Christmas Lantern Turned to Spring Centerpiece

If you have been around here for any length of time, you have probably figured out that I love turning things into something new for very little money and time. There is an adrenaline rush that happens, at least for me, when I come up on a great bargain find. Now don’t laugh. I know I’m not the only one.

Don't ever underestimate the clearance aisle or leftover Christmas decorations. They are so much cheaper and can be used throughout the year too. See now how simple the transformation is at

After Christmas this past year, I was out with Mark just casually shopping and picking up a few things on my shopping list at Michael’s. I happen to come across their after-Christmas and clearance section. I had hit the jackpot. Thank you Lord. There were so many good finds for what seemed like almost nothing. You can’t get any better. (Well maybe for free would be better but that’s not realistic.)

I found these white lanterns in the Christmas section, and they actually had several of them still in stock. I had Mark price check them, which is always does for me when we go shopping. He came back and told me they were $2.00! I couldn’t believe it. I thought he was just joking and trying to get my hopes up, but it was no joke. My jaw just fell open, and I started grabbing them like crazy. I ended up with about 4 or 5 of them I think.

Christmas Lantern Turned to Spring Centerpiece

*You can understand why I was so excited when you check out my post here that shares my love for lanterns and how I use them to decorate for Spring.

I didn’t necessarily need another lantern, but I couldn’t pass up on them for only $2.00. The really great thing about them though is that they don’t have to be used just for Christmas. The red berries and greenery decoration that was on them came off easily, and now they can be used for anything.

Check out the video below to see how I transformed it or keep reading for more detailed instructions.

I wanted to dress them up some though for Spring and add some color. I am all about that color, so I measured the base of the lantern and then cut out scrapbook paper to fit inside to cover the bottom. This paper is gorgeous and one of my favorites. I just love the gold foil on it too.

Christmas Lantern Turned to Spring Centerpiece

The paper fit perfectly in the bottom and stays in place great.

Now this lantern needed something inside of it, but what could that be? I went shopping around my own house and remembered these potted succulent plants that I recently found during a Dollar Tree haul that I shared with y’all. I wasn’t crazy about the white pot and wanted to do something different with it.

Christmas Lantern Turned to Spring Centerpiece

I went to my old faithful washi stash and found some designs that would complement that gold foil in the paper. One of my washi tapes is gold glitzy which really just makes it all pop. I wrapped the washi tape around the pot until it was covered and then just placed inside my lantern.

Christmas Lantern Turned to Spring Centerpiece

Now I have a beautiful Spring centerpiece that cost me only $3.00! Plus I love that I can change out the paper each holiday or season and use it throughout the year.

Christmas Lantern Turned to Spring Centerpiece

Please share with me in the comments below of any bargain finds you have run up on lately. I would love to know and hear all about them.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

18 replies
  1. Angela, blue i style
    Angela, blue i style says:

    What a cute idea! I love finding creative uses for lanterns – they are so fun to play with! Thanks for linking up at The Creative Circle! I hope you’ll join us again this week!

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  1. […] Christmas Lantern to Spring Centerpiece from The Southern Couture. […]

  2. […] Boxwood Wreath for Only $8 // Christmas Lantern Transformed to Spring Centerpiece // Upcycled Washi Tape and Desk […]

  3. […] Christmas Lantern to Spring Centerpiece from The Southern Couture. […]

  4. […] Christmas Lantern to Spring Centerpiece from The Southern Couture. […]

  5. […] Christmas Lantern to Spring Centerpiece from The Southern Couture. […]

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