Tips for Back to School Planner Organization Collage

Everyday has enough stress and worry of its own, but start each day on the right foot by using a daily planner to stay organized and also reduce stress at the same time.

Certain days doesn’t it just feel like you could crawl right back in bed, get some more snooze, and then start all over again? We all feel that way at some point. But what if I told you there is a way to steer clear of those days.

How I Use My Planner

It all comes down to using a planner for me personally to stay organized and know exactly what needs to be accomplished that day and what to start planning for in the near future.

Tips for Back to School Planner Organization Collage

Life can become so chaotic. For me personally, I juggle a full-time job as well as my blog so I really have to pay attention everyday to my planner so that I don’t miss any deadlines with blog posts. Add kids to the mix, and you have a whole other ball game to worry about.

Below are several techniques I have used to stay organized every day. Depending on the season in my life, I switch back and forth between what works for me. You really just have to find the right fit for you.

Using Washi Tape

Organize your life into categories such as work, home, church, etc. and then assign a color of washi tape for each category. *Do not pick any washi that is too dark or a design that is very busy. You will not be able to read it once you write on top of it.

How to Use Washi Tape and More to Organize Your Planner 3

Then use a certain color washi on a day when that specific category has an appointment, event etc. I use a ultra fine point sharpie marker to write on top of the washi what the event is.

How to Use Washi Tape and More to Organize Your Planner

If the date needs to change, you can easily pull up the washi tape and move it to another day without ruining the page of your planner. That’s my favorite part! I hate having to mark through something.

I will keep a “key” in the back of my planner so I can always reference each color if I need to.

Using Colored Pens

If you love using colored pens then you can do the same thing with pens as I did with washi tape before. Just assign a certain color pen to each category. My favorite colored pens are the Paper Mate Flairs. They have so many different colors, and they don’t bleed through the page.

How to Organize Your Planner with Washi Tape 8

The only problem with the colored pens is that if you don’t always have your pens with you, then it becomes difficult to keep this up. I tend to be OCD so it drove me crazy. You could always write in pencil and then write it in the colored pen later.

Using Page Flags

Another option that adds dimension and color to your pages while staying organized is to use the decorative page flags. I have several in different colors and designs. They remove easily from the page if needing to rearrange anything.

Tips for Back to School Planner Organization Collage

Use the same concept as the colored pens and washi tape. Why not use a combination of them all and really add more color to your pages to make your day brighter? I have found the prettier it looks and is written down, the more likely I am to get things done. Our minds play such tricks on us huh?

Using Sticky Notes

On my weekly view, I always have several sticky notes attached to keep lists of groceries, to-do items, etc. When I am done with the list, all I have to do is peel it off and I have a fresh new sticky note for the next day.

Tips for Back to School Planner Organization Collage

My Current Planner

The Happy Planner is my most current planner, and man do I love it! The cover designs and designs on the pages throughout are gorgeous. The binder hooks are beautiful. Check out my post on tips for back to school planner organization to see more detailed views and how I use it specifically.

Tips for Back to School Planner Organization Collage

And no, I’m not getting paid to say all those wonderful things about The Happy Planner. I really just love it that much and all the accessories they have to go along with it.

Last and MOST Important Tip

Start each week on Sunday afternoon planning for the week ahead. For me personally, I know exactly what needs to be done and can plan ahead. I also feel as if I am getting a fresh start to my week. This may be a small detail but SUPER helpful.

Do you have a favorite way to stay organized every day and keep the chaos to a minimum? Let me know. I always love to find new ways to stay organized using my planner.

In order to keep the craziness of life under control, it really pays to plan ahead. Find out how to use your daily planner to stay organized and plan ahead.

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. 


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4 replies
  1. Kendra @
    Kendra @ says:

    These tips are all awesome, Bethany! I have that exact planner and I agree, it’s such a happy planner! I love the use of washi tape and will have to start using that too! Have a great week!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you so much!! The Happy Planner is definitely the best. I honestly can’t get enough of washi tape and am always trying to find new ways to use it. Have a wonderful week!!!

  2. Michelle - Jarrah Jungle
    Michelle - Jarrah Jungle says:

    I have a happy planner as well and I’m absolutely loving it, it’s much more creative and interesting that my usual diary/organiser. I like your ideas about categorising and using washi tape, I will have to try that!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you so much! The Happy Planner truly is “happy.” I think adding the washi tape and colored pens just makes it more colorful and fun to use and stay organized. Then it doesn’t seem so much like a chore anymore.

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