Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle {During the Busyness of Life}

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There is no doubt that we all feel better when we are actually living a healthier lifestyle. I know that I have more energy than ever. I sleep like a baby leaving me so refreshed the next morning. My focus and motivation to get work done seems to be even better which makes me feel accomplished.

With a few simple tips, you are on your way to eating and living healthier for a better life. Get all the tips at and make today a new day now!

Really there aren’t any negative effects of living healthier. At least I haven’t found any yet and don’t know of anyone else who has either. The only problem is actually getting started. That is usually the hardest part. Once you do, then you are golden.

I have several tips to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle especially during the busyness of life.

1. Incorporate Protein into Your Diet

I know that for me, I find myself becoming shaky and weak when I’m not eating protein. Sometimes when things are hectic and busy, it isn’t always easy to be able to stop and prepare a meal with a meat.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle {During the Busyness of Life}

Now thanks to EAS, I can grab their on-the-go portable packets with 100% whey single serving protein and throw it in my purse for later. I found this single serving packets at Target in the pharmacy department.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle {During the Busyness of Life}

If you are busy in the mornings and don’t have time to cook breakfast, then this would be the perfect option for you. Pour some milk or water into a cup to take with you and your breakfast is now taken care of.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle {During the Busyness of Life}

Please know that this protein supplement is not a magic fix, but is perfect to add to an already healthy lifestyle which brings me to my next tip.

2. Establish an Exercise Routine

It is not just enough to say on Sunday night, I am going to work-out 4 times this week. You need to determine what days, at what time, and what exercise you will be performing. I have planned so many times with good intention to work-out and then life happens. I am too tired once I get off work, and then I no longer have that same motivation.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle {During the Busyness of Life}

If I write it down and keep myself accountable with a plan then I am much more apt to keep my exercise plans. You must also stay in that routine to be successful. Don’t stop or get out of a routine because it’s always harder to start again. Make things easier for yourself, not harder.

3. Plan Your Meals for the Week Ahead

There is nothing more frustrating than exercising to only find that you don’t know what to make for dinner because there are no groceries. So then you end up heading to get take-out which we all know isn’t healthy.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle {During the Busyness of Life}

If you will plan your meals for the week ahead of time and buy your groceries accordingly, then your meals for the week ahead are already planned and just have to be made. It is so much easier to stick to a healthier lifestyle when you know what you are going to eat ahead of time. This is especially helpful for me after a stressful or long day at work when I really just want to go splurge.

4. Drink Lots of Water

I don’t know how to stress the importance of water for our bodies. Water is the best thing we can drink and put in our bodies to keep us hydrated. Water helps so many different organs and is instrumental in a healthier lifestyle.

I recommend getting a cup or water bottle that you really love to keep with you all day to drink water throughout the day. For me a cute cup is encouraging and makes me want to drink it. (Kinda weird? But it works.)


Now get out there and put your mind to living healthier! If you would like to try EAS Protein, you can get 5% off at Target with THIS Cartwheel offer.

Click HERE to find out other ways to incorporate EAS Protein into your daily life. Let me know in the comments below if you have any suggestions for me that have helped you live healthier.

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

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