Grateful Series Plus Free Printable 2

Well I am back for another Saturday to share with you my journey of becoming more grateful this year. Every 1st Saturday of each month, I share with you how I’m changing my mind set this year. In case you missed it,

I shared my word for the year in January and what I’m reading to get me on track.


In February I shared a daily habit I’m forming to help me stay focused.

Grateful Month Two 2

To continue with keeping my mind focused on being grateful, I have a fun free printable that I have hanging up that is a sweet reminder. I found it at Live Laugh Rowe and absolutely love it. The chalkboard design is gorgeous making it the perfect decoration too. Chalkboard prints and designs are so popular right now.

Grateful Series Plus Free Printable 1

Be sure to head over and print yours too.

Have a beautiful and safe weekend! Be sure to take some time to enjoy the little things in life and keep your mind focused on what we have to truly be thankful for.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

15 replies
  1. Kara Beth
    Kara Beth says:

    I love how you’re striving to be more grateful this year! It’s so inspiring to me. I just read over your posts from Jan. and Feb. I think I should read One Thousand Gifts; it sounds really good!

  2. Amanda Marie
    Amanda Marie says:

    Great idea! It is so important to be grateful in life…I tend to lose focus on what is important sometimes when I am dealing with a lot of stress or anxiety in life! That print out is so simple and yet a brilliant idea to post around your house as a reminder! Thanks for sharing!

  3. katriza
    katriza says:

    what a great post! Going back to check out your older ones as i’m fairly new to your blog! Definitely looking forward to your next! thanks for sharing!

  4. Tami
    Tami says:

    I could stand a lesson or two on being grateful. I know I need to be but I find myself grumbling instead. I’d love to read this book.

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