Life Update for My Family

I have been so excited to share a life update for my family in 2020 with y’all with some big changes that have happened to us already. 

Well if I said 2020 hasn’t been quite the year for everyone, then I would be just about crazy. I understand that this year has really been like none other. As I share some updates in our family from this past year, I first want to say that I don’t take lightly all the hardships and burdens that so many have experienced. At the same time, I try to keep my focus on God’s faithfulness and have gratitude for all His many blessings which is why I am so excited to share a few things with y’all today. 

You may have noticed that over the last few months, I have not been quite as active here on my blog, YouTube channel, or other social media channels. Many of you have sent sweet messages checking on me which means so much to me. And I have good reason for that too. To begin with, WE SOLD OUR HOME AND MOVED!! 

Life Update for My Family

Our Beautiful Home We Sold

We have been praying about this decision for several years but never felt the release to move forward. Earlier this year with continued prayer, the timing just seemed right. God was in the midst of the entire process! I won’t go into all the tiny details, but TRUST ME!! He cares about every detail of our lives. 

Life Update for My Family

Beautiful Sunset from Our Front Yard in Our Old House

We had tons of showings scheduled immediately with multiple offers within the first 24 hours of our house being listed. Our home was a Victorian style with very unique character and design. I knew it would sell if it was God’s will, but I also knew it would take a very unique buyer as well that would love its charm as much as we did. Well it did sell and fast. Thank you Lord! 

Life Update for My Family

One of the Last Pictures in Our Home Before Moving

Right before we made the decision to move forward with selling our home and before the quarantines started shutting things down, I found out another bit of good news. I AM PREGNANT!!

Life Update for My Family

Capturing that Growing Baby Bump

Yes, our family of three will soon be a family of four! I am currently almost 28 weeks pregnant and due in November! I was so shocked and surprised at first. But obviously very excited at the same time. If you have been here for a while, you may remember when I shared the details about our journey to having my son who is now a little over two years old. You can check out those posts HERE

Life Update for My Family

Enjoying Some Cuddles with Big Brother and Baby #2

Needless to say, it took time for us to get pregnant with him. But it was all in God’s timing which is perfect. So when we became pregnant this time so quickly, I was feeling all the emotions and pregnancy symptoms too. The nausea, food aversions, emotional roller coaster, exhaustion, and so much more were quickly making their appearance. I took a little time away from my blog and social media which is when all your sweet messages started pouring in. 

Life Update for My Family

Documenting Doctor Visits with This Little Bump

I cannot share this exciting news of ours without saying how much my heart is with those that have struggled and continue to when it comes to pregnancy. You are in my thoughts and prayers. But more than that, your Heavenly Father is near, faithful, and always present wiping every tear from your eyes. 

Life Update for My Family

Getting That Lovely Bloodwork Done

Now for the fun part…I want to know your guess for what baby #2 is going to be. Please let me know in the comments below and I’ll be sharing here on the blog the gender next week in a new blog post. If you already know, then shhhhh! Don’t tell! God bless y’all and thank you again for all your love and support always! 

Life Update for My Family

Enjoying Those Sweet Cravings and Relaxing


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21 replies
  1. Diana
    Diana says:

    How exciting for you! Praying all continues well and that sweet one arrives safely in November. Our first grandson was just born yesterday and we are over the moon!!!
    I’m going to guess you are expecting a baby girl!!!!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you so much for that prayer. That means so much to us. My prayers are for a healthy and strong baby with guardian angels around us that day.

      Congrats on your new and first grandson. I bet you are on cloud nine for sure. Hope him and Mom are doing great.

      I can’t wait to share the gender here. Stay tuned! I am planning to share here next week.

      • Karen Piete
        Karen Piete says:

        My guess is a girl and my prayer is for a health baby no matter what your sweet blessing from God gender is! What happy news you shared with us Bethany!

        • Bethany
          Bethany says:

          Thank you so much for that sweet prayer. I really do appreciate it. It was my pleasure to share this happy news as we’re so grateful!

  2. Rebeca
    Rebeca says:

    How exciting!! Oh dear friend so happy for you!! I thought something was going on but I didn’t want to ask as I think it would have been nosy of me but I and really happy and congratulations. I think it’s a girl.

  3. Cat
    Cat says:

    Congratulations, Bethany!!!! I already commented my guess on your Instageam stories and feed. I am thinking you are having a baby girl.
    I wish you and baby #2 good health

  4. Kathy
    Kathy says:

    I’m going guess a sweet little girl? God bless you! Prayers for a strong, healthy baby! No matter the gender, he or she is highly favored and loved by God! So excited for you!

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