Ideas for Studying through Gratitude Documented

Today let’s dive into some ideas for studying through Gratitude Documented no matter what season of life you are in. We can all use some time for dwelling on gratitude. 

We are almost into November which means Gratitude Documented will begin. If you are joining in this year, I can’t wait to hopefully inspire you and give you some ideas for working through your own study no matter how that might look. I shared recently that with baby #2 due any day now, I am having to slow down for this year and keep things simple. Check out more about my set-up as I flip-through my mini TN HERE in my recent video. 

Set-Up for Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented with New Printables

But just because I am in a season of having to slow down some, that doesn’t mean you have to do the same. I didn’t want to leave anyone hanging either so I wanted to share some past projects of mine for different studies in case you are looking for any ideas. 

Ideas for Studying through Gratitude Documented

Below is a video as I flip-through the different ideas in hopes you find something that will work best for you in the season you are in right now. 


Whether you work through just your TN or have multiple projects going on, I know the Lord is there waiting for you and cannot wait to speak to your heart. Focusing on gratitude is such an important aspect of our daily lives that we should always practice. May this month just be a stepping stone for all of us to continue throughout the end of this year and the next. 

Ideas for Studying through Gratitude Documented

I would love to hear what projects you have in mind and what you are planning to do. Please let me know in the comments below so we can all be inspired by you too. God bless! 

Ideas for Studying through Gratitude Documented

Today let's dive into some ideas for studying through Gratitude Documented no matter what season of life you are in. We can all use some time for dwelling on gratitude. 

Today let’s dive into some ideas for studying through Gratitude Documented no matter what season of life you are in. We can all use some time for dwelling on gratitude. Today let’s dive into some ideas for studying through Gratitude Documented no matter what season of life you are in. We can all use some time for dwelling on gratitude.


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