Round-Up of Bible Journaling Entries using Stronger Together Devotional Kit

Come check out my round-up of Bible journaling entries using Stronger Together devotional kit for sessions 1 through 4. 

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The devotional kit for June, Stronger Together, is definitely one that I needed to read and focus on even though it may not be the most comfortable topic for me. But it’s the hard and tough subjects that really bless us the most when we devote ourselves to letting God work on us. I thought it would be fun to show a round-up of my Bible journaling entries for sessions 1-4 and also the bonus stamp set. Below you will also find a flip-through of my Bible in a video.

Stamping Tutorial with Gelatos and Stronger Together Devotional Kit

Round-Up of Bible Journaling Entries using Stronger Together Devotional Kit

Session 1/Gather

Round-Up of Bible Journaling Entries using Stronger Together Devotional Kit

Session 2/Honor

Round-Up of Bible Journaling Entries using Stronger Together Devotional Kit

Session 3/Combine

Round-Up of Bible Journaling Entries using Stronger Together Devotional Kit

Session 4/Connect

Make sure to check out this post where I’m showing how I used the bonus stamp set to create my own little village using gelatos. Enjoy and God bless!

Come check out my round-up of Bible journaling entries using Stronger Together devotional kit for sessions 1 through 4 and using the bonus stamp set.


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