Learn to Fall in Love and Stay in Love with the Bible

Bible study should never feel like a chore or another item on our to-do list. Learn to fall in love and stay in love with the Bible.

Some of the links below are “affiliate links.” This means if you click a link and purchase an item, I will receive a small affiliate commission that helps me to be able to continue with this blog and hopefully continue to inspire you as well.

Reading this is going to require some honesty on your part. Chances are you won’t be the only one that feels the way you do or has in the past. Especially if you are reading this post. Raise your (virtual) hand if you have ever felt like reading your Bible was a chore. Just another thing on my to-do list? Dreaded even opening the cover of your Bible? Then you felt guilty for even thinking such a thing? Disappointed in yourself for getting stuck in a rut?

Well if we are being honest, I think every single one of us reading this right now would all raise our hands if not both hands. I will be the first to admit that I have dreaded sitting down to even read a devotional must less my Bible. Then I finish reading feeling so guilty and disappointed in myself for even thinking such a thing. The next day comes around, and I stay diligent with studying for about a week or two. Then I feel like I am stuck in that same rut again and can’t seem to break this cycle. It starts to feel like a crazy ride at the fair that I just can’t get off of.

That terrifying ride seemed to change for me when I discovered Bible journaling. You know I love it and can’t get enough. For Pete’s sake, I am so passionate about it that I even wrote a book, Adventures in Bible Journaling: An Extensive Beginner’s Guide to Art and Bible Journaling, to hopefully encourage others to do the same and learn how to. I started looking forward to that quiet time to really dig into the Word and find those nuggets and revelations. Then I knew I would want to remember them and illustrate them in  my journaling Bible.

April Bible Journaling Challenge Plus FREE Printable

If you have no clue what Bible journaling is then I encourage you to start with this post, Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling, and then continue with other posts that I have written HERE full of tutorials, printables, and ideas to get you going.

Not only am I able to spend time with God when I’m journaling in my Bible, I am also praising Him through something that I love to do. I love papercrafting, painting, doodling, etc., but when I get to incorporate that into my Bible study, there is a new and fresh joy.

Now I’m not going to act as if those feelings we talked about earlier are not going to pop up at some point. The enemy knows our weaknesses and is the first to throw it in our face. Certain days will come where I just feel so tired and exhausted from the day, that I don’t even want to think about opening my Bible. I have learned though that these are the days that I need that time in God’s Word even more.

Now we all raised our hands earlier and were honest with ourselves, so let’s get off that crazy ride and dive back into the Word with a new found passion and love for God’s Word. No more guilt and no more shame. For me Bible journaling is what sparked that, but it may be something different for you which is why I can’t wait to share with you another resource that I know will bless your life. Shanna Noel is the founder and creator of Illustrated Faith, an online resource for all things Bible journaling which a numerous selection of Bible journaling products sold through Dayspring.

Learn to Fall in Love and Stay in Love with the Bible

She just released her latest book, 10 Ways to Fall in Love and Stay in Love with the Bible. You will find that me and you are not the only ones that have felt guilt or condemnation over not having a passion for the Bible. She has as well and guides you through what helped her most with 10 different tips. Don’t think of this book as just another self-help book that will only last for a little while and then you’re back on that ride before you know it. Pray before you start that the Holy Spirit will give you the power and strength with a new passion and zeal.

Learn to Fall in Love and Stay in Love with the Bible

Get a pencil or highlighter out and get ready to jot down notes in the margins and really mark this book up. There are so many simple nuggets that you will not want to forget. Plus be sure to get yours now because Dayspring is having a BIG storewide sale with 25% OFF using the coupon code FAITH25. (Coupon good through 4/24/17.) Grab this book at an already great price and then pick up some of her Bible journaling supplies now while you can save big time. Maybe you want to purchase a journaling Bible too so you can get it at its cheapest.


Learn to Fall in Love and Stay in Love with the Bible

And please let me know if you have any tips and ideas for keeping that passion and love for the Word going in the comments below. I would love to know, and I’m sure others would too. And the greatest of these is love,

Bible study should never feel like a chore or another item on our to-do list. Learn to fall in love and stay in love with the Bible.

How to Make Lasting Friendships with Never Unfriended

If you are afraid of stepping out again, learn now how to make lasting friendships with Never Unfriended and see your friendships flourish. 

Thank you to Dayspring for sponsoring this post and teaching us all how to build lasting friendships. Some of the links below are “affiliate links.” This means if you click a link and purchase an item, I will receive a small affiliate commission that helps me to be able to continue with this blog and hopefully continue to inspire you as well.

