Comparison of Letter Boards from Different Brands

Check out this comparison of letter boards from different brands to see the features of each one and how they differ in making a decision on which to purchase. 

I’m sure you have seen the big craze with letter boards recently that seems to be blowing up on everyone’s Instagram and social media posts. I love seeing all the clever sayings that people come up with to make you smile. I can’t wait to share mine in the near future now that I have my very own letter boards.

Comparison of Letter Boards from Different Brands

I recently saw that Walmart had them and couldn’t believe it. Some of them are so expensive, so I couldn’t wait until they were finally available in my store. I ended up seeing a little different style of one in Joann and couldn’t resist since I had a coupon to use for it.

That’s when I decided that I would share them both with y’all in a video so you could see them up close and personal but also side by side. I share the good and bad with both and what I like about each one. Check out the video below to see it all and subscribe to my YouTube channel while you’re there if you would like to see more goodies like this one.

There are definitely differences between the two with both having great qualities. Which one would you rather have? What do you like best? Any good phrases or quotes I could use on mine? Leave them below in the comments for me. I would love to hear them.

Check out this comparison of letter boards from different brands to see the features of each one and how they differ in making a decision on which to purchase. There is even a video to see both and all their details up close and personal.


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