How to Organize Your Planner with Washi Tape

Part of staying more organized for me with a new year starting is using a planner which is why I want to share with y’all how to use a planner with washi tape. Washi tape comes in so many different textures, styles, and colors which is great for adding an extra pop of color to decorate your planner pages with. I still do this but have found that washi tape can also be used to keep me organized better this year.

Keep yourself more organized by using washi tape in a planner. These tips and pointers from will help you keep things straight.

First of all the planner that I am using is a simple one that I found in Marshalls. I loved the gold polka dots and gold writing inside.

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While I was shopping I also found this gorgeous Jonathan Adler case with a journal inside. I took out the journal and the planner fit inside perfectly.

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Seriously that clasp on the case is just that little extra cuteness that sold me completely.

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When I am looking at a planner I want something that has not only a monthly calendar but also weekly. For me there just isn’t enough room on the monthly days to write in extra notes. This planner also came with an address book in the back and a notes section. I am not sure how much I will use the address book, but it doesn’t take up that much space in the back. I can always use it for more notes instead.

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So now to the fun part of using washi tape in your planner. You can find washi tape at a numerous different places including craft stores, Target, Wal-Mart, and I have even found some at the dollar store before. You will need several different colors depending on how many categories you will have which I will explain later. Be careful in choosing a washi tape that doesn’t have a busy design where you can’t actually read your writing once you write on it. Washi tape also comes in different widths. Pick something that isn’t too thick and would take up to much room in each daily space on your calendar. I found the one below with five colors in a case that also cuts it for you at Michaels. With a coupon it was an even better value than actually buying them all separate.

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You will also want some colorful washi tape with fun designs and patterns just to use to decorate any empty space to add a pop of color.

In the back of my planner, I have written down a key for my calendar in order to have a specific color of washi tape designated for each category in my life. I broke down my planner into Home/Family, Church, Appointments, Bills, Blog, and Work. I have washi tape for each category on the monthly calendar.

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For the weekly calendar, I chose to just use a coordinating colored ink pen. I put more notes on my weekly calendar therefore I need more space than the washi tape with allow. Below are some ink pens from Recollections that I bought on clearance from Michaels. They have a thicker end and fine point end making it great for a planner depending on how thick you want the ink to be throughout your planner. The package on these pens says they are ideal for rubber stamping as well so you get that extra benefit. I still use an ultra-fine point Sharpie marker to write on top of the washi tape.

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Now that we have all the supplies covered, let’s start with the monthly calendar.

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You are going to use the key you developed for your washi tape depending on what event you have on a certain date. For example, on January 19 I have a holiday leave from work so I used the designated work washi tape. Tear or cut a small piece and place it on that date. I have found that the Sharpie works the best to write on top of the washi tape. The great thing about the washi tape too is that if something changes in your schedule, the washi tape can be easily removed and placed on a different day if needed without ripping the planner. We can plan ahead as best we can but sometimes things still just change which is why I love this method.

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I also used some additional washi tape to decorate the extra space on the side of my monthly calendar. I don’t use the notes section on the side of the monthly calendar making it a great place for me to decorate. I place my notes on the weekly calendar.

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Now we can move on to the weekly calendar. On each day of the week, I have plenty of space to write notes as I need to of things that I need to get done, appointments, bills that are due. I use the colored ink pens here keeping me organized with each area of my life.

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I also tend to get so organized with it that I will usually designate a specific space on each day for each category. That is taking things to a whole other organizational level which is not necessary.

You will also notice that I have added extra washi tape on the sides and between each day really for just decoration and to add more color. If it gets too busy for you, then you can just keep it simple without all the extra.

Feel free though if you love journaling and scrapbooking like I do, to use scrapbook paper and stickers as well for more decoration.

On each week of my planner, there is also a notes section. I use it to keep track of goals that I have set for the year. This is a way for me to keep track of them and my progress every week towards those. I will be sharing more about that later this week in a separate post to show you how to use your planner to help you achieve your goals this year.

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On the weekly planner, I also place a different color of washi tape to write down meal plan ideas or what we end up having for dinner. This helps me to keep track of what we have eaten and how many times we are eating out. Personally I have found that this helps me especially with budgeting and keeps me in check.

In the front of the planner, I keep a small notepad in case I need it for notes or reminders. I don’t always have my colored pens with me so I will write a note or reminder on the notepad and then transfer to my calendar with the coordinating colored pen later.

