Top DIY Projects with Cricut Plus Bible Journaling Technique using Cuttlebug

Learn how to overcome any fears when starting Bible journaling. It is definitely worth pushing past that perfectionism to spend time in God’s word and worshiping Him through art and paper crafting at the same time.

Welcome back to Part 2 of my “All About the Bible Journaling” Series. If you missed Part 1, then be sure to check it out first and get more details about this series.

Learning any new skill can be daunting at times especially when you want to be perfect right away. The enemy is also so quick to tell you that you can’t do it or will just mess up so what’s the point. I am here today to let you know that he is wrong!!! There is a great reward that comes when you push past those fears and work hard no matter what. When that new hobby is Bible journaling and intentionally spending time in God’s word, the reward is even greater.

But there are still real fears that may try to keep you from enjoying a new craft. My goal today is that you will read this post and learn how to overcome any fears when starting Bible journaling. I myself am a perfectionist and sometimes delay starting new things because I don’t want to mess up a perfectly blank canvas. The greatest thing you can do though is mess up and learn from those mistakes whether with journaling or with life in general. I’ve also learned that most of the time what I first behold as a mistake is actually something beautiful that teaches me a new technique. Below are a few fears of my own that I hope you will kick out of your mind right now!

Top DIY Projects with Cricut Plus Bible Journaling Technique using Cuttlebug

“What if I mess up?”

You might as well go ahead and tell yourself, “I am going to mess up, and it is perfectly okay.” There is no way we can be perfect. With your Bible page, you will not be able to just rip it up and start over so better to come to grips with that fact now. The beauty with Bible journaling though is that you can easily fix your mistakes most of the time and no one will ever know. Washi tape and scrapbook paper go a long way sometimes. Everyone else will think your page and entry has been embellished with such cute accents. No one will ever know that you goofed and had to cover it up.

“What if I can’t afford all the supplies I will need?”

You don’t have to start out with a craft room full of supplies to get started. You just need a piece of paper or journal, a pen, and maybe some colored pencils. Truly that is all! Of course the key to Bible journaling is to have a Bible, specifically a journaling Bible, but if you can’t afford one right away then don’t let that stop you. You do not need tons of supplies either. I love my collection of supplies from over the years, but a pen or colored pencil will simply do for now. It does not have to be anything elaborate.

“What if I’m not an artist?”

Honey, I didn’t consider myself one either before I got started. I try to work on certain skills so I can improve them, but I am in no way professionally educated or trained when it comes to art. I have found numerous ways to “fake it til you make it” and still end up with gorgeous Bible entries. I took an art class in high school and absolutely loved it. I learned a lot but was never just “naturally” talented and certainly not the best in the class. I started figuring out though that being the best was not a requirement to enjoy myself. If we enjoy working with different art mediums, then I consider us all artists.

Bible Journaling Ideas Using Hymnal Book Pages

No matter how inadequate or afraid you are to start, I want to remind you throughout this whole adventure that the most important part of Bible journaling is to have a closer relationship with Jesus Christ through worship and creating while meditating on the verse or topic you are working on. Do not ever lose that focus. You will find yourself blessed by the scripture and wanting to dive into the Word more and more.

Now if you are so excited and anxious to get started, then you may want to go ahead and sign up for my free 5 Day eCourse that is perfect to jump start this new study tool of Bible journaling. You will receive a new email each day discussing a different topic or aspect with a little fun “homework” assignment each day to keep you accountable with getting started.

You can sign up here!

If you are even more ambitious, then check out my eBook, Adventures in Bible Journaling: An Extensive Beginner’s Guide to Art and Bible Journaling, to get even more information and tutorials. I have a Gold, Silver, and Bronze package depending on what you are looking for specifically. There are printables and also step-by-step video tutorials that make it even easier to understand so you can work right alongside me in your Bible.

"Adventures in Bible Journaling" and Most Favorite Entries

 Snag your copy now!

Learn how to overcome any fears when starting Bible journaling. It is definitely worth pushing past that perfectionism to spend time in God's word and worshiping Him through art and paper crafting at the same time.


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