Laundry No Longer Has to Be Your Worst Enemy

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TotalBleachControl #CollectiveBias

Aren’t we always looking for something new to make our lives easier and simpler? It may be a new kitchen gadget to slice that pineapple or like it was for me recently when I found something new to use while doing laundry.

Laundry doesn't mean having to stand over the sink scrubbing to remove all those annoying stains. Check out how to make it easier at

So LAUNDRY… yes, that dreaded word. I don’t really know anyone who enjoys doing laundry or standing over the washing machine or sink just scrubbing those stubborn stains for hours and hours only to find that your work has been for nothing.

My favorite DIY jewelry cleaner has been a favorite with so many of y’all which is why I couldn’t wait to share this new cleaning idea. Be sure to come back this Friday too where I will be sharing another great cleaning idea to get you and the kiddos ready for back to school time.

One thing that makes laundry so tiring at times, besides scrubbing stains as I mentioned before, is the risk of possibly ruining your clothes by shrinking them or dying all those bright white towels light pink.

One thing that I do love to do besides laundry (wink wink) is making my husband happy. He seems to love when I wash his white shirts in bleach. He loves the fresh and clean smell. Plus Mark’s white t-shirts tend to become dingy and worn out easily especially in the underarms.

The one thing that makes me tend to “forget” to use bleach regularly is that sometimes I tend to be clumsy and don’t want to risk spilling it all over the clothes I’m wearing. I actually spilled laundry detergent behind the machine while trying to take pictures for this post.

Now I don’t have to worry about that anymore. I was thrilled to find the new Clorox® Bleach Crystals™ and Clorox® Bleach Packs™ at Walmart.

Laundry No Longer Has to Be Your Worst Enemy

Laundry No Longer Has to Be Your Worst Enemy

They are easy to use without the scare of spilling them on your own clothes you are wearing or on something else. The Clorox® Bleach Crystals™  are easily poured into a clear cap and then poured straight into the washing machine. And for something even simpler, try the Clorox® Bleach Packs™ that you can just throw in with no measuring at all.

Check out below how easy and quick my weekly laundry routine is now!

Laundry No Longer Has to Be Your Worst Enemy

Whenever I get stains on whites, I know exactly what to do. This summer will be so much brighter and simpler with the use of Clorox® Bleach Crystals™ and Clorox® Bleach Packs™ like with this shirt that is one of my favorites. I can lay in the grass and relax on a warm day without having to worry about ruining my clothes.  We all know how hard it can be to wear a white shirt and go out without spilling something on it.

Laundry No Longer Has to Be Your Worst Enemy

Summer means cookouts and ice cream which can get messy, but stains no longer have to worry me. Plus my whites will be brighter after using these even if we don’t have a messy day.

Your family will think you have gone through so much time and trouble to make their clothes bright and clean again, but we will know your little secret now. You can still get the same cleaning power that you trust while you just toss and go. Spend the extra time you would have spent scrubbing stains, instead relaxing in a bubble bath.

Laundry doesn't mean having to stand over the sink scrubbing to remove all those annoying stains. Check out how to make it easier at

Do you have any stains that you could beat with these products? If you do, I would love to know how this has helped you in the comments below. Plus, you can see how others are using their power to make their laundry routine simpler on Twitter and Facebook.

Enjoy the little things in life like saving time from doing laundry.

Also, if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on the goodness to others.

2 replies
  1. Andrea Kruse
    Andrea Kruse says:

    The first thing I thought of were popsicle stains! This time of year my kids love a cold treat, but those brightly colored frozen pops can stain shirts horribly! These new products would be perfect. [client]

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      That is so true. Popsicle and ice cream stains are definitely the typical accidents during summer, but they are so much fun to eat.

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