Decorating with Vintage Pieces Featured Image

Decorating doesn't have to be expensive. Shop around your house for pieces you already have and just change them up a bit for a new look. At, she shares how vintage pieces of her great-grandmother's make for the perfect decor and plus it's much cheaper.

I am loving decorating with vintage pieces lately and especially decorating small spaces like the one at the top of my stairs. Vintage decorating is one of my favorite interior design styles. When we moved into our house, there were lots of building supplies and material that were left in the outdoor work building. I have been able to use many of them for different projects and DIY ideas around the house. There was some spare wood pieces that I used when making my wooden flag for 4th of July. But one of my favorite finds that was left behind is this old window. It was actually sitting behind our building and had been through a lot of weather. So the window itself is probably not that old, but because of what it has been through, I am calling it vintage. The wear and tear it had been through only made it better to me.

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This window has been sitting on my back porch for a while as I have procrastinated with using it. I am not sure why I have for so long because I absolutely love how it looks. One thing that put a fire under my behind to get it done was going to the Country Living Fair this past weekend. There were so many beautiful vintage décor pieces everywhere that you just possibly couldn’t see them all. I got to thinking and decided it is past time for me to display this window in all its beauty.

Of course you will need a window. I had mine at home in our outdoor work building, but I am constantly seeing these at flea markets, antique shops, fairs and festivals, etc.

Start by cleaning your window as much as you would like. I didn’t want mine to seem dirty, but I also liked the worn look as well.

Decorating with Vintage Pieces 1

You will need screws, a drill, and a hammer to hang your picture.

Measure on the wall where you want to hang the window. Drill two holes with the screws and leave them sticking out of the wall some.

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I just hung the window on those screws and it was secure enough. Depending on where you will be hanging your window, you may want to put hooks in the back of the window and then hang on the wall. My window is hanging in a place where no one will be walking by it or possibly hitting it so I did not have to worry about it.

I hung mine on the landing at the top of my stairs. There is just the perfect spot like a little nook. The wall beside it has been needing something, and this is perfect.

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There are also a few other options that you could do to jazz up the window some if you would like.

First you could use chalkboard paint and paint the glass part or at least some of them and then use it as a message board. Also a cute idea would be to place pictures on the back side of the glass to show through. Another idea would even be to hang some small, shorter curtains above the window to make the look more realistic. I love how it looks without them and more simple but the choice is truly yours and what you like.

These are also great for dorm and wall decorating ideas especially if you are needing a home feel and do not have an actual window. Adding the pictures and chalkboard paint gives you an organization station for class.

Also on the landing is a telephone table that was my great-grandparents. You definitely do not see these anymore. At first I was not crazy about the fabric or pattern on it, but with time I have grown to love. Mostly because it was my great-grandparents and second because of how unique it is. You truly do not see something like this anymore and that gives this space so much more character.

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Also sitting on the telephone table is of course a telephone, but this is not just any ordinary telephone. It is also my great-grandparents and still has the label on it that my Maw Maw hand wrote with their phone number. Everything now is digital or touch screen which makes this phone unique. Who knew we would be saying that now?

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Hanging on the telephone is a keychain that they had as well with the model of their car written on it.

Also sitting on my telephone table are several old books that weren’t theirs, but I have a love for vintage books. On top of those two books is a Bible that is worn so much and really falling apart, but it was my great-grandmothers. It is a reminder of her love for our Savior and how important reading her Bible was to her.

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I have so many things that were my grandparents that I love to use all through my house. I have thought of many mantle decorating ideas as well to incorporate vintage pieces. The options are truly endless. My great-grandfather passed away when I was pretty young. I had the privilege though of becoming really close with my great Maw Maw. She unfortunately passed away several years ago after suffering with Alzheimer’s but is in a much better place now. After she passed away, her family had the privilege of walking through their home and being able to keep things of theirs that we loved and could still enjoy. Now as I walk through my home, it brings a smile to my face to be able to see their things and think of them.

I find joy in decorating with vintage items especially when they have sentimental value. I hope you will be able to find that same joy but also just enjoy the little things in life.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. 

34 replies
  1. Kendra
    Kendra says:

    Oh my goodness. I love this. i would never think to do that!! Also that chair/desk is fantastic. I love how vintage it is but looks so great!!

  2. Sarah @ 12 Twenty Seven
    Sarah @ 12 Twenty Seven says:

    I love using vintage pieces and mixing them with modern! The vintage pieces always carry a memory with them and make me happy when I look at them! The telephone table is awesome–don’t you dare change that fabric!

  3. Heather
    Heather says:

    I love the vintage look but I’m never very good at putting them together! These are great pieces together and I would never have combined them but they look perfect! LOVE! 🙂

  4. Angie B.
    Angie B. says:

    I LOVE the telephone table. My grandmother used to have one just like it with a rotary phone on in. I nearly forgot about it until I saw your post!

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