We are having a Baby...

I just announced last week that my husband and I are pregnant with baby #2. Today I am so excited to announce that we are having a baby…

First of all I just want to say a HUGE thank you to y’all for every sweet word, comment, encouragement, and more but most of all for the prayers over this new baby and our growing family. If you missed the announcement last week, you can check it out HERE for more details. 

Life Update for My Family

I asked y’all here and on Instagram to give your best guess if you thought we were having another boy or a girl this time. I loved reading everyone’s responses and thoughts. It is always fun to hear why people pick one over the other. I am the worst at guessing genders too. 

Now let’s just get to the fun part. We are having a baby…


We are having a Baby...

A picture from our family and friends gender reveal party

We are so excited and thrilled to be having another baby and another boy. I guess you could officially say I am a boy mom at least for now. 😉 I’ve also always said how fun it would be for my little guy to have his own little buddy to play and wrestle with. What a joy it is to be their mom!

Life Update for My Family

Thank you again to everyone for all your love and encouragement. Now I want to know your best advice for adding another baby to the family. I feel like going from one to two babies can be overwhelming but so rewarding. God bless!!


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4 replies
  1. Alice
    Alice says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! A family of four isn’t so difficult, especially with the same gender as the first because of all the hand-me-downs (although I know you’ll want new things for your new baby too). Number three is the scary one…because you’re outnumbered. HAHAHA

  2. Diana
    Diana says:

    I am mom of two rough and tumble boys who are now adults. They were almost 7 years apart but had the same interests (anything sports related) and remain close today. We built up the excitement of being a big brother and involved him as much as possible in taking care of baby brother. It’s sometimes not easy being the only girl in the family but wouldn’t trade it!!!

  3. Sylvia King
    Sylvia King says:

    Wel, just read about you great news. I’m mom to two great grown girls. My mother-in-law had seven boys and then had a girl. That is a lot of boys and I’m sure she felt very out-numbered. Good luck and God bless you and your increasing family.

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