Collection of My Maternity Pictures

My baby boy is now here and almost 2 months old, but I still wanted to share the collection of my maternity pictures since y’all have been on this journey with me the whole time. 

I can’t believe my son is seriously almost 2 months old at the end of this month. But seriously the best 2 months of my entire life. I shared a few sneak peeks of my maternity pictures a while back and mentioned that I would share more of them later. I thought it would be fun to look back at that baby bump, especially since I’ve been missing it lately, and share the rest of them with y’all.

Speaking of missing that baby bump. Anyone else feel that strange emotion of wanting your baby bump back but also elated at the same time that you have your baby in your arms and not your belly anymore? I went to the doctor last week for my six week follow-up and saw so many pregnant women. I guess it doesn’t take long to forget how tiring and rough those last couple weeks can be. Our minds (and hormones 😉 ) sure do like to play tricks on us. But anyways, enjoy this collection of pictures and I’ll talk to y’all again very soon. God bless!

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Well after all those bump pictures, you have to meet him. Check out my official baby announcement where you can see all that cuteness!