Dollar Tree Haul Featured Image

Dollar Tree Haul Collage Picture

If you haven’t learned this about me yet, then I’m here to tell you that one of my most favorite things to do is BARGAIN SHOP!! I love shopping anyways but when you find a good deal, the feeling is even better.

This is why the Dollar Tree is one of my most favorite places to shop. Now before you automatically assume that everything there is just junk or cheaply made, I’m here to tell you otherwise.

There are lots of great products at the Dollar Tree that can really save you a lot of money rather than shopping at Wal-Mart for certain things or other major retail stores.

Because I do have such a passion for saving money, I am starting a new Dollar Tree Haul series where I will be sharing my most recent finds and an honest opinion of what I think of them. Then hopefully you can also try them out for yourself too.

I haven’t decided how often or if there will be a specific day for these posts. I hope to do them at least once a month and hopefully even more than that. I want to keep the post recent so that way you can also shop at your Dollar Tree before the items are sold out or not restocked.

The other great thing is that each hail may be random fun things I found or have a specific theme. That will all depend on what I find which makes me excited when thinking about finding new Dollar Tree stores and what each one has differently.

Now let’s get started because I really have some fun new stuff I found that I can’t wait to kick this off with.

Glamourlines Bra Strap Clip

Dollar Tree Haul GlamourLines Bra Strap

This clip is used to clip together your bra straps in the back to make them invisible when wearing a razorback shirt. The pack comes with 3 different colors including white, black, and tan making it more versatile to go with more outfits. I’m gonna be honest. I have never been good with hooking my own bra in the back but having to hook it in the front and then turning it around so trying to figure out how to hook it seemed a little confusing to me even though there are directions on the back. Thank goodness my husband doesn’t mind to help me out.

Elf Lip Gloss Stick

Dollar Tree Haul Elf Lip Gloss Stick

I have used elf products before and have enjoyed some of them. I also have several lip gloss sticks or crayons and love them. I had never used elf’s before but was very pleased. I loved the color and how creamy it made my lips feel. I would definitely purchase it again.

Adjustable Measuring Spoon

Dollar Tree Haul Measuring Spoon

This spoon adjust to whatever size I need it to be while baking or cooking. I loved that I can have one spoon and all I have to do is adjust the handle. It is very easy to adjust and stays true to the size it says it is measuring. So much better than having to look through 10 different little spoons and also doesn’t dirty as many dishes. This was probably my favorite find.

Gardening Knee Mat

Dollar Tree Haul Garden Kneeling Pad

I was wanting one of these last year when planting flowers in our front flower bed. My thighs got so sore from squatting and having to reposition so often. I didn’t want to kneel because I would get my pants really dirty in the knees. A towel wouldn’t do the trick either because then the mulch we have would poke through and be even more painful.

When I picked this up, it was very lightweight making me think it may not work too well. The padding is actually very comfortable and will be very helpful when planting my flowers this spring and also while working in our garden.

Mosaic Garden Stone

Dollar Tree Haul Garden Stone

As I mentioned before, I love my spring flowers and gardening. Having a garden flag, lantern, etc. makes my flower beds look even better. I loved the mosaic colors and the way it will look when shining in the sun. Plus can you believe it was only a $1? They also had other designs and colors available.

Potted Succulent

Dollar Tree Haul Potted Succulent

Succulents seem to be so popular right now. These artificial plants are just as cute. I honestly don’t like the plastic cup that the succulent is sitting in. To me it does look cheap. I am planning on removing the succulent and spray painting the miniature pot. This will make it look totally different and much more expensive.

I love all these finds and have enjoyed using them. I can’t wait to find even more good bargains and share them with all of you. If you happen to find these or your own that you love, please share them with me. I would love to try them too.

I can’t wait to share another Dollar Tree Haul with y’all in the near future. Enjoy the little things in life like a good deal.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

40 replies
  1. Amy
    Amy says:

    What a fun shopping trip! I haven’t been to a Dollar Tree lately, but I’m going to stop in to one the next time I have time, and see what bargains I can find!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      I am always amazed at what I find. Of course they have the same products of certain things that are always stocked, but it’s always fun finding new things. Plus each one normally has something different.

  2. Julienne
    Julienne says:

    Hi from Peony Project! Soul mates. I’m OBSESSED with Dollar Tree. And totally hear you. You really can find some fab products there and some great deals on “typical” national brands.

  3. Tania
    Tania says:

    I love bargain stores and so does my mom. There’s so much to find and everything is well within budget. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  4. Corina Ramos
    Corina Ramos says:

    You totally scored Bethany! This goes to show you can really find some good stuff if you take a little time to browse.

    Thanks for sharing…I’m going to hit up my Dollar Tree now 😉


  5. Kim
    Kim says:

    Great finds! you can find some really good and useful things at Dollar Tree. I am working on a post about things I found for preschoolers.

  6. Katriza Luna
    Katriza Luna says:

    My hubby refuses to go to the dollar store with me. =/ I love going there for holiday decorations too! Love E.L.F products! Cheap and they’re actually pretty good! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Ina
    Ina says:

    What a great idea for a blog series! Will definitely follow! You never know what you can find at the Dollar Store!

  8. Kat
    Kat says:

    Nice! I keep meaning to write a post about amazing Dollar Tree hauls, whomever gets deals for that chain is DEFINTIELY a bargain hunter! I can imagine some nice, 30-something mom on the phone every day…”no! that isn’t a good enough price, I’m buying 1.8 MILLION of them, I want a better one!”

  9. Stephanie
    Stephanie says:

    I love the dollar store! You never know what you are going to find there. This is a great idea for a series of posts. Thanks for sharing your steals!

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  1. […] around my own house and remembered these potted succulent plants that I recently found during a Dollar Tree haul that I shared with y’all. I wasn’t crazy about the white pot and wanted to do something […]

  2. […] to be back sharing another great shopping trip at the Dollar Tree. So many of you seemed to love my first Dollar Tree haul and agreed that it is so much fun to find great stuff there especially when it’s only […]

  3. […] Everything I got came from the Dollar Tree where I found some pretty awesome finds. Check out my Dollar Tree Haul that I shared earlier this […]

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