Geometric Metallic Canvas Art

One of my favorite things about decorating and home décor is wall art. I find it to be so gorgeous and unique that it really can make or break a room.

The only downfall to that is that sometimes, well actually the majority of the time, wall art will cost you an arm and a leg when you walk into the store to shop.

But what if I told you that doesn’t have to be the case anymore? You would be ecstatic right? Well at least I know I am.

Geometric Canvas Art

You can make your very own canvas art with just a few supplies that will cost you much, much less than buying the art. Plus the best part is that you get to personalize it the way you like to match any room.


  • Canvas
  • Paint
  • Painters tape
  • Paintbrushes

Geometric Canvas Art

You will start by using the painters tape to give your canvas a design when painting it. I really love the geometric feel that this will make. It seems to be that geometric design is just about everywhere.

Geometric Canvas Art

Start placing your tape and don’t worry about any exactness. Part of the fun is seeing what comes of it once you peel the tape off.

I used a metallic bronze and shimmer pink to match a microwave table that I recently redid completely with these same paints and stencils. I love the way I can tie the two together and have them match perfectly.

Now start painting your canvas. Foam paintbrushes worked the best for me. They may be cheap but they work great. The foam didn’t leave any bristle marks on the canvas either.

Geometric Canvas Art

You may find that you need 2 coats of paint depending on your paint. I went ahead and did 2 coats to really make the color more vibrant.

Now for the hard part, waiting until it has completely dried. Once it has and you have gained lots of patience, you are ready for the fun part.

Peel off the tape to reveal your beautiful creation. I loved seeing what came of just a blank and boring canvas.

Geometric Canvas Art

I didn’t want to go overboard with the shimmer pink in respect to my husband, but I actually love the little pops of pink here and there to add a little extra color.

Geometric Canvas Art

I hung it over the microwave table which matches just perfectly and makes the space perfect.

Geometric Canvas Art

If you are needing to cover a large wall or area, this is one of the best ways to do so without spending a fortune. Be sure to also use your coupons when shopping for the canvas. It really helps, and who doesn’t love saving money?

I would love to see your creations. Please share with me on social media or any ideas you may have in the comments below.

Decorate your home with your own DIY wall art for much less the cost. Get the full details and find out everything you need at

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

This post was originally shared on By Dawn Nicole on August 27, 2015. 


4 replies
  1. Sonal
    Sonal says:

    Hi amazing golden color. I had tried it earlier but faced problem as edges near tape were not as clear as urs. So I hd to do finishing near edges. I m planning to try with spray paint

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you so much! I love the pops of color with the crisp lines. Spray paint would be a great option then maybe you don’t have to worry about the smudging and paint running that you mentioned. Good luck!

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