My Morning Time Routine

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. I promise. #ANaturalClean #CollectiveBias

How you start your day off makes a big difference in how the rest of your day usually goes. I find that when I wake up positive and ready to get things done that my day will usually stay that way. Of course there will be times when bad things are going to come our way and happen, but I am so much more prepared to handle those days when I have started off right.

Start your morning off right to face whatever comes your way with a routine that gets you going. See these encouraging suggestions at

So now ladies I want to share with y’all my normal morning routine that helps to get me going.

I always like to start my day with prayer, quiet time, and reading my Bible. This happens to be a very important priority for me. I find comfort and peace to be able to handle whatever comes my way that day knowing that I am not alone and not having to fight my own battles.

Another priority for me is skincare. My Mom always taught me to wash my face daily and to be sure to remove my makeup every day. Finding skincare that is all natural and not harsh on my skin is also very important.

My Morning Time Routine

That’s when I came across the new Burt’s Bees Cleansing Oil at Target during a recent shopping trip. I have used Burt’s Bees in the past for chapped lips and dry skin and have always loved their products.

My Morning Time Routine

The cleansing oil is also made with coconut and argan oils which happen to be my favorites. I have used coconut oil for so many other uses and argan oil on my hair so I know how much they really do work and have helped me personally.

The cleansing oil is very easy to use and leaves my skin feeling so smooth and soft. I thought at first it may leave my face feeling oily because it is a different consistency than I am used to in the past, but I was pleasantly surprised that it didn’t.

First you rub a small amount on your face dry and then wet your hands and continue massaging over face. I dry my face with a hand towel patting gently, and now my face is hydrated again.

My Morning Time Routine

After I have washed it, I also use Burt’s Bees Maximum Strength Spot Treatment Cream where I have breakouts. It is very soft and leaves my skin feeling moisturized when I apply it. I worried that it may dry my face out at first as I have experienced with other brands, but this one doesn’t do that at all.

My Morning Time Routine

My last step is to apply a moisturizer to keep my skin hydrated. In the morning I like to apply one that also has a moisturizer.

The next part of my morning consist of feeding my furbabies. They mine as well be my babies.

Next is the workout. I usually enjoy walking on the treadmill or doing yoga or pilates. Some days are just harder than others and require a little more motivation than others.

After that I am usually ready to go and get to working whether that be on the blog or working around the house cleaning.

My day always feels more organized when I take the time to do the things that matter most to me and keep them a priority. When I don’t, I usually find that I don’t get nowhere near as much work done as I normally would.

What are your special tips for starting your day off right? I would love to know. I would also love to hear what Burt’s Bees products are your favorite too.

Also, if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on the goodness to others.

How Spending Quality Time with My Spouse has Improved Our Relationship and My Blog

Do you ever just feel like you are spread in a million directions between keeping the house clean, driving the kids to all their activities, while also trying to give time to your spouse? I was feeling the same way, but I have found the perfect and simple answer to help keep things balanced.

We can all get wrapped up with all the demands of daily life. Come see what I have found to help mine and my husband's relationship at which has also in turn helped my blog and work as well.

I can’t wait to share with you how spending quality time with my spouse has improved our relationship and my blog. Whenever Mark gets home from work, we have always tried to spend at least 5 minutes (usually it’s more than that) together just talking and seeing how each other’s day went. This probably started because of me being “needy” if that’s what you want to call it, but Mark is just that caring that he gives me that undivided attention and time.

Now any good relationship, especially marriage, takes lots of hard work and attention. So 5 minutes a day is just not going to cut it. I truly want my marriage to be something spectacular not just now while I’m younger but even after we have been married for 25, 50, 60+ years.

To be sure that happens, I need to start working on it now and not wait until things aren’t so great. Our first priority is to keep Jesus Christ at the center of our relationship. It really makes a difference to us when things don’t seem to stay that way in balance.

Spending quality time together is the next way I have discovered to really help us as a couple which then in turn makes everything else in life easier including this blog. The picture below is usually how you will find us lounging on the couch every night.

