I am back again today to share a flip-through of original Illustrating Bible New Testament entries in hopes you will feel inspired and encouraged to spend more time in the Word. 

What a joy it is for me to flip through the pages of my past Bibles and see the time I spent journaling and with God. So when one of you asked me to share the entries from my original Illustrating Bible, I couldn’t wait! Last week I shared the Old Testament entries, and today I’m sharing those from the New Testament. 

Get All the Details of the Brand New Illustrating Bible

Check out the video below as I flip-through and talk a little bit about each entry and how special they truly are to me as I look back. 

The original Illustrating Bible is no longer available but DaySpring just released a new one with two different cover color options and a previous one in emerald green. Make sure to check those out HERE if you are interested. 

Thorough Review of Brand New Illustrating Bible 3.0 from DaySpring

Now let me know below in the comments if you have ever spent time looking back through past journaling entries in your Bible. And if you haven’t, then I would highly recommend it. God bless! 

How to Add Inserts to Spiral Binding of the Illustrating Bible


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