Comparison of Letter Boards from Different Brands

Surprise!!!! Big news… is on the blog today. I can’t wait to share a little secret that I’ve been keeping for a while. I still can’t believe it myself.

It is with the most absolute and sheer joy of happiness for me to be writing this post today to share with all of you. This has probably been one of my hardest post to write though because it is so hard to get down exactly how I’m feeling into words. I want to be able to express perfectly how my heart feels so I can come back and read this one post over and over and over. I don’t always share a lot of my personal life on here, so I’m anxious and excited to do so today. I hope to be able to let that guard down a little more today and hopefully bless someone else at the same time. So I’m just going to go ahead and put it out there…


SURPRISE!!! Big news...

First I want to say that I am eternally grateful and amazed at God’s goodness in my life. We don’t understand His plans always, but you can also guarantee that when you have walked through a season then you will be able to look back and always see His hand was at work and that He never left your side.

Becoming pregnant is not always a simple “Hey let’s try to have a baby,” and then the next month you miss your period and have a positive pregnancy test. Not everyone gets pregnant even on birth control by accident. Not everyone has a honeymoon baby. For others the day that stick says positive feels like it will never come. You see every other woman in your life posting on social media or announcing to family that special day came for them. Well that was exactly the case for me for the last several years. All I had ever wanted to be since a young girl was a wife and Mom. When you suddenly hear the enemy whispering lies that those dreams will never become a reality, your faith must rise. (Much much easier said than actually done.)

I had married my prince charming and had dreams come true almost 7 years ago. Then when this hurdle came along, the enemy was sure to be there to try and knock me down. But I just wouldn’t have it. I couldn’t. I could not live the rest of my life wondering how things would have been different if I would have just stayed faithful to God’s Word and depend on His will and not mine. Now getting to that point where you can lay your own dreams aside is another whole story. It took me many long days, nights, tears, questioning, screaming, and so much more to finally say “God, my life is not mine but yours.” God never once left me and knew that my dreams would come true. I just had to be faithful and depend on Him.

Depending where you are in a season of your life, please be reminded today through this post that I don’t take your pain lightly or careless. I pray for all those that are hurting in much the same way that my husband and I did too. There are days that you probably feel completely alone. I know I did. It doesn’t matter that someone else knows how you feel, you just don’t want to hurt and want things to be different. I get it. I felt that way too. What I can say is that God will never leave you. Knowing I had Him on my side is what helped me through each and every day.

Second, my husband is an absolute rockstar!! My first trimester consisted of nausea all day long. *Now for a little disclaimer, I am not complaining when I mention pregnancy symptoms. These are just the facts. I’m grateful for these symptoms no matter how bad I may feel at the time.

For many weeks, Mark was the one that cooked, cleaned, did laundry, took care of our puppies, and so much more. He never complained one bit, but was genuinely excited to be able to help me since I am the one that carries the baby. He felt like he could be a part in helping me and our baby. And man was he a huge help. I felt guilty just laying on the couch after work every day and sleeping majority of the time. But both our Moms assured me that I should enjoy every minute of it and get all the rest I could now. Great advice by the way.

Below are several pictures that we have been taking each week of the baby bump from week 16-week 23. I am about 24 1/2 weeks when this post goes live. I want to come back next week and share our story of how we found out I was pregnant and maybe a little bit about how the journey has been so far so make sure to keep your eye out for that. And please let me know in the comments if you have anything you would like for me to pray about for you. Or if you feel comfortable, let me know if you can relate to how we felt. There is so much to say about not being alone during those tough times of life.

SURPRISE!!! Big news... SURPRISE!!! Big news... SURPRISE!!! Big news...


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22 replies
  1. Esther
    Esther says:

    Congratulations! A new baby is always exciting! When it comes after years of waiting and praying, how much more. God bless.

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you so much! Yes it is so very exciting. Still in shock some days. It definitely means so much to us and we are so grateful after the time that has passed when we prayed. Thank the Lord!

  2. Carol Sferra
    Carol Sferra says:

    How wonderful!!!!! So happy for you!! My daughter sruggeled with infertility and finally ended up adopting….twice!!! What a thrill that was for us all! Blessing to you,hubby and precious little one. We serve an awesome God!! Merry Christmas!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Yes it is such a a blessing! I hate that she had to go through that but I know she wouldn’t trade her children for anything now. And parents to adopt is so needed so they were definitely a blessing to the kids too.