How Spending Quality Time with My Spouse has Improved Our Relationship and My Blog

I am not saying that just because we spend quality time together that we can’t enjoy our own interests separately and have to stay glued to each other’s hip constantly. We both have certain things we enjoy to do which is great for anyone. But when we do decide to do something together, I have made an effort to try to really “be there.”

We have so many distractions with our phones, computers, TV’s, work, etc. that it can be easy to be with your spouse but your mind be somewhere else. Because I have a blog, I would find myself sitting with Mark on the couch at night while we are watching one of our favorite shows together but my laptop would be pulled out with me trying to “just catch up on a few things” that I thought couldn’t wait or needed to be crossed off my to-do list.

How Spending Quality Time with My Spouse has Improved Our Relationship and My Blog

When we try to put ourselves in two different places, we really cannot give our all like we should. I have started designating separate time to get things done for my blog like writing posts, editing pictures, social media, etc. Not only do I enjoy the time spent with Mark so much better, but my work has improved and is definitely better quality.

How Spending Quality Time with My Spouse has Improved Our Relationship and My Blog

Sometimes we just need to sit back, take a break, and enjoy who you are with instead of trying to be the “super wife”, “super Mom”, or in my case “super blogger.” Our to-do list aren’t going anywhere.

I encourage you this week to do the same and really live in the moment. Enjoy the little things in life like I always say but really do mean. I can’t wait to hear from you how much it improves your life and relationships. Let me know in the comments below what you have found to help you with prioritizing your day and really spending quality time with those we love.

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

Grateful Series Plus Free Printable 2

Well I am back for another Saturday to share with you my journey of becoming more grateful this year. Every 1st Saturday of each month, I share with you how I’m changing my mind set this year. In case you missed it,

I shared my word for the year in January and what I’m reading to get me on track.


In February I shared a daily habit I’m forming to help me stay focused.

Grateful Month Two 2

To continue with keeping my mind focused on being grateful, I have a fun free printable that I have hanging up that is a sweet reminder. I found it at Live Laugh Rowe and absolutely love it. The chalkboard design is gorgeous making it the perfect decoration too. Chalkboard prints and designs are so popular right now.

Grateful Series Plus Free Printable 1

Be sure to head over and print yours too.

Have a beautiful and safe weekend! Be sure to take some time to enjoy the little things in life and keep your mind focused on what we have to truly be thankful for.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.


Grateful Month Two 3

At the beginning of the year, I shared with y’all my word for this year that would hopefully impact my life and cause a permanent change in the way I think and handle each day. That word for me is Grateful. Check out how I started my year incorporating that word into my daily life here if you missed it before.

Grateful The Highest Form of Thinking 1

My goal was to read Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts Devotional: Reflections on Finding Everyday Graces daily. I read it last year and absolutely fell in love with the style of writing and knew that it would be perfect to kick start this journey.


I find myself looking forward to what the next day will teach me and how I can learn from it and the leading of the Holy Spirit as I read. Ann encourages readers to make a list of things they are grateful for challenging them to list 1000 gifts total.


I started a list last year but because I am so particular about things, I decided to start over with a new list. My husband Mark gave me a new journal in my Christmas stocking that has a beautiful leather cover with a cute little closure on it. I knew I wanted to use it for something special when I saw it and not just to write random notes and doodles on.

Grateful Month Two 1

I decided it would be perfect for keeping my list. I am such a hands on pen and paper kind of girl that I love having my list written down. You could also keep a list on your phone. There is actually an app called 1000 Gifts for doing just that. The app also has encouraging quotes from the book.

Even if I don’t have my journal with me and think of something that I want to write down, I type it in my notepad on my phone and write it in the journal later.

The more things I write down, I have noticed that it becomes more addictive to me to want to think of even more things. I find myself throughout the day, noticing those small things even more and wanting to write them down. For me writing them down makes them more real causing me to appreciate them even more.

