
Grateful, the highest form of thinking for 2015 is my most ultimate goal and what I want to live for from now on. If there is one thing I know, it’s that we should never take for granted the people and things of this life. We live in a world that is all about ME and what I can gain. Sometimes we should take a seat and be simply content with what we do have and more than anything grateful.

Being grateful is one of the highest forms of thinking. Count your blessings as we do at with the help of Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts.

There is a saying that goes something like this, “You never know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” I am sure you have heard that before. Why not change our mind set and live gratefully for what we have in the present. We shouldn’t have to live life in regret and guilt for what we used to have and how much we miss it now.

Being grateful though is quite different than just being satisfied with where you are now. I want to be grateful and still have dreams, hopes, and goals. I just know that I don’t have to continually struggle for more. Instead I can work toward accomplishing my dreams while being grateful in the present.

At the beginning of the year, we all have established goals or maybe even your own word to focus on this year but sometimes fall off track as the year progresses and we get busy. I want to keep my focus and truly change my mind set permanently to be more grateful this year which is why I will be revisiting this word once monthly. On the first Saturday of every month, I will be updating y’all with my progress and ways that I find to keep myself on track.

For this month I am starting by re-reading One Thousand Gifts Devotional: Reflections on Finding Everyday Graces by Ann Voskamp. First I want to say that I am a huge fan of Ann Voskamp and her writings. She is so poetic and seems to have a way that makes the words alive in a beautiful picture. I receive an email devotional from her that is also just as beautiful.


I read this devotional last year and fell in love with it. I knew it would be a devotional that I would revisit time and time again. The devotional focuses on changing your mind to look for and focus on the gifts of everyday life. They don’t necessarily have to be huge things, but sometimes the best things are those that are small.

When you begin to count the gifts that God gives us every day, you will become addicted. Take the challenge from Ann to count the gifts until you reach 1000. And then once you reach 1000, keep going for another 1000. I know I am going to be counting mine this year and look forward to it so much! I know that by doing something as simple as counting, it will have an even greater impact on my life and thoughts than I can ever truly realize.


I will see you next month and hopefully with a list of gifts. Come along on this journey with me and start counting your own. Write them in a journal or keep a list on your phone. It’s always fun to go back and read the list as it grows.

Share with me in the comments below if you are planning to count yours and read the devotional. I would love to hear. If you have picked a word for 2015 that you would like to focus on, I would love to know that too.

Enjoy the little things in life and count them!

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

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14 replies
  1. Alyssa
    Alyssa says:

    Your blog was everything I needed and more right now! I am such a worrier when it comes to the unknown of the future, but this was such a reminder to live in the present, and be grateful for what I have. What an awesome word to be working on! I will definitely be looking into the devotional. I can’t wait to start 🙂 thanks for sharing

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      I am so glad it helped you. We all can feel anxious about the future, but it helps to remember to live in the present and not worry. Worrying gets us no where. It is easy for me to worry immediately when things don’t go the way I think they should. This devotional is a great reminder daily to find the positive and focus on it first. Let me know what you think about it and how it helps you. I will be updating on my progress the first week of every month.

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      That is totally true and great for everyone to remember and work on. It may sound cliche but unforgiveness only hurts us, not the other person.

  2. Anne
    Anne says:

    I love that book, too! I have never actually done the counting though – this makes me wonder if I should start on it. I can see how the intentional listing would be so, so beneficial. Thanks for linking up at Front Porch Conversations this week! It’s a new link up, and I was excited to see someone start it off (you!) 🙂 Hope you can come back this Thursday.
    Anne 🙂

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      It really makes a difference to me to write it down. You are not only thinking about it and then forgetting it but writing it down causing you to be more likely to remember and meditate on it which is what makes the difference. Then you can go back and read it later which is always helpful depending what you are going through at the time. Thank you for having me. I am glad that I was the first one. lol!

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  1. […] shared my word for the year in January and what I’m reading to get me on […]

  2. […] word for me is Grateful. Check out how I started my year incorporating that word into my daily life here if you missed it […]

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