Vintage Bicycle Printable for Bible Journaling

Get your free Vintage Bicycle Printable for Bible Journaling now and illustrate something beautiful and colorful with ease.

In life, there are going to be so many different curve balls thrown our way. Every day isn’t supposed to be happy and cheerful as hard as that sounds. None of us like to go through the hard times, but as this free printable was inspired by Ecclesiastes 3 we all go through different times and seasons for a reason.

Bible Journaling with Acrylic Paint

This scripture discusses how there is a time and season for everything no matter what it is. This is a huge encouragement to me. I find that when days are rough, I can get through them much easier by trusting in God and knowing that there is a time for everything.

Get your FREE printable over at A Cup Full of Sass today. I’m also sharing how I illustrated my entry using this printable and acrylic paints. And yes, you can definitely paint in your Bible. Come find out how today!!!

Bible Journaling with Acrylic Paint


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  1. […] The Logbook. Find Out Why Box Tops are Worth All the Trouble! from The Curly Crafty Mom. Vintage Bicycle Printable for Bible Journaling from The Southern Couture. Easy Saskatoon Lemon Cheesecake Jars from The DIY […]

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