Grateful Month Two 2

The other fun part about a list is that you can visit it later and remember those things again. If I hadn’t written them down, then I probably wouldn’t be likely to be grateful for it as much.

Let me know in the comments below, if you are keeping a list as well and how much it has impacted you. If you aren’t keeping a list, then don’t think it’s too late to start now. It is never too late. It will absolutely change your life and your way of thinking.

I will be back next month to share a little more of my own journey and what I learn this month. See you then and as always, enjoy the little things!

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. 


Grateful, the highest form of thinking for 2015 is my most ultimate goal and what I want to live for from now on. If there is one thing I know, it’s that we should never take for granted the people and things of this life. We live in a world that is all about ME and what I can gain. Sometimes we should take a seat and be simply content with what we do have and more than anything grateful.

Being grateful is one of the highest forms of thinking. Count your blessings as we do at with the help of Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts.

There is a saying that goes something like this, “You never know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” I am sure you have heard that before. Why not change our mind set and live gratefully for what we have in the present. We shouldn’t have to live life in regret and guilt for what we used to have and how much we miss it now.

Being grateful though is quite different than just being satisfied with where you are now. I want to be grateful and still have dreams, hopes, and goals. I just know that I don’t have to continually struggle for more. Instead I can work toward accomplishing my dreams while being grateful in the present.

At the beginning of the year, we all have established goals or maybe even your own word to focus on this year but sometimes fall off track as the year progresses and we get busy. I want to keep my focus and truly change my mind set permanently to be more grateful this year which is why I will be revisiting this word once monthly. On the first Saturday of every month, I will be updating y’all with my progress and ways that I find to keep myself on track.

For this month I am starting by re-reading One Thousand Gifts Devotional: Reflections on Finding Everyday Graces by Ann Voskamp. First I want to say that I am a huge fan of Ann Voskamp and her writings. She is so poetic and seems to have a way that makes the words alive in a beautiful picture. I receive an email devotional from her that is also just as beautiful.


I read this devotional last year and fell in love with it. I knew it would be a devotional that I would revisit time and time again. The devotional focuses on changing your mind to look for and focus on the gifts of everyday life. They don’t necessarily have to be huge things, but sometimes the best things are those that are small.

When you begin to count the gifts that God gives us every day, you will become addicted. Take the challenge from Ann to count the gifts until you reach 1000. And then once you reach 1000, keep going for another 1000. I know I am going to be counting mine this year and look forward to it so much! I know that by doing something as simple as counting, it will have an even greater impact on my life and thoughts than I can ever truly realize.


I will see you next month and hopefully with a list of gifts. Come along on this journey with me and start counting your own. Write them in a journal or keep a list on your phone. It’s always fun to go back and read the list as it grows.

Share with me in the comments below if you are planning to count yours and read the devotional. I would love to hear. If you have picked a word for 2015 that you would like to focus on, I would love to know that too.

Enjoy the little things in life and count them!

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. 

Dream Big While Still Enjoying the Little Things Featured Image

Dream Big While Still Enjoying the Little Things Featured Image

First of all I have the opportunity of being a part of an awesome Facebook group of women entitled #fireworkpeople that is always encouraging me with some of the best dream big quotes which I have included in pictures below. There is so much encouragement among all of us to lift each other up no matter what may be happening. Ashley Beaudin started the group and is such a gift to all of us. She is constantly posting something uplifting or sending an email to each of us to let us know how special we all are and that we matter. I want to say thank you to all of them for their encouragement and a welcome to my blog especially for them.

Dream Big While Still Enjoying the Little Things 1

I was invited to share my dreams and some encouragement for all of you so that is what I am going to do. When it comes to dreams, I truly believe in dreaming BIG!! If we do not see ourselves doing something and envisioning it, then we should not expect for it to ever really come true. So I have learnt in the past few years to see myself doing what it is that I want to do and believe that it will happen in the right time.

