My Morning Time Routine

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How you start your day off makes a big difference in how the rest of your day usually goes. I find that when I wake up positive and ready to get things done that my day will usually stay that way. Of course there will be times when bad things are going to come our way and happen, but I am so much more prepared to handle those days when I have started off right.

Start your morning off right to face whatever comes your way with a routine that gets you going. See these encouraging suggestions at

So now ladies I want to share with y’all my normal morning routine that helps to get me going.

I always like to start my day with prayer, quiet time, and reading my Bible. This happens to be a very important priority for me. I find comfort and peace to be able to handle whatever comes my way that day knowing that I am not alone and not having to fight my own battles.

Another priority for me is skincare. My Mom always taught me to wash my face daily and to be sure to remove my makeup every day. Finding skincare that is all natural and not harsh on my skin is also very important.

My Morning Time Routine

That’s when I came across the new Burt’s Bees Cleansing Oil at Target during a recent shopping trip. I have used Burt’s Bees in the past for chapped lips and dry skin and have always loved their products.

My Morning Time Routine

The cleansing oil is also made with coconut and argan oils which happen to be my favorites. I have used coconut oil for so many other uses and argan oil on my hair so I know how much they really do work and have helped me personally.

The cleansing oil is very easy to use and leaves my skin feeling so smooth and soft. I thought at first it may leave my face feeling oily because it is a different consistency than I am used to in the past, but I was pleasantly surprised that it didn’t.

First you rub a small amount on your face dry and then wet your hands and continue massaging over face. I dry my face with a hand towel patting gently, and now my face is hydrated again.

My Morning Time Routine

After I have washed it, I also use Burt’s Bees Maximum Strength Spot Treatment Cream where I have breakouts. It is very soft and leaves my skin feeling moisturized when I apply it. I worried that it may dry my face out at first as I have experienced with other brands, but this one doesn’t do that at all.

My Morning Time Routine

My last step is to apply a moisturizer to keep my skin hydrated. In the morning I like to apply one that also has a moisturizer.

The next part of my morning consist of feeding my furbabies. They mine as well be my babies.

Next is the workout. I usually enjoy walking on the treadmill or doing yoga or pilates. Some days are just harder than others and require a little more motivation than others.

After that I am usually ready to go and get to working whether that be on the blog or working around the house cleaning.

My day always feels more organized when I take the time to do the things that matter most to me and keep them a priority. When I don’t, I usually find that I don’t get nowhere near as much work done as I normally would.

What are your special tips for starting your day off right? I would love to know. I would also love to hear what Burt’s Bees products are your favorite too.

Also, if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on the goodness to others.

2 replies
  1. Amber Edwards
    Amber Edwards says:

    I think you have a great daily routine! It would definitely start me off on a good mood to begin my day with great skin care with Burt’s Bees cleansing oil. -client

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