March Baby and Pregnancy Update

Ready for my March Baby and Pregnancy Update??!! This will be the last one probably which seems crazy. Next will be a Baby Announcement. How fun! 

If you have missed any of the other posts about my pregnancy and would like to check them out, you can click HERE where they will all be listed. It has been such a joy to have all these moments written down to go back and look at for years to come. Today I am 37 1/2 weeks. I can’t believe that Baby Boy will be here later this month. This will be my last pregnancy update which just seems insane to me. The next update I post will be the announcement of our sweet baby. (*Catch a sneak peek of our nursery below. I’ll be sharing the reveal later.)

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

Last month I mentioned that I had several baby showers. Actually 3 in 1 week. I shared pictures from one shower. The next shower was thrown by my MIL and SIL. Everything was so special and a day we will never forget. I am still grateful and blown away by everyone’s generosity and love for our family.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

After all my showers, I thought it would be fun to share a collection of my top favorite baby gifts either we received or that we bought for him ourselves. Come see all the cuteness [here] if you haven’t already.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

Symptoms: This past month has had its challenges as I near the end of this pregnancy journey. I have mentioned rib pain, restless legs, muscle cramps, heartburn, etc. But as he keeps growing and each week passes, those symptoms seem to multiple or intensify. I am happy and grateful for such a healthy baby boy that is growing inside of me, so I really can’t complain. 

I really had not been swelling at all until this past month with some in my ankles and knees. The swelling seemed to get worst one week and started up my entire legs. I believe he was sitting so low on a nerve that was causing extreme leg pain with a burning sensation. Keeping them elevated and resting helps but that’s easier said than done of course.

Cravings: Lately I have been craving any type of pastry or sweet treat that you can think of that would be in an adorable bakery. For me right now, it seems to be all about the sweets. 😉 Or just a LARGE milkshake or blizzard from DQ will do too!

Pictures: Below are some pictures we have just taken randomly throughout the last month of me and Baby Boy along with my weekly bump photos.

March Baby and Pregnancy Update

March Baby and Pregnancy Update

March Baby and Pregnancy Update

Thanks for following along on this journey with us. We are just so thrilled and excited that I can’t help but share with others just how miraculous our God truly is. God bless you!


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