Top DIY Projects with Cricut Plus Bible Journaling Technique using Cuttlebug

I’m sharing my top 3 tips for successful Bible journaling entries that will hopefully take the focus off of stressing for perfection and putting that focus on your relationship with Jesus and the time spent in His Word. 

I can’t believe this “All About the Bible Journaling” series is coming to an end today with my top 3 tips for successful Bible journaling entries. It has been a joy for me, and I hope you have learned so much.  The last time we talked in this series, I shared how to really top off and complete your Bible journaling entries by adding those extra little embellishments.

How to Use Acrylic Paint with Baby Wipe Technique for Bible Journaling

#1: Practice with new supplies.

By all means if you are feeling brave, then you can use new supplies for the first time on your Bible page. But if you want to become more familiar with a new art medium, then try practicing with it on scrap paper or possibly those extra pages in the back of your Bible. There are usually pages in the back that are either blank or an index for example that you could practice on. Because Bible pages are usually more thin than most, an art medium may act differently on them.

No Time for Perfection with Bible Journaling

#2: Have a rough idea or sketch of your entry.

Before you just start working, think about what you want the page to portray or remind you of when you come back to look at it later. Have an idea of what supplies you will be using as well. I have drawn rough sketches of my entries in the past so I can feel more comfortable with the entire layout once I get started.

Journaling in a Marriage for Stronger Communication Skills

#3: DIVE IN!

And if you really want to just have a ton of fun, then dive in right away and don’t look back. You will not regret it one bit. You will be so thankful and glad that you did when you can look back through at your entries and remember the time you spent with God and what those moments mean to you.

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Please remember that Bible journaling is about the time spent in the Word and worshipping our God through a creative outlet. Don’t try to put your focus too much on the technique. Your skills will continue to grow over time. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below though. I hope you enjoy and God bless!

Now that this series is complete, go ahead and sign up if you haven’t already for my free 5 Day eCourse that is perfect to jump start this new study tool of Bible journaling. You will receive a new email each day discussing a different topic or aspect with a little fun “homework” assignment each day to keep you accountable with getting started.

You can sign up here!

If you are even more ambitious, then check out my eBook, Adventures in Bible Journaling: An Extensive Beginner’s Guide to Art and Bible Journaling, to get even more information and tutorials. I have a Gold, Silver, and Bronze package depending on what you are looking for specifically. There are printables and also step-by-step video tutorials that make it even easier to understand so you can work right alongside me in your Bible.

"Adventures in Bible Journaling" and Most Favorite Entries

 Snag your copy now!

I'm sharing my top 3 tips for successful Bible journaling entries that will hopefully take the focus off of stressing for perfection and putting that focus on your relationship with Jesus and the time spent in His Word. 


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