For me there are several dreams that I am constantly pondering on and praying about. Motherhood is a dream of mine that has been in my heart for many years. Something that seemed so innocent as a child playing house and baby dolls has always truly been the blossoming of a real dream. I have been married for about three and a half years though and I am just enjoying these moments and days. Everyone says everything changes when you have children. There is no need to rush my life along and always looking to the next thing. It is okay to dream but we also must live in the moment and enjoy each and every day.

Dream Big While Still Enjoying the Little Things 2

If you have read any of my other posts, then you know that I am always encouraging others to enjoy the little things in life. We get so busy with the everyday demands that we forget to enjoy the chaos. One day I feel that we will look back and miss that daily chaos if we do not enjoy each individual day now which is why Mark and I truly try to enjoy these days of sitting on the couch cuddling and watching our favorite TV shows without being interrupted by screaming children. Don’t get me wrong. I would love to have children running around, but we should enjoy the moments we are given now. I do not want to look back when we’re older and our kids are grown and regret not enjoying the times we had together before they were even born.

There are several other dreams I hold dear in my heart that the Lord knows all about. In saying that, I want to encourage others that also have BID dreams, to not just always think that they will achieve great things once their BIG dreams have come true. If we cannot accomplish great things now in the little, then why do we even think that big things will come our way? We must always remember to live for the moment no matter how small and insignificant it may seem to us. First of all we do not know how much it may affect someone else no matter how small it may seem to us. Second the “small” things are what give us the time to prepare for the “big” things. I hate even using the title “small” and “big” because the small really becomes the big depending on how we react to it and spend that time. If we were given our dreams right away, they more than likely would fail because we are not ready and need more time. When the time is right to achieve our dreams, the Lord will bless us beyond measure and beyond anything that we can even think or imagine.

If you have been feeling down on yourself or that your dreams seem so far away, I hope these words have inspired your heart to keep working hard and lift your chin. The farther away our dreams may seem, the bigger and greater they will be in the end. So I leave you with these last words:

Live for the moment.

Don’t just dream; Dream BIG!!

Find joy in the “small” things and use them to accomplish greater things.

Enjoy the little things in life.

Dream Big While Still Enjoying the Little Things 3

The pictures above are also all great quotes about dreaming big that you should feel free to write down and use for  yourself when needing a “pick me up.”

Please share below what your dreams are and what you can do now to accomplish those dreams. We can all encourage and assist each other in achieving those dreams.

If you are looking for a place with encouragement, don’t forget to check out #fireworkpeople. We would love to have you!

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

Mark and I Featured Image

I am very excited to participate in Tour through Blogland when I was invited by Laura from Suzie Lou. What a great way to get to know all the bloggers we love and see into a small part of their life.

We have had many new followers here lately so I want to tell a little bit about myself first before getting to the tour questions.

My first and #1 love is Jesus Christ. I have absolutely no clue where I would be without Him. I am not deserving of his love but need his mercy and grace every day.

Mark is my husband that I don’t deserve either but was blessed with him. I don’t know how I got so lucky but I sure did. We are truly best friends and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


I am not a mom yet, but hope to be in the future. For now I have 3 fur babies that I love and adore. They are my children and bring so much joy to mine and Mark’s lives. Dogs are true companions and certainly each have their own unique personality.


Bethany + Jayda

Now let’s get to those questions in order for you to become more familiar with this blog.

#1: What am I working on currently?

I just recently posted week 1 of a new series titled “Frightening Friday” with a Halloween framed spider web. I am in the middle of Halloween crafts, décor, and party ideas that will be posted each Friday leading up to a collaboration of ideas that can be used for your Halloween party or just for a fun night of welcoming trick-or-treaters at your front door.

Halloween Framed Spider Web 3

I am also working on other DIY décor ideas for my home that I will be sharing on the blog soon. In my craft room there is always a project that I’m working on. I do get things completed but love having multiple things to work on. This framed pegboard that I recently made has made my life so much easier with crafting to keep all my supplies organized. I don’t know how I went so long without it.

