Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

For those of us who have always wanted to be artist and dreamed of that God-given talent, I am here to help you at least some. Many people are nervous to start Bible journaling because they feel they aren’t artistic enough and will just mess up. You can use coloring pages for Bible journaling and no one will ever know that you didn’t really draw it.

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

If you missed my recent post about Bible Journaling for Beginners with tips and supplies to get you started, then be sure to check it out as well (especially if you have no clue what I’m talking about). When I started Bible journaling, I easily became intimidated by others beautiful drawings in their margins. I love DIY and craft but just drawing in general is not exactly my forte. That’s where coloring pages have become my best friend.

Bible Journaling with Coloring Pages (For the Not-So Artistic)

First you are going to need some colored pencils. I found these Prismacolor Premier Watercolor Pencil set at Michaels and have fell absolutely in love with them. The metal case is also so durable that I don’t have to worry about breaking them when I’m traveling either.

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

They can be used as traditional colored pencils or as watercolors. I love the versatility there. Check out this assortment of colors. I love bright colors!

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

Next you are going to need some coloring sheets to use. Click here and select “free pages” to download your own free Prismacolor coloring pages!

The paisley and circles are personally my favorites. They are definitely great to use in the margins of my Bible because I can choose to only use part of the coloring page and not cover up any words in my Bible.

Grab your Bible, your coloring pages, and Prismacolor Premiere colored pencils and you are ready to go.

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

Place the coloring sheet under the page that you would like to draw on and tape it securely in place using washi tape. *I also place a piece of kraft paper underneath to keep anything from bleeding through the other pages. You can trace with either a pencil or a fine tip pen or marker.

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

I found this Prismacolor Premiere Illustration Marker at Michaels as well and love using it to trace my pages and use as the outline to color within.

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

Don’t worry about pencil marks showing either. Once you trace the pencil with a black pen or marker and then color in, it won’t be noticeable.

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

Once you have traced your design the way you want it, start coloring your Bible page with the colored pencils. If you are wanting a brighter color, the illustration markers would also work great.

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

I chose to illustrate the verse, “And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” From Nehemiah 8:10 ESV.

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

This past week has seemed like I am literally living a real-life nightmare. I will not give up. I will keep trusting in the Lord and use this verse to stand upon each and every day.

Between my faith and finding fun in creating in my Bible with fun craft supplies, I have been able to find that stress relief that I have so desperately needed. So now back to the coloring…

In order to use these as watercolors, all you need to do is lightly dip a paint brush in water and then rub off any excess on a paper towel first. Then brush over the Bible page and the coloring will become like watercolor. This technique is especially useful if you are not an artist per say and cannot free hand your watercolor drawings. *The picture below shows after the water has been brushed on.

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

I then added some alpha letter stickers and alpha stamps to quote the verse. I used a colored pencil to color over the verse instead of a highlighter that would easily bleed through.

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

The bright splashes of color really just made this whole page “POP” for me. I can still read the words through it too which is important to me. I used a color spray to give this effect.

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

Being able to color like a child again is a blast, but when combined with meditating on the Word, listening to worship music, and just coloring to my heart’s content, there is no better feeling.

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

Let me know in the comments below what your favorite verses are for those rough days. I would love to read them and even illustrate them in my Bible.

Use Coloring Pages for Bible Journaling

Head over to Michaels too and see for yourself all the Prismacolor Premiere products. Make sure to check out Michaels coupons for additional savings, in newspapers and online. Every little bit helps. Plus it makes you feel even better when you buy yours to know you saved some money at the same time.

You can also find lots of inspiration at Michaels Facebook, Michaels Instagram, and Michaels Pinterest. Adult coloring pages have literally swept the nation.

You don't have to be an artist to enjoy Bible journaling. Use coloring pages that are so popular right now and trace them onto your pages. Find out how to make this same entry at

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Prismacolor, but all my opinions are my own. I pinky promise! #pmedia #relaxandcolor

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.


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13 replies
    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you so much! I absolutely love the cover compared to one that is plain and no design. This one is not too much but just enough design.

  1. Lisa
    Lisa says:

    I never thought of tracing beautiful designs. I think this may be the little push I needed to confidently jump into Bible journaling! Thank you so much for the inspiration!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      I sure hope it does give you that push to just dive in and get started. There is no shame in messing up too. We are all going to make mistakes in our Bible and they are meant to be perfect. Tracing designs definitely helps to get all the gorgeous artwork if you can’t draw it yourself.

  2. Becca Goh
    Becca Goh says:

    What or how did you do the color spray? I love you how allowed yourself the freedom to do just that. It made your work pop!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      This particular color spray or color shine is from Heidi Swapp but you can find other brands in Micheals. I believe Michaels has a brand called Recollections that has some. I shake the bottle before using and then just spray the page from a distance. Do not spray too close to the page or it will go on too thick. Also try spraying in a sweeping motion to keep it from getting too thick and covering the scripture. I would recommend spraying on scrap paper first and also covering your work area or other page of Bible to keep from spraying other items.

      I hope this is helpful. Thank you for the sweet words. At first I thought the page was ruined since the pink was thicker than I wanted, but I still love how it turned out. Also stay tuned for a free 5 day ecourse that I will be sharing in the near future to also help with Bible journaling for beginners. I hope you will find it helpful as well. Have a wonderful day!

  3. Maria Jimenez
    Maria Jimenez says:

    I’ve actually been looking for a bible like that, I normally use an extra notebook to journal in but recently I’ve seen photos on Pinterest on bible journaling and I really want to start to do that. So my question to you is where did you get your bible?

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      OH I’m so glad to hear that you are joining this incredible journey. You are in for a real treat. This is the exact Bible that I use: (aff link.) Also check out on my blog the post with a journaling Bible round-up. It goes into detail of lots of different kinds so you can compare your options all in one place and decide what works best for you.

      Check out my FREE 5 day eCourse that is perfect for beginners and will help you get on track to the most incredible adventure you have ever been on:

      And for even better good news and perfect timing for you starting, my eBook “Adventures in Bible Journaling: An Extensive Beginner’s Guide to Art and Bible Journaling” will be available Tuesday morning. This is also more goodness with lots of tutorials to help you in your Bible.

      I hope all this information will help you and bless your relationship with Jesus Christ even more. Let me know if you have any other questions. Have a wonderful week!

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