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This is your year to not only dream up goals, but I want to show you how to use your planner to assist in achieving your goals. My planner has become my best friend and cheerleader with helping me achieve my goals. Instead of thinking of New Year’s resolutions, I like to think of goals I have for a new year with a fresh start.

We all set new goals, but most of us don't end up achieving them. When we write them down, the goals become more real and are more likely to be achieved. Get tips from to help you use your planner to hold you accountable and get things done.

In order to achieve those goals and be conscious of remembering them throughout the year, I MUST write them down! Our lives are busy enough without trying to remember what our goals were at the beginning of the year.

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Writing your goals down also makes you more accountable and responsible to work toward them. I can’t even tell you how many times I have said, “I will start doing _____________ Monday” and then Monday comes and I never start it. When I make a point to make a list and write the goals down, then I am reminded and not as likely to just blow it off.

It’s important to write our goals down, but it doesn’t just stop there. If you are setting some pretty big goals like running a marathon, then it would only make sense to write down steps to help you achieve that goal such as a training plan and meal plan.

The perfect way for me to stay on track with achieving my goals and not become frustrated is to USE THAT PLANNER. I shared earlier this week how I keep my life organized using my planner and washi tape.

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Part of that planner, is writing down not only my goals, but things I need to do to achieve those goals.

In the back of my planner, I have my goals written down on a piece of scrapbook paper and taped down with washi tape. Gotta love the extra fun that washi tape brings.


Underneath that piece of scrapbook paper, I write down ways to accomplish my goals as a plan.

How to Use Your Planner to Assist in Acheiving Your Goals 1

Tackle your goals week by week. As a part of my weekly calendar, there is a notes section where I write down those things that I need to do to keep my goals.  The weekly part is just a way that breaks it down and helps you overtime to stay focused. Then every day I am reminded what I need to do. I will also make daily list to keep with me that are handy little reminders.

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Don’t beat yourself up though if you don’t get everything done that week. The great thing about planning weekly is that you can get back on track the next week and make up for it. Just try not to keep a habit of that.

It is a great feeling to be able to check things off your to-do list. It will feel even better as the year progresses and even at the very end of the year, and you have stuck with it to achieve your goals and accomplish great things!

Now I would love to share my goals with all of you and plans I have set in place in order to do so. Hopefully this will help you have a better idea of how I plan. Some of these are more short term that I can accomplish in a month or so and others are long-term to work toward the entire year.

I have color coded them to show how they coordinate with each other according to the key that I keep at the back of my planner.

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Goal: Make Bible study a priority and quiet time with the Lord.

Plan: Begin a new devotional.

Goal: Begin Bible journaling.

Plan: Spend time during Bible study/devotionals to journal.

Goal:  Read one book every month or at least 12 books this year.

Plan: Spend at least 20 minutes 3-4 times a week reading.

Goal: Develop a healthier lifestyle.

Plan: Use meal planning.

          Exercise at least 4 times per week.

Goal: Learn calligraphy.

Plan: Spend time each week or every other week practicing.

Goal: Become more proficient with Cricut.

Plan: Create a new project or use new material monthly.

Goal: Practice with sewing machine more.

Plan: Find blogs and online tutorials.

Goal: Utilize blogging notebook.

Plan: Keep updated regularly or monthly.

Goal: Learn and make printables for blog.

Plan: Find blogs and online tutorials.

For this week I planned the following to work toward my goals. As you will see, I am not necessarily working on every single goal every week. I usually plan for what I think that week will allow based on my schedule.

*Check on journaling Bible at Christian bookstore and online.

*Start 1000 Gifts Devotional.

*Workout 4 days.

*Read for 20 minutes for at least 3 days.

*Read with Mark at least 3 days.

*Make meal plan for next week.

*Make pinterest board for calligraphy tutorials.

How to Use Your Planner to Assist in Acheiving Your Goals 4

I hope you will find that writing your goals down and having a plan to use in your planner will help you as much as it does me. Good luck with your goals this year too! It is never too late to set some goals that you would like to accomplish this year. If you haven’t already then jump in now. Enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and enjoy the little things in life too.

Comment below and share with me what your goals are too. I would love to hear so we can encourage each other.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

19 replies
  1. Cathy
    Cathy says:

    I also love to set goals at the beginning of each year and use my planner to track how I am doing and remind of what I need to do. I love to be able to cross things off my list – such a feeling of accomplishment. Thank you for such a great post. Cathy

  2. Corina Ramos
    Corina Ramos says:

    This is awesome Bethany. I use my planner for every aspect in my life too. The hubs gets a kick out of it when I make a note to remind myself to get the clothes out of the dryer. I tell him, I’m always reading my planner so why not. Otherwise I can forget about them :). Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend.

  3. Chelsea
    Chelsea says:

    What a great idea.. I love this 🙂 I need to be better at setting goals.. I get afraid of setting goals because if I don’t achieve them I feel like a failure. I need to be better abut this
    Chelsea @

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      I have done the same thing to myself in the past, but we shouldn’t beat ourselves up. We can’t expect to be perfect but only give our best.

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      I don’t know what I would do without my planner. You will love using the washi tape to stay organized. Plus it’s addicting and you will want to use it for so many other things too.

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  1. […] new year, I shared last week how I use my planner to stay organized with washi tape and to help me achieve my goals for the year. It can be so easy to get off track from what we say we want to do at the beginning of […]

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