Greater Devotional Review 1

We all want to feel greater and that there is more to life than just the normal routine of our everyday busy lives and demands. Most of us often become so busy with our daily routines, that we forget sometimes what we were truly made for and that there is more for us to experience. We were each individually created for a purpose. Ultimately that is to reach others for Jesus Christ so they can experience His love and salvation.

I am not saying that the little things that we deal with everyday aren’t important because they are. Very much so actually. I just don’t ever want us to accept that that is all God ever has for us for our entire lives. He wants to do greater in our lives but we must be willing to listen and obey and take a risk. Playing it safe can be disobedience at times.

Since reading “Greater Devotional” by Steven Furtick, my eyes have been opened to a new concept that I had been taught before but needed some refreshing on. There is a scripture on the back cover that explains perfectly what this devotional is all about. It says, “Whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing. And they will do even greater things.” –Jesus from John 14:12

We must not be willing to just sit back and not do anything with our lives. God made us for more and more important things. Take a stand today and dig deep with more courage if that is what it takes. Praying for greater things in your life can be scary because there is the unknown, but we know that God will never leave us nor forsake us. He is ever faithful.

I also want to mention that this devotional is designed with 40 chapters or 40 days of devotional reading. Each chapter is pretty short making it a great read to go along with your bible reading first thing in the morning. It is not the same as an actual bible study which is meant to be more detailed with actual studying hence the name. I love reading books like these for that extra motivation and encouragement I need throughout the day. My husband and I actually ride together in the mornings because our jobs are so close together. I read this in the mornings while he drives. We have really enjoyed being able to spend that time together first thing in the morning making our reading and prayer a priority. It truly makes a difference in the rest of your day when you put Him first and make it a priority.

There are also several links below to give you more information if you are interested. Hope you enjoy and always be sure to enjoy the little things in life too.

More info-

Read Chapter 1-

Author Bio-

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.





11 replies
  1. Heather
    Heather says:

    I am not too religious, but this sounds like a really well-laid out book for those who are interested in it. If I were doing this, I’d want it to be organized like this so that I would be less inclined to skip days and really stick to it!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      I hope that you will choose to read it. It really is great and encouraging. So many of us no matter what our religious views are, sometimes get stuck in a rut but there is more for us and greater things! The short chapters make it easy to read everyday and stay on track.

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