DIY Cupcake Stand

Cupcakes! Need I say more? They are delicious and come in so many different flavors. I especially enjoy trying the really decadent ones that are so beautiful that you almost don’t want to eat it. Keyword being ALMOST.

Well in order to make that cupcake even more special, you can now display it so everyone can see it and enjoy too. Especially if you are celebrating your child’s birthday with cupcakes, this cupcake stand is a great way to make them feel important and give them a fun way to enjoy it too.

DIY Cupcake Stand

What makes it even better is that you can find almost all the supplies you need at your local thrift store for just a few dollars? I was able to make several for only $3.00. Such a great upcycle for someone else’s trash too.


  • Candle holder
  • Saucer
  • E6000 glue
  • Delicious cupcakes

DIY Cupcake Stand

*I wanted the look of something glamorous which is why I chose the gold and brass style that matched the plate perfectly. The glass in the picture below is also just a glass I happen to find that works perfect to place over the cupcake to keep it fresh.

Now all that’s left is to glue the top of the candle holder to the bottom of the plate with the E6000 glue. Let it dry completely or sit overnight for best results.

DIY Cupcake Stand

Your cupcake can now be displayed to celebrate someone special. And if you can’t think of a special occasion that is coming up soon, then it is never a bad thing to just have a cupcake for the fun of it.

DIY Cupcake Stand

Enjoy the little things in life which always should include a scrumptious cupcake. I prefer red velvet. What is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below. I would love to know and try something new.

Make a cupcake a new and spectacular dessert with its own personal stand made from thrift store items. Get the full tutorial at