A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

I’m excited to show y’all a collection of my favorite baby gifts that either we bought for Baby Boy or were given at our baby showers this past month. 

Some of the links below are “affiliate links.” This means if you click a link and purchase an item, I will receive a small affiliate commission that helps me to be able to continue with this blog and hopefully continue to inspire you as well.

Wow!! The countdown for Baby Boy to arrive is truly getting slim. I am 35 1/2 weeks today. I have said this multiple times, but time is surely a thief. I just can’t believe we are getting this close to holding him in our arms. Well this past month we had 3 showers thrown for us. Everyone has been so generous. My Mom and sister gave us our first. My work threw the second one, and then my MIL and SIL threw us our last one. This little guy is so loved already by so many people. We are truly grateful for everyone’s generosity.

But after having so much fun, I thought it would be fun to recap the showers somewhat and share a collection of my favorite baby gifts that he got. Some of the items I’m including are things that we bought him and then others are gifts that he was given. I hope this collection will also help you if you know of someone who is pregnant and are looking for something special to buy them. You may even see something you want for yourself if you are pregnant or to keep in mind for later. I hope to also be able to review these once I’ve used them for Baby and let you know if they worked out as good as I thought.

#1: Mark had heard about the mamaRoo baby swing/seat from 4moms and loved the whole idea of it. After reading reviews and from others we knew that had used one before, he decided to order one for me and Baby Boy. I am so excited for Baby to sleep in it with all the different settings it offers for different movements. You can also hook it up to your phone using the cord that comes with it or via Bluetooth.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#2: I had always said that when I got pregnant, I wanted to invest in a glider/recliner even if it was one of the most expensive items I bought. I had searched and searched for all different kinds and brands trying to find the best deal at the same time. I found this Ann Reclining Swivel Glider from Wayfair  in Grey Linen that matched perfectly what I was looking for. It swivels completely around, glides, and reclines. I knew the recliner part was a must for those middle of the night rockings and feedings. This is definitely one of my most favorite purchases and something that I will be able to keep and use for many years to come even outside of the baby room.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#3: We received many of the infant gowns that are stretchy at the bottom making it easy to just slip it up in the middle of the night for a diaper change instead of wrestling with thousands of buttons when you are sleep deprived. My nephew had several of these, and I just thought they were the most adorable thing ever. I couldn’t wait to get some for our Baby Boy either. Mark isn’t the biggest fan of these because you don’t typically think of a boy wearing a gown, but I think he won’t be able to resist when he sees our son in one and how much easier it will be for changing those diapers in the night.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#4: One of my favorite gifts that someone at my work got us is the Gund Baby Animated Flappy The Elephant Plush Toy. This has to be the most precious stuffed animal you have ever seen. It has the sweetest voice that sings and also talks to your baby. He plays peek a boo and also sings “Do Your Ears Hang Low?” with his ears moving back and forth. You have to check out the video to see the cuteness for yourself.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#5: When I saw the Blooming Bath Lotus, I just knew that Baby Boy had to have one. At first I only saw bright pinks but then I found this grey one that I knew would be perfect. I love how it sits right in the sink for me to bathe him and keeps everything cushioned. Plus it’s just adorable!

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#6: Mark has an aunt that is so very talented with just about anything crafty. She put together a beautiful baby blanket with gorgeous shades of aqua and lime green. The material is so soft and definitely a blanket that I will use for Baby Boy over and over again. It would also be beautiful to hang and use as a decoration in his room once he gets bigger.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#7: My SIL gave us this Owl Infant Baby Positioner that I fell in love with instantly. The aqua is gorgeous and those eyes too. This is going to be so handy to use in the living room or on the couch when he is smaller.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#8: I wanted to have something for Baby Boy to be able to play on in the floor that would be soft and cushioned but also be something fun for him to play with as he gets bigger. A family friend bought him the Skip Hop Alphabet Zoo Activity Gym, and I just love it! The colors are perfect and not too “cartoonish”. The bottom is actually a quilt type design that could be hung for decor later.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#9: Now if you are planning on bottle feeding or will eventually after finished breast feeding, I’ve heard the Baby Breeza is a dream come true. My sister has one and when my nephew would need a bottle perhaps in the middle of the night, this thing was a lifesaver for her. The formula and water is all loaded. All you do is hit a button. It even heats the formula. Think of it as a Keurig but for babies. I hope to breastfeed but found a good deal on one that I couldn’t pass up and will use in the future if needed.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#10: And last but not least, you can never have too many diapers and wipes so those are definitely making the list. It’s just one of those things that you hate to have to buy yourself when they are so expensive and get thrown literally in the trash. Sort of like toilet paper. *And no, this post isn’t sponsored by Pampers. I have just heard great things about them. 

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

Below you will see a few pictures that were taken at the showers. Each one was beautiful in its own unique way and design. I just loved them all and all the gifts that everyone was so generous in giving. Our friends and family worked so hard putting them all together too. The memories we made will definitely last a lifetime. That’s for sure.

February Baby and Pregnancy Update

February Baby and Pregnancy Update

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

I hope to come back in a few months after using some of these goodies and let you know exactly how they worked out for us. I hope they are all wonderful, but you just never know. Some things you hear are great and may make your life more convenient, but are they really worth the price and for how short of a time you will actually use them? We shall see!

Please let me know if you have any favorites that worked great for you and made your life easier that we just can’t live without. I would love to know and read in the comments below. Keep following along this journey too. Baby Boy will be here before we even know it! God bless!

I'm excited to show y'all a collection of my favorite baby gifts that either we bought for Baby Boy or were given at our baby showers this past month. 


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