Look no further for all you need and where to get started with Bible journaling for beginners. Check out some basic tools to get you started on this fun adventure.

Bible journaling, so what exactly is it? You may have also heard it called Illustrated Faith. For some of you, this may be a new idea or concept. For others, you may be experts and way more experienced than I am. And maybe you are just in between somewhere. No matter where you are, I hope that today you will ultimately leave feeling inspired and ready to grow your relationship with Christ.

Seeing so many gorgeous entries with Bible journaling can become intimidating. In this first post of many more to come, you can find the basics to get you started with Bible journaling and what basic supplies are great for beginners. Get all the details at thesoutherncouture.com.


I would love to share more of my Bible entries and supplies that I use in future posts, but today I want to just start by introducing this fun concept to y’all and get you pumped, ready, and excited to get started too. There is so much to share that I really don’t want to overwhelm you with so much information to begin with.

One note before I get started, I understand that not everyone may believe in the same way that I do and that is okay. I don’t expect you too. This has personally been a fun journey for me to find a deeper relationship with my Savior and enjoy a fun hobby while learning new artistic techniques at the same time.

I have been over on Instagram lately sharing my recent Bible journaling entries so be sure to follow me over there where I will be posting more as they come along.

I am definitely a beginner with this that has researched it a TON lately. I just can’t get enough of it. It has been such a blessing to me which is why I want to share it with y’all too.


Well the term Illustrated Faith was actually coined from Shanna Noel of illustratedfaith.com. And it is exactly what it sounds like.

Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling for Beginners

Photo from Illustrated Faith

In my words, I like to explain it as taking art, scrapbooking, doodling, etc. and applying it to your Bible to really bring the scripture to life in a new way.

We all can be guilty of reading our Bible and just checking it off our To-Do list, but when’s the last time you just sat down to meditate on God’s word and really apply it to your life?

This is exactly what Bible journaling forces you to do. As you are working on a page, you are constantly dwelling on and quoting scripture the entire time without even realizing it.

I play worship music in the background (Lauren Daigle is my favorite if you are looking for suggestions.) and really get my mind away from daily distractions to truly focus on God’s word.

I have heard many pastors in the past speak and pray about worshiping God in EVERYTHING we do. Sometimes it would confuse me to think about really worshiping God while I’m doing laundry or vacuuming. But now I am understanding it so much better. While I’m enjoying painting, scrapbooking, journaling, etc. in my Bible, I am also using it to worship my Savior.

If you would like to get started on this journey with me this year, then dive in and take a leap. I have done so much research of different methods and techniques to use and all sorts of different supplies. I will be sharing my favorite supplies to use in the future with tutorials as well.


To get started you really don’t even need a journaling Bible specifically. You could also just use a journal until you are able to get one. But if you are itching at the seams like I was to just go full force, then here is the Bible I chose. It is an ESV single column journaling Bible from Crossway in antique floral design for the most beautiful cover. You can also find plain covers if you prefer.

Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling for Beginners

My husband bought this one on Amazon for a Christmas gift for me and it was super affordable compared to some. I had heard that they are smaller in size than you think so I was expecting this. Just be sure to check before you order so you aren’t expecting something different. I find the size is perfect for the artwork, not too large and intimidating but just enough space. Below you will see my iPhone 6S Plus to give you a better idea of the size.

Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling for Beginners

Like I said before, there are so many different supplies and techniques that you can use. Don’t get overwhelmed when you do start researching it.


To get you started though there are a few supplies that are easy to use and don’t cost a lot either.

I highly recommend the Crayola twistables colored pencils. They are extremely affordable and easy to use. The great thing about these is that you don’t have a super sharp point that leaves an indention in the page or even cuts a hole. They also don’t bleed through and show through the back of the page.

Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling for Beginners

I have also found that they are great to use to highlight a verse instead of having to buy specific Bible highlighters. You can still see the text right through them while emphasizing a certain passage of scripture.

Alpha stickers (or alphabet stickers) are inexpensive and don’t require any artistic ability whatsoever. If there is a verse that sticks out to you or a quote that you find encouraging, use different alpha stickers to spell it out in the margins or even in a journal. It just gives a fun way to document it without just using a boring ol’ ink pen.

Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling for Beginners

I am going to leave you with these basics for now so as to not overwhelm you. And do not worry if you don’t feel artistic. Using the stickers is a perfect way to get started and not even have to have any artistic ability. I really am not good at drawing myself. I know you will be addicted to it as soon as you get started just like I have. Just focus on this new experience to draw closer to the Lord.


Below are a couple pictures of my 1st and 2nd entries. I started this year with a reading plan that started in Genesis. I instantly knew I wanted to depict creation in my first entry. I love how it turned out with the top half for day and the bottom half for night made using watercolors.

Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling for Beginners

My 2nd entry is from Exodus when Moses parts the Red Sea. This one was made with a technique using gelatos. They are my new favorite craft supply, and I can’t wait to share more about these in the near future.

Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling for Beginners

Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling for Beginners

I will definitely be going into  more detail of both of these entries and more so don’t worry.

If you are truly serious about getting started and want even more details and tutorials all in one place, then be sure to check Adventures in Bible Journaling: An Extensive Beginner’s Guide to Art and Bible Journaling. You will find loads of information including step-by-step tutorials for numerous supplies. Video tutorials and printables are also available to help you out.

If I haven’t convinced you yet to join me on this, then let me just come right out and say it, JUST DO IT!!! You will love it. Trust me. Also stay tuned because in the coming weeks, I will be sharing my favorite supplies and also tutorials to get you started as well. Be sure to follow me on social media and subscribe to my newsletter so you won’t miss out on any new posts.

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. 



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21 replies
  1. Heather
    Heather says:

    I apologize for using your website for asking this, but I see this as a latest trend in Word study. It looks like fun, but how has it been proven as a means of learning scripture? It looks like just a lot of juvenile coloring and fun to me? Although, I might even try it sometime.

    Sincerely In His Name,

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      I wouldn’t say that it is a way of just memorizing large amounts of scripture. That is not what you are doing. It is a means of spending the time alone with God by using a talent or hobby he has given you that helps you to meditate on the scripture you are illustrating. I turn on worship music at the same time and get alone when I’m journaling. The scripture I illustrate many times is to help me with something I have been dealing with lately. I find that I am quick to remember that scripture in the future and quote it once again instead of letting the enemy get into my thoughts. I hope this helps!

    • Jenny
      Jenny says:

      I can totally see where you might draw that conclusion. Bible Journaling is what brought me back to studying God’s word after a time when I struggled with my personal study and prayer time. If creating things speaks to your heart then this is a fantastic way to enrich your study and to memorize scripture. If the academia of scripture is what speaks to you then this would be more of a tool for relaxation and review of God’s word. Illustrating your bible does not have to be an extravagant process… no watercolors or spray bottles needed 🙂 Just a simple note or doodle in a bright color pen may be the exact thing you need to make your studies more meaningful. All of that to say- Bible journaling is a tool for bible study that will strengthen the faith of some people but will truly be more recreational for others. I guess that is one of the great things God has given us…different strengths, weaknesses, talents and ministries. Try out a doodle or two with your favorite scripture and see where God takes you from there!

      • Bethany
        Bethany says:

        Thank you so much Jenny for joining in and being such an encouragement. I agree completely with everything you said. It was so beautifully worded that I can’t add anything to it. I hope you have a wonderful week!

    • Linda
      Linda says:

      For me journaling isn’t as much a way to memorize scripture as it is to meditate on what God reveals to me. What I find myself writting in my Bible isn’t so much the verses I read BUT what God says to to me through that scripture. When I read what Paul says about being adopted by God and being a joint heir with Jesus reminded me that I am a Daughter of THE King and that is what I wrote and doddled in my Bible. First in pencil, then I traced over it in ink, then erased the pencil, added color, stickers and etc. All the while thanking God that He loved me enough to make me His heir and reminding myself that the title of Daughter of THE King not only came with benefits but it also came with responsibilities. Before I started journaling I would have read through that passage of scripture and not taken the time to let God speak to me. Journaling helped me slow down and listen to God.

      • Bethany
        Bethany says:

        This is so inspirational and wonderful to hear. I’m so glad you took the time to let me know. I totally agree that you don’t always have to illustrate a specific verse but what God is speaking to you through that passage of scripture. Bible journaling has definitely made me slow down and really meditate on what I’m reading and drawing.

