Learn to Fall in Love and Stay in Love with the Bible

Bible study should never feel like a chore or another item on our to-do list. Learn to fall in love and stay in love with the Bible.

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Reading this is going to require some honesty on your part. Chances are you won’t be the only one that feels the way you do or has in the past. Especially if you are reading this post. Raise your (virtual) hand if you have ever felt like reading your Bible was a chore. Just another thing on my to-do list? Dreaded even opening the cover of your Bible? Then you felt guilty for even thinking such a thing? Disappointed in yourself for getting stuck in a rut?

Well if we are being honest, I think every single one of us reading this right now would all raise our hands if not both hands. I will be the first to admit that I have dreaded sitting down to even read a devotional must less my Bible. Then I finish reading feeling so guilty and disappointed in myself for even thinking such a thing. The next day comes around, and I stay diligent with studying for about a week or two. Then I feel like I am stuck in that same rut again and can’t seem to break this cycle. It starts to feel like a crazy ride at the fair that I just can’t get off of.

That terrifying ride seemed to change for me when I discovered Bible journaling. You know I love it and can’t get enough. For Pete’s sake, I am so passionate about it that I even wrote a book, Adventures in Bible Journaling: An Extensive Beginner’s Guide to Art and Bible Journaling, to hopefully encourage others to do the same and learn how to. I started looking forward to that quiet time to really dig into the Word and find those nuggets and revelations. Then I knew I would want to remember them and illustrate them in  my journaling Bible.

April Bible Journaling Challenge Plus FREE Printable

If you have no clue what Bible journaling is then I encourage you to start with this post, Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling, and then continue with other posts that I have written HERE full of tutorials, printables, and ideas to get you going.

Not only am I able to spend time with God when I’m journaling in my Bible, I am also praising Him through something that I love to do. I love papercrafting, painting, doodling, etc., but when I get to incorporate that into my Bible study, there is a new and fresh joy.

Now I’m not going to act as if those feelings we talked about earlier are not going to pop up at some point. The enemy knows our weaknesses and is the first to throw it in our face. Certain days will come where I just feel so tired and exhausted from the day, that I don’t even want to think about opening my Bible. I have learned though that these are the days that I need that time in God’s Word even more.

Now we all raised our hands earlier and were honest with ourselves, so let’s get off that crazy ride and dive back into the Word with a new found passion and love for God’s Word. No more guilt and no more shame. For me Bible journaling is what sparked that, but it may be something different for you which is why I can’t wait to share with you another resource that I know will bless your life. Shanna Noel is the founder and creator of Illustrated Faith, an online resource for all things Bible journaling which a numerous selection of Bible journaling products sold through Dayspring.

Learn to Fall in Love and Stay in Love with the Bible

She just released her latest book, 10 Ways to Fall in Love and Stay in Love with the Bible. You will find that me and you are not the only ones that have felt guilt or condemnation over not having a passion for the Bible. She has as well and guides you through what helped her most with 10 different tips. Don’t think of this book as just another self-help book that will only last for a little while and then you’re back on that ride before you know it. Pray before you start that the Holy Spirit will give you the power and strength with a new passion and zeal.

Learn to Fall in Love and Stay in Love with the Bible

Get a pencil or highlighter out and get ready to jot down notes in the margins and really mark this book up. There are so many simple nuggets that you will not want to forget. Plus be sure to get yours now because Dayspring is having a BIG storewide sale with 25% OFF using the coupon code FAITH25. (Coupon good through 4/24/17.) Grab this book at an already great price and then pick up some of her Bible journaling supplies now while you can save big time. Maybe you want to purchase a journaling Bible too so you can get it at its cheapest.


Learn to Fall in Love and Stay in Love with the Bible

And please let me know if you have any tips and ideas for keeping that passion and love for the Word going in the comments below. I would love to know, and I’m sure others would too. And the greatest of these is love,

Bible study should never feel like a chore or another item on our to-do list. Learn to fall in love and stay in love with the Bible.

3 replies
  1. Mary H
    Mary H says:

    I am so excited for this book! I got my copy yesterday and immediately broke it in! It is so encouraging that I am not alone when I have times when I struggle to spend time in the Word.

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Oh so exciting for you! I can’t wait to hear what you think about it too. It really is encouraging to know that we aren’t alone in times like that. I think the enemy tries to convince us otherwise to make us feel worst.

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