Studying the New Testament with She Reads Truth

Later this month I will be studying the New Testament with She Reads Truth and cannot wait to dig deeper into God’s Word and learn all that I can. 

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This year it has been such a joy for me to dig deeper into God’s Word and gain more and more knowledge of His Word and who He is. I am finishing up She Reads Truth This is the Old Testament study guide now and looking forward to the This is the New Testament study guide to begin July 19th. (Check out more about the OT guide HERE if you missed it.) 

Studying the New Testament with She Reads Truth

This study is set up to give you a foundation knowledge and basic idea of each book of the Bible. It also directs you to other scriptures throughout the Bible to show how all of scripture points to Jesus Christ and our redemption. I also love seeing how the prophecy in the OT is fulfilled in the NT. 

Studying the New Testament with She Reads Truth

The She Reads Truth Bible has also been a great compliment to the study with each book being color coded similar to the guides according to their genre. I love writing more notes in my Bible that I have taken away while reading through the guide. 

Review and Flip-Through of She Reads Truth Bible

And y’all know how much I love my Zebra Mildliners. I have used a different color for each genre as I worked through the OT and plan to do the same for the NT. Below are the genres and coordinating colors of Mildliners when working through the NT study guide. 

Studying the New Testament with She Reads Truth

Genres: Color Name

Gospels: Gold

Church History: Blue Green

Pauline Epistles: Smoke Blue or Summer Green

General Epistles: Violet or Dark Blue

Apocalyptic: Red

Check out the video below to see This is the New Testament study guide up close as I flip through the pages and share how to use the SRT Bible along with it. 


Don’t forget to grab your study guide and use this LINK to get $5.00 off your order. You can also still grab the OT guide if you missed it before. 

Studying the New Testament with She Reads Truth

Alright so I got to know if you worked through the OT guide too and how much you enjoyed it. Let me know in the comments below or if you plan to start with the NT. God bless!

Studying the New Testament with She Reads Truth

Later this month I will be studying the New Testament with She Reads Truth and cannot wait to dig deeper into God's Word and learn all that I can. 


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3 replies
    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      I hope you enjoy it! I know the OT one has been such a blessing to me and helping me understand the Word even more. You are so welcome!

  1. Karen Piete
    Karen Piete says:

    I will be joining you in the New Testment study on the 19th. I got the old Testamnet study in time to do the last 2 weeks and will go back after the New Testament study and go through it. I would love to see a flip through of your She reads Truth Bible for the Old testament Bethany!

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