January Baby and Pregnancy Update

Pregnancy is such a special time in any Mom’s life. Check out my January baby and pregnancy update with lots of pictures and details of what has been going on with our sweet baby.

This pregnancy is just absolutely flying by! I can’t believe it. I just want time to slow down, but then again who doesn’t? I am 30 1/2 weeks today and in my 3rd trimester. When I first found out, it seemed like this day would never come, but yet here it is. We just recently shared the gender of Baby on the blog so check that out if you haven’t already and are curious to know. If you have missed any of the other posts about my pregnancy and would like to check them out, you can click HERE where they will all be listed. It has been such a joy to have all these moments written down to go back and look at for years to come.

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

The last month has been such a wonderful time full of lots of memories to get things prepared and ready for sweet Baby to arrive. I also celebrated my 30th birthday and had some family time during Christmas. Check out lots of pictures from what has been going on as well as my most recent weekly bump pictures. But first, let’s talk about Pregnancy Symptoms I have had this past month.

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

Symptoms: I wouldn’t say this is a symptom necessarily, but I have been definitely feeling Baby move and roll so much more. There is nothing really that makes my heart any happier than feeling those movements. When I start to feel uncomfortable and trying to not complain, those movements remind me how truly blessed I am and grateful to have such a miracle in my womb. Sometimes Baby even moves so hard or strong that it completely catches me off guard. Those little surprises are reminders to me of how truly blessed I am to be a Mom.

Heartburn, heartburn, and more heartburn. This stuff is no joke. I have modified my diet and also take medication daily, and at times it still seems to find a way to creep its ugly head at me. I had never really had problems with it before so for those of you that do, then I am so sorry.

Rib pain from all the stretching and Baby growing. I am 4’11” with a small torso. At my last ultrasound, the technician said there was already very minimal space left. For weeks now, I have rib pain specifically on my right side where he likes to hang out from the stretching and him growing. Most days and nights, I am sitting straight up to try and keep my stomach and ribs from being more slumped over and hurting more.

Restless legs are a beast! During the evening hours when I should be relaxing on the couch with my feet propped up, my restless legs just don’t seem to want to let me. I usually end up getting up and walking around the living room and house making laps to try and get my muscles to relax. On the bright side though at least I’m getting my steps in and some more movement.

Cravings: I have never been a fan of milk much unless dipping a chocolate chip cookie in it, but I have loved chocolate milk especially and milk in my cereal (which I used to eat dry before). I also love anything chocolate. Before I wasn’t a huge chocolate fan even though I did enjoy it from time to time. Now I want chocolate ice cream and milkshakes. Also add hot cocoa to that list of chocolate. It has been divine during these winter months.

Lots and Lots of Pictures: Now for picture overload showing a few of my favorite memories from the past month mostly.

I celebrated my 30th birthday in December. I just love birthdays, but this one was especially sentimental to me for not even the big 30. It was my first birthday with Baby. Mark surprised me and even had a card that read “Mommy” from Baby. I just cried and cried with all that emotion.

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

Because I turned 30, Mark wanted to do something special for me. What I really wanted was a trip to the beach right after Christmas so we would have something fun to look forward to. Plus it would be our last trip together before Baby comes. We absolutely had the best time just relaxing and spending the time together. Definitely one of our favorite trips besides our honeymoon. Water was beautiful and clear, sand was white, and sun was just glowing.

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

As you can see below, the bump is growing more and more to where my toes are feeling a little left out now. But I just love it!!

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

We also were able to spend some time working on Baby’s room. You will see a few sneak peeks of the nursery below. We also had to have some fun and the puppies wanted to get in on the fun too.

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

I have a dresser that has been in our family for many years that I am going to use as the changing table. My Mom and I spent one morning working on it and now it is so adorable all cleaned up especially with the drawer pulls that me and Mark picked out.

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

Christmas Day was so special to have Baby here with us. For the last few years on Christmas morning, we would tell each other that hopefully the next Christmas we would be pregnant or have a child. That dream became reality this year. My heart was truly overwhelmed with gratitude and love to Jesus for all our blessings and this one especially.

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

We also read books to Baby occasionally so I had to include “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.” Another fun thing we did Christmas morning was have a gift for each other to open that was for Baby that we had picked out on our own. It was fun and exciting to see what the other person decided upon.

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

We were able to get our registries done which is also so fun to shop for so much fun stuff. I can’t wait for my showers and so appreciative for my family working hard to have them for me.

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

And now for another batch of weekly bump pictures. It is so miraculous to see that bump growing.

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

January Baby and Pregnancy Update

Thanks for following along on this journey with us. We are just so thrilled and excited that I can’t help but share with others just how miraculous our God truly is. God bless you!


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