I am not going to lie. I want to be completely transparent with you when it comes to today’s post. I have a tendency to crawl back in my comfort zone and steer clear of friendships. I find it very difficult to let people into my life. I don’t want to get hurt or just feel plain awkward.

Well when I first learned about the (in)courage community from Dayspring and Craving Connection, my eyes were starting to open to a new principle that had always been there all along. I can never be unfriended. Jesus is the most faithful friend who ever lived, and He is my best friend.

How to Make Lasting Friendships with Never Unfriended

My journey of learning to open up and connect with others continued with Lisa-Jo Baker’s newest book, Never Unfriended. She is the beautiful mind behind the (in)courage community that always believes the shortest distance between strangers is a shared awkward story.

I started reading and learning that first my friendship and relationship with Jesus Christ needed to be my main priority. Then as I grew closer to Him, I knew that everything else would work itself out and I didn’t have to worry. But the book has also taught me that I need to pray and seek God’s will for how I can be a friend toward other just as much as I expect to receive if not more.

I no longer have to worry about what will come of friendships or if I will end up hurt. Never Unfriended gives practical tips and personal stories to help us all make friends and be the kind of friend that lasts.

How to Make Lasting Friendships with Never Unfriended

Not only is Lisa-Jo equipping you for friendships through this book, (in)courage also has this Conversation Starter Jar to get the stories rollin’. Inside the jar are 60 cards with totally different and random questions to really make you think and also get to know each other even better.

How to Make Lasting Friendships with Never Unfriended

This jar is perfect for a road trip, girls weekend, date night with your spouse, Mother’s Day brunch, etc. As soon as the jar was delivered to my house, I started pulling out several and talking with my husband Mark. He loved the topics and ideas that really helped us learn more about each other. We can’t wait to take the jar with us on the road when we are just leisurely driving. Making that time a priority is HUGE with any relationship.

How to Make Lasting Friendships with Never Unfriended

If you can relate to any of this, then please be sure to check out Never Unfriended and the (in)courage community from Dayspring. You will find your spirit will be lifted and encouraged.

Never Unfriended is now $16.99 $11.99 + use coupon code FREESHIP to get FREE shipping on both the book and conversation starter jar thru 4/9/17. That is 30% for a brand new book and FREE shipping. (U.S. Residents only for free shipping.) 

How to Make Lasting Friendships with Never Unfriended

Let me know in the comments below if you can relate to exactly what I’m saying. I would love to hear your story and find any encouragement from you too. And the greatest of these is love,

If you are afraid of stepping out again, learn now how to make lasting friendships with Never Unfriended and see your friendships flourish. Get all the details NOW and for SPECIAL pricing!

How to Achieve Real Life Engagement in Your Life

If you want to start the year with a fresh start, then try starting out with the Craving Connection Daily Devotion and learn how to achieve real life engagement in your life.

I always find that the beginning of the year is a great time to start fresh and make a plan to really achieve your goals. We can learn from the past year and move toward the future in a new way. One way I am doing just that is with Craving Connection: 30 Challenges for Real-Life Engagement. 

How to Achieve Real Life Engagement in Your Life

Craving Connection comes from the (in)courage community and Dayspring. (in)courage is a community of women that encourages each other through loving support and meaningful connections. They just recently launched their first book which is Craving Connection.

Included are 30 days of devotional study full of real life stories and scripture application to encourage your connection with God, friends, and your community. Each day you will find scripture, devotional, connection questions, and a connection challenge with a takeaway.

How to Achieve Real Life Engagement in Your Life

As I have started and learned more about this community, there are certain people on my mind and in my heart that I am now more actively praying for and hoping to really engage in a friendship and life connection with them on a deeper level that God has called us to. Above all that I want my relationship with God to be the priority. I have found that Bible journaling helps me to really meditate on the scripture and spend time with God in worship with creating.

Craving Connection is now the other component I was needing for the other people and areas of my life. One thing that I love to do is find small things that aren’t expensive necessarily but will just brighten someone’s day in a special and meaningful way. You can only imagine how excited I was when I discovered their Encouragement Postcard Book.

How to Achieve Real Life Engagement in Your Life

There are 20 different postcards with the most beautiful lettered and artistic designs full of scripture and encouraging quotes. I can’t wait to send one to a friend or family member for a little fun happy mail to brighten their day when they least expect it.

How to Achieve Real Life Engagement in Your Life

How to Achieve Real Life Engagement in Your Life

To remind me daily of what I am learning in Craving Connection and how to keep it close to heart, I love their new Clip Frame and Art Print set. The whitewash with the gold foil is about more than I can handle. The perfect gold clip holds an art print to encourage me throughout the day or anyone who comes into my home.

How to Achieve Real Life Engagement in Your Life

What makes this even more perfect is the built in pocket on the back that holds the 25 art prints that come with it. I don’t have to worry about losing any of them and can switch them out easily whenever I choose. This would also be a great conversation starter to place on your desk at work so others can read and be touched as well. It’s the little things that will reach people sometimes.

How to Achieve Real Life Engagement in Your Life

And if that wasn’t enough, check out their Wear-One-Share-One necklaces that you can choose from several different words. I chose “Peace” and love being able to wear it and remind myself throughout the day of God’s peace whenever chaos tries to arise. I can’t wait to give the other necklace to someone close as a reminder to both of us that someone is always praying for them.

How to Achieve Real Life Engagement in Your Life

Photo Credit Dayspring

I am so expectant and excited to see how God works in my own life and heart to really connect with Him and others in a new and refreshed way this year. I am so thankful for resources like these to help and guide us along the way. Life is hard enough without having to do it alone. Let’s support each other as much as we can. I’m also excited to see what nuggets of truth speak to me that I can incorporate into my journaling Bible and illustrate there. We shall see…

Now head over to Dayspring and get your Craving Connection book now to start this incredible journey. I will be reading along as well so feel free to start a discussion in the comments below or ask any questions.

And the greatest of these is love,

If you want a fresh start, then try starting out with the Craving Connection Daily Devotion and learn How to Achieve Real Life Engagement in Your Life.

This post is sponsored by Dayspring. All opinions are mine alone. I pinky promise!

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. 

Travel Necessities and Planning Printable 

Tis the season for sweet travels…You got any big plans this Spring Break or Summer? I promise I could just live at the beach! To help get you ready, I’m sharing my travel necessities and planning printable with y’all today. One of those necessities happens to be the new Dove Dry Oil Beauty Bar and Dove Dry Oil Moisture Body Wash. I’ve partnered with Dove to share with y’all about their New Dove Dry Oil Collection. Amazing! 

Travel Necessities and Planning Printable 

Traveling is supposed to be relaxing, but if you are anything like me you get this nervous and excited anxiety that starts just a few weeks before departure day. The excited part is a wonderful feeling for a new adventure. But I want to help you kick out that nervous part by relieving some stress about forgetting to pack something or not having everything taken care of before leaving.

Travel Necessities 

#1: Journaling Bible

My top priority when traveling is to have my Bible with me. I enjoy starting each day of a trip, or any day for that matter, with my daily quiet time and scripture reading. It begins my day and trip with a calm and serenity.

Where to Get Started with Bible Journaling for Beginners

For those of you that have begun the Bible journaling adventure with me, be sure to bring your journaling Bible with you with just a few simple supplies such as some colored pens and date stamp. Traveling is the best time to get some inspiration and relax while documenting it all in  in your Bible. Check out how to get started with a beginners guide for Bible journaling if you are interested.

#2: Oversized Handbag

A large and oversized handbag is absolutely necessary whether I’m driving on the open road or flying high above the clouds. I want to have a bag that is big enough to carry a journal, snacks, and camera along with all the other goodies that I keep in my purse.

Travel Necessities and Planning Printable 

You want something that isn’t too large that would still be comfortable to carry through an airport or while shopping. I got this handbag during the holidays, and it is definitely one of my favorites. It actually has a smaller handbag inside of it that can be removed which is perfect to quickly take out and head shopping without lugging around the larger bag.

Travel Necessities and Planning Printable 

#3: Laptop or phone

Because I am a blogger, it is hard to unplug and get away from electronic devices and social media. When I’m traveling, I have found a balance that helps me to enjoy my trip and relax while still being able to document it all using the camera on my phone or my laptop.

Travel Necessities and Planning Printable 

At night when I’m winding down, I find I am most inspired and motivated to write. I love being able to go back and read the details of a trip day by day and not forget anything.

#4: The New Dove Dry Oil Collection

Many of mine and Mark’s vacations include going to the beach. The salty ocean water, sand, and sunshine are relaxing but can be harsh on my skin and hair drying it out majorly. The Dove Dry Oil Beauty Bar and Dove Dry Oil Moisture Body Wash is made to cleanse my skin when I’m showering without leaving it feeling dry which can happen easily at the beach. It protects while also nourishing my skin because of its formula that consists of Moroccan Argan oil beads that helps to replenish nutrients to my skin.

Travel Necessities and Planning Printable 

Because 9 in 10 women are concerned about having dry skin, Dove Dry Oil Moisture Body Wash goes beyond basic moisturizing to help women nourish and protect their dry skin. I have been using argan oil on my hair for a long time so it only makes sense to use it for my skin too.

The Dove Dry Oil Beauty Bar is also great to leave in my bathrooms at home for my family and even guests to use to wash their hands. I am constantly washing my hands so its nice to have something now that won’t dry them out.

#5: Travel Planning Printable

Before any trip, I am always making lists of all sorts of things to help me prepare. Those lists range from things that need to be taken care of before the trip, things to buy for the trip, to my packing list as well.

Because I tend to make so many list, I finally made my own travel planning printable that keeps all my notes and lists in one convenient place. Now preparing for a trip doesn’t have to be stressful anymore.

Travel Necessities and Planning Printable 

The good news is that you can also get your FREE travel planning printable. Just click HERE to print yours now!

Print your checklist now so that you will be prepared for your next trip. Plus don’t forget to add these travel necessities of mine to your list. You will be glad you did. Please let me know in the comments below where you are planning your next trip to. I would love to hear. Traveling is a favorite of mine.

Your next vacation destination can start now with this FREE and ADORABLE traveling planning checklist to keep you organized and prepared. Be sure your next trip is RELAXING and PRINT YOURS NOW!

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Dove, but all my opinions are my own. I pinky promise!  #DoveDifference #ShowerAwayDrySkin #DovePartner http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV 

Simple Changes to Start and KEEP Your Healthier Lifestyle

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinion are mine alone. I pinky promise! #NourishWhatMatters #CollectiveBias

Healthier Lifestyle? Yes, sign me up! I want to live every day of my life to the fullest which all starts with a healthier lifestyle so I can enjoy life. How about you?

Don’t be discouraged. Sometimes a healthier lifestyle can seem so daunting when you see others who are running marathons and seem to have it all together. But how do you think they got to that point? ONE STEP AT A TIME.

Start making small changes in your daily life to reach your goals. I can’t wait to share some tips I have found that have helped me and will hopefully make a difference in your life too.

Start and Keep Your Healthier Lifestyle NOW


Before you even start, find someone that you can stay accountable with to encourage each other too. There is nothing worse than quitting before you even get started because you are tired or lack motivation.

For me that person is Mark, my husband. We will usually make commitments to each other and work together. This keeps me from backing out when life gets tough. I know he is depending on me to hold up my end of the bargain.


Let’s be honest. Life happens sometimes and it really just stinks. I mentioned this a little bit earlier, but if you have set goals for yourself, don’t look at the end of the race and think you should be there now. It all starts with one step and one day to reach your goal.

When life does happen and you get discouraged and maybe even mess up with your plan, start again the next day and keep going no matter what. Don’t let it be an excuse to you to just quit because you messed up. If that was the case, then none of us would meet our goals.


I want to maintain a healthier lifestyle which for me includes my eating habits. There is nothing more detrimental to my healthier lifestyle than not planning my meals ahead of time. It is so easy to work all day and then not feel like cooking because I’m tired and just don’t know what to fix. Then I’m needing to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things to fix as well.

By the time I’m done thinking about it, I’m ready to get take-out and forget about it. To keep from falling into that temptation, I must make my grocery shopping and meal planning a priority. Usually for me that happens to be on the weekends. Be sure to designate a day of the week that you can get your shopping done.

One go to meal that I love to have on hand are the Lean Cuisine products. I don’t have to worry about trying to come up with something at the last second when it’s lunch time. I know that I can still have a delicious meal without all the guilt.

Simple Changes to Start and KEEP Your Healthier Lifestyle

The LEAN CUISINE® MARKETPLACE Vermont White Cheddar Mac & Cheese is absolutely one of my favorites. I love mac and cheese but don’t want to feel guilty after eating it. Now I don’t have to.

They also have many different varieties depending on what your taste is that are full of flavor and protein packed. Some varieties even have gluten-free options and organic ingredient options.

While I was at Target recently, I picked up several other kinds including Chicken Fried Rice and Spinach Artichoke Ravioli. Target is one of my most favorite stores. They have a commitment to focusing on health and wellness which pairs perfectly with Lean Cuisine.

Simple Changes to Start and KEEP Your Healthier Lifestyle

You can also find them at Target for $2 each which is definitely much less expensive than getting take-out every day. Print a coupon HERE to save even more money with $1 off purchase of 5 varieties.

Simple Changes to Start and KEEP Your Healthier Lifestyle

You can even be rewarded for your healthier choices with Lean Cuisine through their well-being program you can sign up for HERE. Why not earn rewards for the good you are doing and working toward every day.

Simple Changes to Start and KEEP Your Healthier Lifestyle


I find that writing down just about anything will keep you accountable. But with exercise, if you write down your schedule, you are making it a priority and more likely to stick with it. I use my planner for just about anything including meal planning but also my exercise routine. This has seemed to work the best for me.

Now get yourself out there and make today the best day you can. You deserve it! Let me know in the comments below what you use to help you stay motivated with a healthier lifestyle. Head over to Target’s website too if you are needing any more ideas.

You can keep your healthier lifestyle with just a few tips. Get all the details for your healthier lifestyle at thesoutherncouture.com.

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

Faithful What It Means to Me for 2016

I know I said it Tuesday when I shared my Rockstar blog posts of 2015, but I’m going to say it again. I am looking forward to 2016 and what it brings. A new year is a fresh, new start to whatever you can dream of. The possibilities truly are endless.

So at the beginning of last year, I found that deciding on a word for the year that would be my focus was extremely helpful! It ended up being something that I meditated on all year and not just in the moment of New Year’s resolutions.

Last year I picked the word “Grateful” which I share more of the why HERE. I also shared how I was going to keep myself on track with that in another post HERE. I continued to find myself even during some rough times thinking of what I have to be thankful for and dwelling on that instead.

So for this year…DRUMROLL please….


Yes, faithful is the word for me. Faithful means so many things to so many different people.

For me, my top priority this year is being faithful to my beliefs, my intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, church, giving, and the list could truly go on and on.

Faithful What It Means to Me for 2016

I don’t want to ever get to the place where I am not excited at the mention of my Savior. Just like being sure I show up to work, eat 3 meals a day, brush my teeth, etc. I want my daily relationship with Christ to be the same.

Talking with Him daily should be as natural as rolling over and kissing Mark good morning every day. He wants that relationship with me and with you too. It should never get pushed to the back burner.

For Christmas, Mark bought me a journaling Bible. I just love the beautiful cover as well.

Faithful What It Means to Me for 2016

This was the one thing that I really, really, really wanted. I have been wanting one for the past year, and I can’t believe it’s mine now. I am hoping to dive into it this weekend and get started with some gorgeous art (hopefully).

Faithful What It Means to Me for 2016

Look out for the future too where I will be sharing more about my Bible journaling experience here on the blog and on my social media channels.

Faithful cannot just stay within the spiritual realm. It just isn’t possible. It goes way beyond what you may think. Being faithful for me is being devoted and dependable to Mark, my family, my job, any obligations, my blog, etc.

Whatever I set my mind to do this year, I want to stay faithful with it and not become lazy or complacent. Won’t you join this journey with me in 2016 too?

Let me know in the comments below if you pick a word each year and what yours is. I love to hear what others are focusing on as well.

Have a blessed New Year! And stay tuned too for more to come on my Bible journaling adventure. I can’t wait!

Start each year right by starting with a fresh clean slate. Make it happen with Bible journaling with these tips from thesoutherncouture.com.

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. 

Tips to Getting Out the Door Faster Every Morning

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. I pinky promise. #GiftSilkn #CollectiveBias

Do some mornings you just seem to wake up late, you have spilled your coffee down the front of your brand new white shirt, and your dogs won’t come back in from using the bathroom outside? It happens to all of us.

Hopefully these tips will help you avoid the worst chaos by preparing for your day the night and maybe even weeks before. Plus I have the coolest new product to share with you that has made my day and life so much easier.

With a few tips and planning ahead, you can make your morning even simpler and easier. Avoid the chaos as much as you can with these pointers from thesoutherncouture.com.

Lay out your clothes the night before.

This is something I have been doing for many years now. It only takes a few minutes each night but makes the world of difference. You would be amazed at how long, especially us women, it can take to just pick out an outfit.

We can go through the whole closet and then say, “I have absolutely nothing to wear.”

In my bathroom is this chair and robe hook that I can lay my clothes out on or hang up with even my shoes ready to go. Then all I have to do is just put them on the next morning.

Tips to Getting Out the Door Faster Every Morning

Pick your accessories ahead of time.

Keeping with the night before prep, I also lay out any jewelry, scarves, purses, etc. that I will need with my outfit. Knowing what you want to accessorize with ahead of time, keeps you from searching your drawers or jewelry cabinet for that perfect necklace.

I have a white tray with a hand towel and bar of soap that sits on my vanity in my bathroom. I just place my jewelry on that tray to keep it from getting lost when I take it out of my cabinet.

Tips to Getting Out the Door Faster Every Morning

These may sound like small things that don’t make a big difference, but trust me they do. You will know exactly what I mean when your alarm never goes off after you know you set it and now you are definitely running late. (I hope this never happens to you though.)

Laser Hair Removal

The last thing I feel like doing every morning is shaving. I don’t even enjoy doing it the night before. Plus if I do, it feels like my hairs just grow right out in no time making it pointless.

This isn’t to say that I walk around without ever shaving, but it certainly isn’t something I want to wake up earlier to take the time to do. I love my sleep too much.

You may be just cringing at the thoughts of those 3 words, laser hair removal, because you think it will hurt or it will cost too much. But what if I told you that you could do it yourself, at home, and for much less than what it cost at salons?

You would probably jump up and down ecstatic like I did when I found the Flash&Go. It is safe, easy to use, and effective leading to permanent hair removal. There is no more need for waxing, shaving, or plucking.

Tips to Getting Out the Door Faster Every Morning

This just made my life so much easier! Shaving my armpits is one less thing I have to worry about.

You will want to first start by shaving the area.

Tips to Getting Out the Door Faster Every Morning

Then press the end of the Flash&Go directly to the skin. There are settings to adjust the strength of the laser depending on your own tolerance. You can then increase the setting after each treatment every 2 weeks.

Tips to Getting Out the Door Faster Every Morning

While you are out Christmas shopping, be sure to check at Kohl’s which is where I found mine. It is the perfect gift to pamper yourself with and also one for a friend making the perfect spa night at home for much less than the expensive salons. It works best for women with lighter skin with brown hair.

Tips to Getting Out the Door Faster Every Morning

Once you have purchased your own at Kohl’s or Bed Bath and Beyond, be sure to head over to keepongifting.com to receive your own $25 gift card and be entered to win a trip to Aruba. Pampering and a vacation…Does it get any better than this?

*You can also redeem this gift card offer up to 3 times giving you $75 dollars making each Flash&Go even less expensive.

Let me know if you try the Flash&Go and who you would love to gift one to this Christmas in the comments below. 

Tips to Getting Out the Door Faster Every Morning

With a few tips, I hope your morning tomorrow is chaos-free as you take the time to plan tonight. It really will make a huge difference.

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle {During the Busyness of Life}

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertisers. All opinions are mine alone. #DoMoreWithEAS #CollectiveBias

There is no doubt that we all feel better when we are actually living a healthier lifestyle. I know that I have more energy than ever. I sleep like a baby leaving me so refreshed the next morning. My focus and motivation to get work done seems to be even better which makes me feel accomplished.

With a few simple tips, you are on your way to eating and living healthier for a better life. Get all the tips at thesoutherncouture.com and make today a new day now!

Really there aren’t any negative effects of living healthier. At least I haven’t found any yet and don’t know of anyone else who has either. The only problem is actually getting started. That is usually the hardest part. Once you do, then you are golden.

I have several tips to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle especially during the busyness of life.

1. Incorporate Protein into Your Diet

I know that for me, I find myself becoming shaky and weak when I’m not eating protein. Sometimes when things are hectic and busy, it isn’t always easy to be able to stop and prepare a meal with a meat.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle {During the Busyness of Life}

Now thanks to EAS, I can grab their on-the-go portable packets with 100% whey single serving protein and throw it in my purse for later. I found this single serving packets at Target in the pharmacy department.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle {During the Busyness of Life}

If you are busy in the mornings and don’t have time to cook breakfast, then this would be the perfect option for you. Pour some milk or water into a cup to take with you and your breakfast is now taken care of.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle {During the Busyness of Life}

Please know that this protein supplement is not a magic fix, but is perfect to add to an already healthy lifestyle which brings me to my next tip.

2. Establish an Exercise Routine

It is not just enough to say on Sunday night, I am going to work-out 4 times this week. You need to determine what days, at what time, and what exercise you will be performing. I have planned so many times with good intention to work-out and then life happens. I am too tired once I get off work, and then I no longer have that same motivation.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle {During the Busyness of Life}

If I write it down and keep myself accountable with a plan then I am much more apt to keep my exercise plans. You must also stay in that routine to be successful. