My Favorite Things Craft Edition featuring the Date Stamp

I’m so excited to be back with the next part of a new series featuring some of my favorites. My Favorite Things Craft Edition featuring the date stamp is going to be a fun one. Date stamps are perfect for remembering any event. 

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I started this new series last month where I will be featuring a new favorite from my craft stash, whether new or old, to share with y’all. The idea came to me after getting questions about what specific items I like to use so I thought it would be fun to highlight them. The first part featured the Heidi Swapp Minc Machine so be sure to check out that post as well.

For this month, my featured item may seem small, but is absolutely a favorite and must-have of mine. What is this special tool of mine? The Date Stamp! You must be thinking, “A date stamp, that’s all?”. But yes, they are amazing. You can find different brands with different style fonts and options. Some even come with more than just dates with phrases for different occasions.

Faber Castell Gelatos Tutorial for Bible Journaling

I have several different brands that I trade out using. And yes, one of those is also Heidi Swapp brand. Don’t laugh at me too hard since we just talked about her minc machine last month. She isn’t paying me to say any of these things. I just love the style font honestly. I also have an American Crafts brand that I really love. I keep one in my office and the other one in my Bible journaling travel bag to have handy when leaving the house.

Spend some time meditating on the Word during this Christmas season by illustrating advent in your journaling Bible. Check out this Christmas Bible journaling entry with gelatos tutorial now.

The reason why a simple date stamp is making my top lists of favorite items is because it marks a memorable moment in my life or a highlight in my spiritual journey for that particular season. Because I primarily use it in my journaling Bible, I love being able to flip back to old entries and knowing exactly when I made that page. I can usually tell by my journaling what I may have been going through at that time and see where I’ve grown from it. I also love that if the date is a milestone moment and something big happened, then I know exactly when it was for years to come.

Tips for Bible Journaling No Matter the Artistic Skill Level

Now couldn’t I just due the same thing by writing in the date with a black pen? Yes, I sure could, but where’s the fun in that. The stamp is adorable and also gives a little vintage feel and texture to the page that wasn’t there before. Also try considering using yours in your planner. (Check out this one if you are looking for a new one. It’s 50% off right now too.) Especially if your planner is blank and you can add in your own dates for each month. That would be a super fun way to dress up the pages with a simple touch. I use mine some in my planner to date each day of the week on my weekly spread. The picture below shows where I dated the page in a devotional booklet or journal.

Tips for Bible Journaling No Matter the Artistic Skill Level

Let me know in the comments below if you have used a date stamp and if you have any other suggestions for places to use it. I would love to have some new ideas. If you have never tried one and end up getting one, I can’t wait for you to have some fun. God bless!

I'm so excited to be back with the next part of a new series featuring some of my favorites. My Favorite Things Craft Edition featuring the date stamp is going to be a fun one. Date stamps are perfect for remembering any event. 


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