  2. Patti Romo
    Patti Romo says:

    This is the first time I’ve heard of Bible Journaling! I’ve recently started drawing tangle type pictures and I love it. But I’ve been looking at my Bible and thinking I’ve got to get back into the Word! This might be just what I need to accomplish both! Thank you for sharing this. If I can ever afford to buy a new Bible I will do this for sure. It would also be a great witnessing tool!!! Thx!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      You are so welcome and thank you for your kind words. This is a great way to get back to that quiet time with reading and studying scripture. Don’t feel like you have to have an expensive Bible to start. You can do the same journaling and illustrations in a journal until you can get one. Don’t let the overwhelming list of supplies keep you from getting started and enjoying this new journey.

  3. Karen
    Karen says:

    I just started journaling in my Bible with art and words.In the psst I found it difficult to find a way to read the Bible and actually connect with it. This is perfect as I read and reread the passage then use art to express feelings about those words. It is a wonderful way to spend time with God each day in a peaceful way. I do Wonder though… Do you have a specific journaling plan you’re following? That was my main struggle when I first started journaling in the Bible as I never really read the Bible a lot. I had no idea where to start in the Bible.

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      You are so right! Rereading the scripture really helps it to stick in my mind and remember it better than if I just read through a chapter. It then is recalled to me in the moments when I need it most.

      When I am reading my Bible, I usually try to use a scripture reading plan that will take me through reading the entire Bible in one year. I do not actually have a journaling plan that I use right now. I have been journaling stories or scriptures that I have found stood out to me during my regular scripture reading time. I am planning to have a journaling plan that will take readers and fellow artists through each book of the Bible with a scripture or story that they could start to illustrate. I am very OCD about things and love having a plan to stick to. It also keeps me on track and accountable. Keep your eyes out for a journaling plan. That is a great idea for others too!

  4. Kell
    Kell says:

    Hey! Do you have to use a journaling Bible or can I use my regular bible? It has small margins, but my mom recently bought me a bible with my name engraved on the cover so I don’t want to not use the one she gave me unless I have to. 🙂 Thank you!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      You definitely do not have to have a journaling Bible. You could use the Bible your Mom gave you. I personally do not want to do any kind of elaborate journaling in my regular Bible because it is important to me that I am still able to read all the scripture. You could definitely illustrate the inside covers, any extra space especially on the chapter title pages, and any extra pages in the back of the Bible.

      It sounds like to me the Bible she gave you is pretty special and one that you will want to keep for years to come. I have a Bible that my husband gave me for Christmas one year that he had my name engraved on the front cover as well. I continue to use it for study and take it to church with me. Don’t feel like if you get a journaling Bible that you cannot use your current Bible anymore. I use my journaling Bible as a way to worship through something I love and spend that time meditating.

      Another option would be to just use a regular journal and illustrate verses that way. Many people will illustrate quotes in this way with art journaling. I find this same idea is perfect and even better for scripture. You could also create a prayer journal using a plain journal and illustrating verses that would be helpful depending on the specific prayer.

      I hope you find this helpful! Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. God bless!

  5. Kathy
    Kathy says:

    I have wanted forward to get into bible journaling. But I could never understand really how to begin. I have always kept a note book but journaling has always elided me. So I am so happy I found a place that maybe can help a grandmother like me understand this so I can also maybe get a fire under my grandbabies again. We try to study together but they are from one mind wave and I am old school lol. But thank you so much.

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Oh I’m so glad to hear that! I hope that you will find lots of help and encouragement from my blog. That blesses my heart to know you are enjoying Bible journaling. It is a great way to spend time with your grandchildren too. Be sure to check out my FREE 5 day eCourse as well if you haven’t already. It will really help you get started with all the details that seem to be so overwhelming at first.

  6. Jen
    Jen says:

    I’m actually just getting started using an old Bible of mine I recently found from college. Just another idea.

  7. Vicki
    Vicki says:

    Do you prep your pages with gesso first, and if so is this a problem if your pages are cream colored and the gesso dries white?

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      I do prep some pages depending on the art medium or supply that I am using. You may choose to use gesso with acrylic paints, gelatos, watercolors, etc. or anything that you worry about bleeding through. I use the Liquitex gesso that is white and my pages are a light cream color. The gesso dries completely clear so you cannot even see where it’s been applied to the page. It does leave a little bit of texture to the page but the color difference is not visible. Don’t panic at first. Give it time to dry or use a heat gun to dry it faster.

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