Craft Room Organization with Framed Pegboard 26

#2: How does my work differ from other from its genre?

To be completely honest, I don’t always feel that my work is different which is where I am constantly working to improve and use the creativity that I have. One way that is does differ though is that if I see something else that I really like, I usually try to put a spin on it to give a new perspective. I think we can all learn new ideas from each other but then incorporate our own ideas making it even more unique.

#3: Why do I write/create what I do?

I can truly say that my passion in life is DIY. I began as a small child with my mom watching her make so many different things and having so many talents from making bows to cake decorating. I have been inspired ever since and loved every moment of it. I now enjoy not only DIY, but also any kind of craft basically, DIY décor, party ideas, etc. You name it and I’m probably interested in it.

#4: How does your writing/creating process work?

One way that I have found to create new things is when I am shopping. I love to look on the clearance aisle first even as a young girl to find the best deal. A love for clearance shopping soon turned into a love for finding things that can be practically brand new with a little love and attention. Upcycling items is a great way to create something new while saving so much money at the same time. I recently found a bright green chalkboard with a few small blemishes that had been marked down to $3 on clearance. I was not crazy about the color at all but loved the idea and the wooden white frame around it was gorgeous and not made cheap at all. With a little black chalkboard paint and a chalk marker, I now have a gorgeous weekly chalkboard planner that would have normally cost much more than $3.

Upcycled Framed Chalkboard 5

Also when I’m shopping, I look for things that I absolutely love and don’t want to live without. I then look to see if it is something that I can recreate on my own or make something similar to it for much cheaper. It makes shopping a new kind of experience for sure.

Another thing that inspires my creating process is seeing what so many others of my favorite bloggers are working on. As I mentioned before, I don’t want to just copy their work but change it up and create something new. When all our brilliant and creative minds come together, we are capable of so much more.

I hope this can make us all a little more familiar with each other and give you a better picture of where my blog comes from. Thank you again to Laura for inviting me to participate.

I would now like to invite Karissa from A Fresh Start on a Budget, Amanda from Keeping Up with the Haneys, and Sherisse from Nu: Re Belle.

And as always, enjoy the little things in life!!

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.


2 towers

mark and bethyRecently my husband Mark and I had the opportunity for a weekend getaway in Atlanta. Mark had to be there for a work related conference so of course we spent our free time making the best of it. It is always good to have a chance in the middle of our busy lives to just get away from all the hustle and bustle of everyday life. I know Mark was still there for work but it turned out that we were able to spend some good quality time together. I missed my babies like crazy and would have taken them with me if I could have but 3 dogs in an Atlanta suite is not exactly smiled upon.

We stayed at Twelve Hotel and Residencies and were treated with such high respect from the moment we pulled in with valet and all our belongings taken to our room for us. And what a magnificent view from our room of Atlanta and all the gorgeous buildings.

Once we were settled into our room we decided to go for a stroll and do some sightseeing. There were lots of memories coming to mind while walking around as well. Several years ago when me and Mark were younger and not dating, we took a day trip to Atlanta with my family and some friends. Who knew then that we would later be walking the same streets several years later but now married? A fairy tale come true!

We walked through Centennial Olympic Park with all the large fountains and kids enjoying fun in the water with their light-hearted giggles. Across the street is Skyview Atlanta, a giant Ferris wheel that overlooks the city. I wanted to ride so bad but wanted to do it at night and see the city all lit up. Unfortunately I am sad to say that we never made it back. Lesson learned that in the future when you want to do something, just go ahead and dive in and do it then before the moment passes you by.

Ferris Wheel2



After a long walk around the city we were ready for some dinner. There was a Mellow Mushroom near our hotel. Mark and I love a good pizza! The picture below are some giant mushrooms that were hanging overhead inside the restaurant. I always love the unique décor at each individual Mellow Mushroom location. The one in our area also has its own style.

