Get Your FREE Party Planning Checklist

Party Planning…These are 2 of my most favorite words especially when used together. If you feel the same way I do then I cannot wait for you to get your FREE party planning checklist.

This all came about when I started noticing how many scrap pieces of paper I would have lying around and in my purse whenever I was planning a party or having guests over. I would go from spot to spot in my house trying to find one specific To-Do list. Pure chaos?

I am always organized in every other area of my life for the most part so why not with this too? I told myself then that there has to be a better way of doing things than how I’m doing it now. That’s when I decided I would make my own party planning checklist that would allow me to keep everything in one place.

Party Planning Checklist

This printable checklist has got ya covered. Write down your theme and the color scheme and you are good to go. It all truly starts with a theme in my opinion.

Get Your FREE Party Planning Checklist

Then just continue to work your way down to a party menu and much more. And how adorable are those gold drops of confetti?

Get Your FREE Party Planning Checklist

Get your FREE Party Planning Checklist now by subscribing to the Southern Couture newsletter, and the party goodness will magically pop up in your inbox (sort of like confetti). Doesn’t that sound like fun? Just enter your email address below. That’s all. I would love to share more party planning goodness and tons of fun with you in the future too, but I promise not to flood your inbox whatsoever. That’s just not cool.

Let me know in the comments below what party or dinner you have in mind to plan next in the comments below. I would love to get more ideas.

Get Your FREE Party Planning Checklist

Ever plan a party and feel like everything is so chaotic? Print your FREE party planning checklist to keep yourself organized with all your notes in one place.

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.


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9 replies
    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you so much! I am so glad that it can help you too and not just keep it for myself. Kids grow up so fast. I would love to see some pictures of his party. I know it will be great. What is the theme?

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you! Staying organized with all your notes and lists in one place is the best way to keep the stress of a party to a minimum. Hope it helps you too!

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