Using Acrylic Paints in the Illustrating Bible

Today I’m excited to show you how I’m using acrylic paints in the Illustrating Bible. Because this Bible is brand new and has 75% thicker pages, I want you to be able to see exactly how these pages are going to handle the paint compared to traditional journaling Bible pages. 

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LAUNCH DAY IS HERE!!! That’s right! Launch day for what though exactly? The Illustrating Bible is now available to order. If you have been looking for a journaling Bible that was spiral bound and would lay flat making all your creative dreams come true, then that day is today.

Get All the Details of the Brand New Illustrating Bible


Get All the Details of the Brand New Illustrating Bible

Today I can’t wait to share how the Illustrating Bible pages handled using acrylic paint. But first if you haven’t heard of the Illustrating Bible and want to know more about its features and in detail, then check out my post HERE. There is a YouTube video on that page as well that shows a flip-through of the Bible up close and how the pages handled using watercolors.

Get All the Details of the Brand New Illustrating Bible

But for now, grab yourself a little treat and catch the video below that will show you how I used the acrylic paints and also the opposite side so you can check out if there was any bleed through or shadowing.

I will definitely be using acrylic paints more in my Bible especially now that these pages are 75% thicker than most traditional Bible pages. I can tell the possibilities are going to be endless when it comes to creating in this new Bible.

Get All the Details of the Brand New Illustrating Bible

Hope you are going to join me on this journey of really creating a legacy of a Bible that can be passed down for generations. Let me know in the comments below if you are going to be grabbing your Illustrating Bible. I would love to know as well if you would like to see any other supplies used in this Bible. God bless!

Get All the Details of the Brand New Illustrating Bible

Today I'm excited to show you how I'm using acrylic paints in the Illustrating Bible. Because this Bible is brand new and has 75% thicker pages, I want you to be able to see exactly how these pages are going to handle the paint compared to traditional journaling Bible pages. 


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4 replies
  1. Karen
    Karen says:

    I just ordered this bible!! Eek!! Do you put anything over your art to keep it from transferring to the opposite page? I’m about to try Gelatos… previously I’ve only used pencils and chalk.

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Oh yay!!! So excited for you to get it. You are going to love it and be so amazed by all its awesomeness. The acrylic paints do not transfer to the opposite page as long as the page has dried before closing the Bible. I love using gelatos. It is definitely one of my most favorite supplies. I have other tutorials on gelatos if you are looking for any other ideas. Have fun and enjoy!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      That roll was actually given to me at a blog conference several years ago. I am not sure of the brand. I am so sorry.

      It is definitely one that I go to often and will miss when it runs out. I sure hope you can find some at a local craft store.

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