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Getting organized at the beginning of a year is so important. I love having things written down every week to keep me in check. On Sunday I have started sitting down to look at the week ahead and plan everything. It also keeps me reminded of any bills that are due so I don’t get a late payment either. And if you are anything like me, I always love to make lists daily of what I want to accomplish.

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Writing things down is the best way to make progress on your goals. Which I will be sharing more of later this week in part 2 of this planner and organizational series. I cannot wait to share with you my goals and encourage you to make your own for this great year ahead. Enjoy decorating your planner, and as always enjoy the little things in life.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. 



41 replies
  1. Cathy
    Cathy says:

    I use colored makers and pencils for my planner and just picked up some washi tape to help decorate it a little. Love yours it is so pretty. Cathy

  2. Corina Ramos
    Corina Ramos says:

    Hey there Bethany!

    I love colorful stuff like this on my lists. And speaking of lists, I have to have one daily or I’ll be all over the place :).

    Thanks for sharing! Happy Tuesday!

  3. Bethany
    Bethany says:

    So I totally need to do some washi magic on my planner and maybe then I’ll be more organized. I love your weekly goal idea too! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Plus the washi tape is just so cute! I love all the pops of color. I will be sharing more later this week on how to keep your goals. Organization and planning is key!

  4. Tarynn Playle
    Tarynn Playle says:

    I have to have a weekly planner as well-monthly ones are useless to me! I have never used washi tape, but it looks like fun! I’ll have to check it out next time I go to the craft store!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      You should totally try washi tape. It just brightens things up and makes it more fun. The weekly planners definitely have way more room to write those extra notes.

  5. Erin
    Erin says:

    Oh how I love this! I have never used washi tape, but it always looks so fun. I love the color coding of different categories. I also love how you can purchase a fairly simple planner and make it cute with the washi tape.

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoyed! I am always trying to take something that is inexpensive and dress it up to make it look like it cost much more.

  6. Katriza Luna
    Katriza Luna says:

    I’ve never thought to use this! What a great idea! I love organizing, especially now that I’m hitting the nesting phase of pregnancy so early lol. Thanks for the great tip! #upallnightblogging

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      It is a book and also there is a devotional by Ann Voskamp. It absolutely changed my life and opened my eyes to a brand new outlook on life. I recommend it highly!!

  7. Sharon S
    Sharon S says:

    In addition to Washi Tape, I’ve started to resize favorite photos and add them to help me reminisce. I’m amazed at how many goals I can accomplish just by thinking of the photos and what I learned from them.

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      OH thank you so much Sharon! That is such a great idea. I never even thought of that before. Certain pictures would definitely be wonderful motivation.

  8. Lisa
    Lisa says:

    Hi Bethany,
    I am always trying to stay organized but your washi tap idea gave me a new way to stay organized so now I think I will be on track more often. Thank you so much!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      You are so welcome! I am so glad to know that I’m not the only one that gets a bit crazy with the organization. I just love how fun and colorful the washi tape makes everything too.

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Yes, I love having that blank slate to start fresh every single week. You are so welcome for my tips and tricks. I really hope they help you out too.

  9. Heather
    Heather says:

    I found this on Pinterest. This is such an awesome post. I am obsessed with washi tape so any excuse to use it (or buy more) is great for me! I’m off to the craft store to find some thinner gauge tape and a fine point sharpie. Thanks for the amazing inspirtation! 🙂

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Oh I’m so glad to hear that I’m not the only one obsessed with washi tape. I love the thinner washi tape too in all different colors. You can do so much with it. Have fun!!

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  1. […] easily track events on my calendar sheets I use small post-its, pieces of washi tape and planner stickers. When I don’t have all those things available I draw geometric figures: […]

  2. […] things you can do with washi tape which is what makes it so great. I use it all the time to organize my planner. You can also take something that is plain and boring and just put some washi tape on it, and you […]

  3. […] kick of a new year, I shared last week how I use my planner to stay organized with washi tape and to help me achieve my goals for the year. It can be so easy to get off track from what we say […]

  4. […] The perfect way for me to stay on track with achieving my goals and not become frustrated is to USE THAT PLANNER. I shared earlier this week how I keep my life organized using my planner and washi tape. […]

  5. […] Couture shows the Planner types How to Organize Your Planner With Washi Tape. I stumbled upon Washi tape when playing around with baby shower decorations last year, but I never […]

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