Unboxing Revival Camp Old Testament Devotional Kit

Come admire this unboxing Revival Camp Old Testament devotional kit from Illustrated Faith as we begin this virtual traveling adventure together this summer.  

Thank you to Illustrated Faith for sponsoring this post. All opinions are mine alone. I pinky promise. 

Who is ready to board this virtual plane with me and let’s travel the world through the Old Testament?! I know I am! That means Revival Camp 2019 is back!! Oh what fun and a joy it is every year. And next month we will continue our travels through the New Testament. Grab your kit for this month at Illustrated Faith and let’s get going. 

Unboxing Revival Camp Old Testament Devotional Kit

Below is a video sharing everything included in the kit as well as a few add-ons. (The add-ons are no longer available from IF, but you can purchase them from scrapbook.com.) Also you can grab the digital copy of the devotional content from IF if you prefer. 


I love the passport devotional booklet to continue with our theme of traveling. It’s so creative and fun! 

Unboxing Revival Camp Old Testament Devotional Kit

Plus we even have stamps to mark off each travel destination, or devotional, as we go on this adventure. 

Unboxing Revival Camp Old Testament Devotional Kit

Make sure to mark your entries with a camp badge sticker too!

Unboxing Revival Camp Old Testament Devotional Kit

Stay tuned as I will be back very soon sharing ideas for embellishing your passport book and staying organized with supplies during this traveling adventure. Who is ready to board the plane and see the Old Testament with me? Grab your kit HERE and let me know below in the comments. 

Unboxing Revival Camp Old Testament Devotional Kit

Come admire this unboxing Revival Camp Old Testament devotional kit from Illustrated Faith as we begin this virtual traveling adventure together this summer.  


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2 replies
  1. Craftingismyhappyplace
    Craftingismyhappyplace says:

    Hi Bethany!
    Thank you for the unboxing. I just received my Revival Camp Kit today, so it was fun to look through it at the same time with you.
    In describing the washi tape, the words you were looking for were “Street Map” or “Road Map.” My mind is a sieve these days, so I truly empathize with you. (I think it’s called motherhood ?.)
    Also in today’s mail: A package from Dayspring with both Holley Gerth kits as well as several IF goodies. You convinced me on the “What’s True About You” kits. Now I need uninterrupted time to enjoy all ☺️.
    I look forward to seeing how you work through the kits. Thanks again!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      You’re so welcome! That is so fun. I’m so glad you got it today too and what perfect timing.

      Haha! I sure am glad you know what it’s called. Definitely motherhood but wouldn’t have it any other way.

      Oh I’m so glad you were able to grab the Holley Gerth kits from DaySpring too. I love the watercolor florals and stamps in the 2nd kit so much. I hope you can find time during this long weekend to do just that.

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