Mellow Mushroom

The next day while Mark had some more spare time, we decided to treat ourselves or at least I did to some shopping!!! One the best local places around for some great retail therapy is at Atlantic Station. H&M is always a favorite shop of mine so I picked up a few “necessities” while I was there. Then splurged a little more in Victoria’s Secret with my all-time favorite perfume. I love the Dream Angels Heavenly scent. It also holds a special place in my heart because it is the fragrance Mark gave to me on our wedding day to wear.


There were also some pretty magnificent views at Atlantic Station of all the tall buildings.


city day

Mark had had enough retail therapy for one day, (Lol!) so back to the hotel we headed for a fabulous dinner at the hotel’s restaurant. I love a great sushi roll which was incredible and the burger Mark ordered had such an outstanding flavor. Not sure what spices they used but it was out of this world. There was also this sweet red onion sauce that really topped it all off. Below is a picture Mark snapped of me at dinner. I made him delete the first one as I was caught off guard. He has a habit of taking pictures of me at dinner when I least expect it.

Atlanta Weekend Getaway 16

mark and bethy

After dinner I had to take some pictures of the view from our balcony since it was now dark and all the lights were so beautiful. All the traffic and headlights zooming by make for a beautiful picture. Sorry to those that were sitting in the traffic though.

Atlanta Weekend Getaway 14

city at night

Now the next day required that we spend some time just relaxing at pool side. I had looked at that blue water from our balcony long enough and decided I must take a swim. We had the entire pool to ourselves. There is something about not having any stress to distract you from your spouse and just being in that very moment. The flirting and laughing are memories I will cherish forever.




While Mark did have to go to his conference, I enjoyed some quiet time in the hotel room with just me and the laptop making good use of the time to write.

The next day it was time to head home. I couldn’t complain though. We had a great time and were anxious to see our babies again. Plus by the end of the weekend, Mark and I could both agree that even though we loved the weekend away in the big city, there is nothing quite like our beautiful 5 acres to escape back to. The city can be fun but the country is where my heart belongs. Unless an opportunity came up to live at the beach then I may be able to rethink that statement and just visit the country for a weekend getaway.

Speaking of the beach. Mark and I will be taking a vacation to the beach soon and cannot wait to share with you our fun and experiences. Hope you will come along for the ride.

We all have experienced a wonderful time just getting away from the busy everyday life. Share your memories below in the comments from your favorite time away whether it was with your spouse, children, or girlfriends. Don’t forget to enjoy every moment in the moment and don’t let it pass by. And as always don’t forget to enjoy the little things in life.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.


4th of July Cookout

3rd Annual 4th of July Cook Out 1

Every year my husband and I love to throw a cook-out for all of our close family and friends since we have been married. Yes this was only our third annual cook-out but 3 years of marriage still counts. We love having everyone over and celebrating our beautiful country. Now I want to continue the festivities and share with all of you too. Good food, fun games, and colorful fireworks. What more could you really want?

The morning started with the sweet and smoky aroma of Mark getting the smoker ready to go. The smoker leaves a smell that tends to soak into your clothes, hair, and even your skin that tends to hang around for several days even after showering. I know that sounds totally disgusting, but I can’t get enough. I think it’s because I know how much yummy food is coming when the aroma fills the porch.

Mark smoked baby back ribs, chicken quarters, and a Boston butt for pulled pork. All delicious. All I could think was “Get in my belly!” This year though Mark had a barbequing assistant that I would like for you to meet. His name is Porky. He is very handy just when your hands are full and needing that little extra help.

3rd Annual 4th of July Cook Out 3

Did I mention he is quite the looker as well? Out of all seriousness though, my in-laws gave us this pig for our parties and cook-outs because we love having cook-outs and inviting everyone over. It is such a great conversation piece and absolutely adorable.

3rd Annual 4th of July Cook Out 2

You can’t have baby back ribs and all the wonderful “fixins” in the south without a large glass of sweet tea. I thought a mason jar made the sweet tea truly complete until I discovered paper straws. I have become addicted to using them and love them with cake pops as well.

