Keeping Bible Study Simple

Sometimes we tend to over complicate things including our time with God, but today I want to encourage you by keeping Bible study simple for a daily priority. 

Thank you to Illustrated Faith for sponsoring this post. All opinions are mine alone. I pinky promise!

During this season of my life, I am learning to take things slower and keep it more simple. That is really hard for me to do too. I love doing all the things when it comes to Bible journaling and devotionals. With baby #2 soon on its way, I am having to slow down for sure and give myself grace every day. 

Keeping Bible Study Simple

So today I want to encourage you to do the same if you are feeling overwhelmed here lately with trying to keep up or comparing yourself to everyone else. I love working through the monthly devotionals from Illustrated Faith and using all the supplies. But this past month with their newest kit, Mixtape, I am having to change things up a bit. 

Keeping Bible Study Simple

Check out the video below as I share some ideas for working through the kit using exclusively items from the kit and keeping it very simple. 


I don’t ever want anyone to not join a Bible study or get into the Word because they’re afraid they won’t be able to do it all. We don’t need comparison, but more grace and love. I hope you will join in the next time you start to doubt yourself too. God bless! 

Keeping Bible Study Simple

Sometimes we tend to over complicate things including our time with God, but today I want to encourage you by keeping Bible study simple for a daily priority. 


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