      Yes we do serve an awesome God!! He deserves all the praise! Hope you have a Merry Christmas too!

  3. Alice Fulton
    Alice Fulton says:

    Congratulations! So exciting! Personally I was one who had no trouble getting pregnant…I’d say let’s have a baby, and the next month I was pregnant. I now know what a blessing that was. Our oldest daughter, Jaime, and her husband have tried for many years to get pregnant, to no avail. Please pray and ask God to bless them with a baby of their own, according to His will. Christmas Blessings to you and your husband. Love, Alice

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you so much! I am glad that you didn’t have to deal with any issues getting pregnant and that you were able to have such a blessing. I am so sorry to hear about your daughter and her husband as well. I will definitely keep them in my prayers for God’s will in their life. And thank you again for all the sweet words. You have been such a blessing to me too.

  4. Teresa
    Teresa says:

    Congratulations, Bethany. Forty years ago my husband no I were where you and your hubby are now. We thought God’s plan for our family was through adoption. But just as we began that process I went for a yearly check-up and discovered I was pregnant. I can still remember sitting on that stool hearing the words, “Your pregnant” with tears streaming down my face!
    I also remember the long road to that place-the pain of everyone else being pregnant and I wasn’t. Like you said, many, many tears. But God….always faithful, always there.
    Many blessing for you, hubby, and your much awaited little one.

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you so much!!! I hate that y’all went through that too. Yes, I will be sharing more of our story when we found out soon, but I was in such complete shock when I found out that I just didn’t even know what to do. It’s like I couldn’t thank the Lord enough or find the right words because my heart was so full of gratitude.

      God is so faithful!!! I am so glad that I have Him to lean on everyday. I don’t see how people do it without Him and His peace.

  5. Kesha
    Kesha says:

    Such a sweet Blessing! I am so happy for you and your husband! I am so thankful for God’s amazing love and His perfect timing! Blessings to you and your sweet family!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you so much! We are so excited and thrilled at God’s goodness. His timing truly is perfect. Blessings to you and yours too! Merry Christmas!

  6. Mary
    Mary says:

    Oh I am ecstatic for you both!!!! Congratulations!!! I will be praying for you and baby. Being a mom is the greatest joy God has ever blessed me with. I lost my first when he was 2 months old. I prayed and begged and pleaded with God to allow me to have another. Four years later I had my daughter. But God wasn’t done yet. He has blessed me with 4 more little ones. Waiting on His timing is hard, but well worth the wait. God bless!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you so much!! We are just ecstatic and can’t believe what a blessing this is. We appreciate your prayers so much! I hate to hear what you had to go through as well but so happy to know that you have been blessed with many children. Thanks again and Merry Christmas!

  7. Stephanie
    Stephanie says:

    Ohhhh congratulations! You look amazing with the pregnancy glow! I stumbled upon your website through Bible journaling searching on youtube. Thank you thank you for helping me find a way to enjoy reading the Bible! We got pregnant on our honeymoon and then again when we bought our first house. I laughed and said big purchases brought on babies. But then I have seen through my brother-in-law and wife who have been trying for almost 10 years, the pain of not being pregnant each and every month. I can’t even imagine. She has stayed strong in her faith and blogged about it because writing helps her, but I think with her readers, she may be helping ones that are in her shoes. So, enjoy the moment. 🙂 Maybe not the nauseous moments, but the other ones! LOL! And when the baby comes, don’t ever comfort a crying baby by walking around. My husband learned that mistake the first time. Lol! He made sure to be comfortably seated with our second daughter. Merry Christmas!!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      You are just too sweet. I feel like I’m glowing all the time and can’t stop smiling but not sure that I actually have “the glow,” but I will take it anyways. I just love it! Thanks for the advice too. I am trying to soak in every moment now and want to once I’m holding my baby!

      I’m so glad to hear that you are enjoying reading your Bible and being able to study through Bible journaling. It has truly made such a HUGE impact on me and my study time. Let me know if I can ever do anything to help you.

      Merry Christmas!!!

      I will definitely keep your family in my prayers. So many people are hurting and dealing with the same issues that we sometimes forget. I pray for big blessings in their lives. I would love to know what her blog is and check it out.

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