You won't skip over the clearance aisle again after you see how much  paid for this magnetic board and how she turned it into a useful chalkboard to plan her week.

One of my favorite things about shopping is looking for items that are significantly marked down that I can fix up a little and make them either brand new or give them a different use. Which is why this upcycled framed chalkboard made my day. I found this chalkboard at Marshalls but wasn’t loving the bright green to use in my craft room. I have nothing against bright green. It just didn’t match my décor. My bedroom as a child at my parent’s house actually had lime green walls.

Upcycled Framed Chalkboard 1

The chalkboard had been marked down to final clearance because of a small scratch on the chalkboard that wasn’t noticeable at all. Plus I’m sure the green wasn’t appealing to everyone either. Well it was my day because the framed chalkboard was only $3.00!!! That’s right- just $3.00. I couldn’t believe it. The frame around it is very nice and not cheaply made at all either.

Upcycled Framed Chalkboard 2

Even though this find was specifically a chalkboard, the same concept works for any framed picture. You can always find old framed pictures at yard sales or local thrift stores and turn it into a chalkboard for the same purpose.

What you will need:

Chalkboard or framed picture

Black spray paint– I needed the spray paint to cover the bright green chalkboard. If using a framed picture, then you will probably not need it.

Black chalkboard paint

Foam brush

Upcycled Framed Chalkboard 3


Chalk marker– optional

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Moistened Q-tips

Let’s get started:

First I removed the chalkboard from the frame. If using a framed picture then remove the piece of glass.

Next I painted the chalkboard black with spray paint in order to cover the bright green completely before painting it with the chalkboard paint. You may want to do the same to the piece of glass if you worry that the chalkboard paint does not cover the glass evenly allowing the picture to show through the glass.

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Once spray paint has dried, paint the board or glass with the chalkboard paint using a foam brush being sure to brush horizontally until the entire board is covered. I have found that the foam brush seems to give the most even appearance without all the normal brush bristle marks. A roller would also give an even finish but didn’t want to have to dirty one up and then clean it too.

Let the paint dry and sit for about 1 hour and then paint it again being sure to now brush vertically. Let the paint dry again for at least one hour before continuing.

*Be sure to read your specific bottle’s directions for the best way to apply your chalkboard paint for the best finish.

Once all the paint is dry, place your chalkboard back into the frame and secure in place.

Before writing on the chalkboard, you will need to cure it. Take a piece of chalk and rub it on the entire board.

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Then wipe it clean with a damp cloth. You are now ready to write on your chalkboard of course with either chalk or chalk markers which tends to make it easier.

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Because I want to use mine for a weekly to-do list for a possible organization station in my craft room in the future, I chose to add the days of the week but didn’t want to free hand everything.

I chose a font on my computer that I liked and measured the board to see how large I wanted the wording to be. Once you have the right size and font, print your words or letters.

Rub chalk on the back of the piece of paper and then place directly on the board where you want your words or letter to be. Using a piece of chalk, copy over the writing with a firm pressure.

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You can now remove the paper and you will see an outline of what you just copied over on the paper.

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Write over the design or wording using a chalk marker to make it easier or with chalk again to make it more pronounced.

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You can remove any excess chalk using a moistened Q-tip to give a clean and neat appearance depending on the look you desire.

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Once you are happy with the way things look and your design is complete, hang your board and keep yourself organized just a little bit more each day.

The best part too is that if you change your mind about the design you want or need to change your weekly to-do list, you can easily by just using a damp cloth.

You can also find different colors in chalk markers to add more style than just the traditional white. I personally love the look of the white chalk by itself. I plan to add more color by hanging some other pictures and décor beside the chalkboard. Sometimes simple is just better.

I hope this encouraged you to keep your eyes open the next time you are shopping. Instead of just passing over the clearance aisle without a second glance, stop and let your creativity come alive. You may be surprised at what you can think of and how to reuse great items that just need a little tending to.

I could walk into a store and buy the same item for much more money without the effort, but that just isn’t me. I love a DIY project first but probably even more than that, I love to save money! Why spend the extra money when you don’t have to and can enjoy recreating something.

I truly enjoy shopping. There is no denying that fact but I must never forget to enjoy the little things in life, even when that is a $3.00 chalkboard.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have. 

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  1. […] dresses and colors. My craft room was also needing a little something extra on one wall beside my weekly chalkboard that I repurposed from a clearance find so why not frame those gorgeous ladies and show them off. I […]

  2. […] so I went ahead and hand lettered it, but you could use the same technique that you can find here that I used before with my upcycled weekly chalkboard using a specific font. I thought about hand […]

  3. […] Upcycled Framed Chalkboard […]

  4. […] that with just a little work are new again and can be upcycled into something great. I found this chalkboard on clearance for almost nothing and was able to turn it in to something even better that would have […]

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