I love being organized and knowing exactly where things are at all times. Can anyone else relate or am I the only one this crazy?

There are areas of my house that need some serious organization that I hope to be sharing with y’all soon to give you more motivation to stay organized. But today I am sharing how I am keeping my garden organized by knowing exactly what I have planted and where it is.

It's always a shame when you have worked so hard to plant different vegetables or flowers, but then you can't remember what each one is. Now you can use picture frames and make your own garden markers to keep you organized. Check out the full directions at thesoutherncouture.com.

I have made the mistake in the past of planting tomato, different colors of bell peppers, zucchini, etc. and not marking them so I didn’t really know which plant was which. I guess I thought that I would just be able to remember in my head or could tell the difference.

Well being able to just remember wasn’t cutting it, so this year I am prepared by having my own garden markers. They are easy and quick to make. What is fun too is that you can design the markers any way you like.

What you will need:

First you will need to design and make a picture to fit in your frame that says what vegetable you have planted. I used Canva to design mine and then just printed them out. You could also use scrapbook paper and stickers as well.

Insert your picture into the picture frame. I used plain black 3.5″x5″ frames that I found at the dollar store. You don’t want to use anything too fancy since they will be outside.

Vegetable Garden Markers Using Picture Frames

Attach a wooden stake to the back of each frame using E6000 glue and let it sit overnight ideally to dry and stay adhered for longer.

Then when you are ready to stake them in the ground, first dig a small hole to make it easier to bury the end of the stake. This will also help to keep you from popping the frame off the stake if you are hammering it into the ground.

Vegetable Garden Markers Using Picture Frames

Place your garden marker in front of your vegetable plant and now you will know exactly what you are growing.

Vegetable Garden Markers Using Picture Frames

I love that this is such a kid friendly project as well to show them the importance of growing your own food and where vegetables come from. I remember as a child planting a garden with my parents and how much fun it was to finally see the vegetables start to grow.

Keep your garden organized with these simple markers that are homemade and personalized just the way you like.

Vegetable Garden Markers Using Picture Frames

This would also be a great gift for the garden lover in your family as well.

Don’t forget to enjoy the little things in life like your home grown veggies.

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Lowes, but all opinions are my own.

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. 

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