Beside the paper straws is a metal can I just covered with paper and then placed diy paper sparklers inside for an extra “pop” of color and style. Fold a small piece of colorful scrapbook paper and then cut several small slits in the end without cutting in half completely. Tape the uncut end of the paper to wooden skewers and start pulling the paper out to form a sparkler or firework.

3rd Annual 4th of July Cook Out 4

No cook-out in the summer is complete without homemade ice cream. You also can’t have just any flavor of homemade ice cream especially when you live in the south. There is no better flavor than PEACH with sweet and juicy Georgia peaches. I might have had 2nds, and 3rds, and after that I pretty much lost count. Lol!

Along with your homemade ice cream though, you must have a big ol’ juicy watermelon cut. Well at least that’s what everyone else says. I have tried to like watermelon so many times. I really do want to like it. It is so pretty. I also love watermelon flavored candy but can’t seem to like the actual fruit. Also just curious, do you like your watermelon with salt or no salt. That was also a discussion. Since I don’t eat watermelon, I didn’t really understand what the debate was all about. But it seemed to be that people either loved watermelon with salt or without. Funny how we all have our own preferences.

I know it sounds like I have a sweet tooth and maybe I do at times, but another favorite sweet of mine is cotton candy. I simply have no will power to resist to the light and fluffy sugar on a stick. My mom knows this of course and bought me a cotton candy machine. Yum yum yum!!!

3rd Annual 4th of July Cook Out 5

After eating so much food, we had to work off the calories somehow before going into a post-cookout coma. One of my favorite parts, besides the homemade ice cream of course, was competing and playing cornhole toss. Mark and I built our own customized cornhole toss set. We love the Atlanta Braves and loved the addition of the Atlanta “A” on the top. I will be posting detailed instructions so you can make your own set as well. You will not regret it. We have enjoyed playing together even when we are just at home spending quality time together. Corn hole toss is such a fun game that everyone can play.

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Another fun game that I had bought Mark for Christmas and we hadn’t actually put it to good use yet is Ladder Toss. It is also very much fun and can be addicting and very competitive once you start. It seems like it would be easy but actually requires some precision when throwing the balls. The picture below is me and Mark still enjoying the games the next day. In the background you can also see Mac hunting in the yard for fireworks. I explain that later on. Lol!

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The sun has now started setting, and everyone has settled in to their lawn chairs and porch rockers awaiting for the magic to begin. There is no way possible you can have a 4th of July without fireworks and sparklers.

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We enjoyed shooting off fireworks even though our neighbors may have felt differently once we were finished. I don’t know what they heard more, the fireworks or all us women squealing when each one would go off and make the loudest boom. You never realize how nerve racking something that is supposed to be fun can be especially when you are so close.

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My dogs also loved the after math of the fireworks in the front yard the next morning. Mac, my chocolate lab, is notorious for finding anything in the yard and trying to bring it inside. We couldn’t get him to come back from the bathroom without sniffing the entire yard for more fireworks. He is so mischievous sometimes. The Lord is really teaching us patience with that dog and maybe a little preparation for when we have children as well. But we love him anyways!

I have always loved sparklers as well! They are so pretty and just light up the whole night so bright. It takes me holding one a time or two to stop squealing and realize that I am not going to get burnt. There is just something scary but also exhilarating about having sparks that close to your face. Sparklers definitely bring out the little girl in me and make me squeal.

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Once the fireworks were all gone, there is something special about rocking in a front porch rocker or swing listening to the crickets and frogs while sharing favorite memories made from the night. Just be sure to have your tiki torches full and lit to keep the bugs and mosquitoes away. There were so many memories made that I will never forget and enjoyed so much! I love spending time with family and friends. It was a great celebration of America and our freedom to be able to spend time together.

By the end of the night though, my babies were all so exhausted too. Mac especially! He can be such a bed hog!

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I hope you enjoyed your own festivities of celebrating and will continue to enjoy the little things in life.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

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