Faithful What It Means to Me for 2016

I know I said it Tuesday when I shared my Rockstar blog posts of 2015, but I’m going to say it again. I am looking forward to 2016 and what it brings. A new year is a fresh, new start to whatever you can dream of. The possibilities truly are endless.

So at the beginning of last year, I found that deciding on a word for the year that would be my focus was extremely helpful! It ended up being something that I meditated on all year and not just in the moment of New Year’s resolutions.

Last year I picked the word “Grateful” which I share more of the why HERE. I also shared how I was going to keep myself on track with that in another post HERE. I continued to find myself even during some rough times thinking of what I have to be thankful for and dwelling on that instead.

So for this year…DRUMROLL please….


Yes, faithful is the word for me. Faithful means so many things to so many different people.

For me, my top priority this year is being faithful to my beliefs, my intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, church, giving, and the list could truly go on and on.

Faithful What It Means to Me for 2016

I don’t want to ever get to the place where I am not excited at the mention of my Savior. Just like being sure I show up to work, eat 3 meals a day, brush my teeth, etc. I want my daily relationship with Christ to be the same.

Talking with Him daily should be as natural as rolling over and kissing Mark good morning every day. He wants that relationship with me and with you too. It should never get pushed to the back burner.

For Christmas, Mark bought me a journaling Bible. I just love the beautiful cover as well.

Faithful What It Means to Me for 2016

This was the one thing that I really, really, really wanted. I have been wanting one for the past year, and I can’t believe it’s mine now. I am hoping to dive into it this weekend and get started with some gorgeous art (hopefully).

Faithful What It Means to Me for 2016

Look out for the future too where I will be sharing more about my Bible journaling experience here on the blog and on my social media channels.

Faithful cannot just stay within the spiritual realm. It just isn’t possible. It goes way beyond what you may think. Being faithful for me is being devoted and dependable to Mark, my family, my job, any obligations, my blog, etc.

Whatever I set my mind to do this year, I want to stay faithful with it and not become lazy or complacent. Won’t you join this journey with me in 2016 too?

Let me know in the comments below if you pick a word each year and what yours is. I love to hear what others are focusing on as well.

Have a blessed New Year! And stay tuned too for more to come on my Bible journaling adventure. I can’t wait!

Start each year right by starting with a fresh clean slate. Make it happen with Bible journaling with these tips from

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

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