How to Use Gelatos Using a Paintbrush and Water for Bible Journaling

In this new series, I can’t wait to share all the ends and outs of Bible journaling. Find out in this first part exactly what is Bible journaling. 

So Happy New Year again if I have not already said that to you! I am so excited for January each year and what it means to have a sense of a fresh start or blank slate to start over or learn something new. Setting goals for the year is a fun way to plan and have something to work toward. For me each year, that includes wanting to have a fresh renewal by the Holy Spirit and dig deeper in studying God’s word. One way I love to do so is with Bible journaling.

April Bible Journaling Challenge Plus FREE Printable

Many of you know how passionate I am about Bible journaling. I mean for Pete’s sake I even wrote a book all about it. But if you are new to my little blog home or have been putting off getting started, then I can’t wait for you to join me for this brand new series, “All About the Bible Journaling”. I am going to start off by just explaining what it even is all the way to detailed tutorials for you to use in your own journaling Bible.

Now if you are so excited and anxious to get started, then you may want to go ahead and sign up for my free 5 Day eCourse that is perfect to jump start this new study tool of Bible journaling. You will receive a new email each day discussing a different topic or aspect with a little fun “homework” assignment each day to keep you accountable with getting started.

You can sign up here!

If you are even more ambitious, then check out my eBook, Adventures in Bible Journaling: An Extensive Beginner’s Guide to Art and Bible Journaling, to get even more information and tutorials. I have a Gold, Silver, and Bronze package depending on what you are looking for specifically. There are printables and also step-by-step video tutorials that make it even easier to understand so you can work right alongside me in your Bible.

"Adventures in Bible Journaling" and Most Favorite Entries

 Snag your copy now!

Now let’s kick this series off with a dictionary definition of Bible Journaling. Bible journaling is taking art concepts and creativity to visually study and meditate on the Word of God. Or more simply said, using art mediums to create in the margins of a journaling Bible or journal while using scripture, song lyrics, devotions, etc. as inspiration.

Many times you may sit down to read a passage of scripture, but within a few minutes you cannot even recall exactly what you read. Your mind starts to wonder and before you know it, you have have been completely distracted. Bible journaling forces you to really focus on the scripture you are illustrating while you are working the entire time. Try also playing worship music while you are journaling to bring an atmosphere of worship and reverence.

How to Use Acrylic Paint with Baby Wipe Technique for Bible Journaling

You will find that as you are working, you will be constantly quoting the scripture and really meditating on what it means to you. Daily reading is important so please don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I feel like it becomes more of a chore or checklist each day for me personally. Bible journaling has caused the scripture to become something I look forward to studying.

Bible journaling is also a way of worshipping God in EVERYTHING we do. If you enjoy working with watercolor paints or papercrafting, then why not use it for God’s glory and to strengthen your relationship with Him. I do also want to mention that you should pray about what you feel works best for you. I have heard others say that they feel disrespectful by working directly on their Bible pages. If that’s true for you, then use a journal or some other kind of notebook to journal. You do not have to use a journaling Bible specifically.

How to Use Gelatos Using a Paintbrush and Water for Bible Journaling

Begin to pray about this journey and where the Lord leads your heart. If you are having any concerns or fears about getting started, He will speak to your heart and calm all those. Plus do not feel like you have to be a perfectionist. We are going to discuss this and more ways to overcome your fears that may be keeping your from diving in during the next part of this “All About the Bible Journaling” series.

If you are ready to dive right in, then check out my eCourse and eBook that I mentioned above. I also just posted a Bible journaling challenge for January 2018 that you may want to check out to give you guidance on where to get started in your journaling Bible.

2018 January Bible Journaling Challenge with FREE Printable Card

I can’t wait to see what you create and where this journey takes you. Please feel free to share your Bible entries with me on social media by tagging me. Leave any questions you have in the comments below, and I will do my best to help you! God bless you!

*Here is Part 2: How to Overcome Any Fears when Starting Bible Journaling of the series.*

In this new series, I can't wait to share all the ends and outs of Bible journaling. Find out in this first part exactly what is Bible journaling at


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