Encamped Study Set-Up

Today I am sharing my Encamped study set-up using a notebook I had in my stash along with lots of patterned paper. 

To say I am over the moon excited about today’s blog post and video would be an understatement. I am beyond thrilled to share my set-up and ideas for Encamped: A Study on the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. 

Encamped Study Set-Up

If you have not heard about this study, then check out more details HERE at @topknotsandjesus on IG where Llanet has several IGTV videos sharing her heart behind this study and ideas for setting up your study cards.

Encamped Study Set-Up

I also encourage you to head to Salted Brew Shop and grab the FREE, yes FREE, study card set printables and join in this study starting June 1st. She also has team printables, extras, and more to go along that you can purchase if you are interested. The study will be done in community in THIS Facebook group with daily discussion, weekly challenges, and troop wars including giveaways for these seven weeks as we camp together. 

Encamped Study Set-Up

Check out the video below where I talk about the study in more detail and share my set-up and ideas for working through the cards. I want to have the art and creative process done now so I can focus on the scripture and study once we begin. 


I found this spiral notebook in my stash that I bought years ago and saved for the perfect project. I am so glad I had it along with some patterned papers that coordinated perfectly. 

Encamped Study Set-Up

I will be adding more small embellishments and journaling as we go which I will share on IG throughout the study so make sure you are following me @the_southern_couture

Encamped Study Set-Up

Please let me know if you have any questions about the study in the comments below. I would also love to know if you are joining in. This is truly going to be so powerful just as our Lent study was too. God bless!

Encamped Study Set-Up

Today I am sharing my Encamped study set-up using a notebook I had in my stash along with lots of patterned paper. 


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