Update and Progress of Encamped Study

I thought it would be helpful to share an update and progress of Encamped study with how I have been working through each day. 

We have just begun the fifth week of the Encamped Study. What an amazing and powerful journey it has been. If you missed all the details before, you can still check out my Encamped study set-up and get all the details for getting started. It is never too late. 

Encamped Study Set-Up

For today though I wanted to share an update on my progress and help you work through the study no matter what day you are on. You are never behind so please don’t stop. Keep studying and you will be blessed by the Holy Spirit. 

Update and Progress of Encamped Study

In the video below, I am flipping through the pages of my study book and also sharing some fun crafty papercrafting for our weekly camp wars. 


One of my most favorite parts of this study has been the weekly crafty project where our two troops go head to head for camp wars. The crafty badge for week 1 has been my favorite so far where we created a spirit board. 

Update and Progress of Encamped Study

Even though the crafty part is so fun, I want you to remember to keep your focus on God’s Word and digging deeper. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. I love using the Enduring Word commentary but ultimately I want the Holy Spirit to speak to my heart what He has for me most. 

Update and Progress of Encamped Study

So let me know in the comments below if you are studying through Encamped or hope to join soon! I would love to know where you are at in this journey and cheer you on! God bless!!

Update and Progress of Encamped Study

I thought it would be helpful to share an update and progress of Encamped study with how I have been working through each day. 


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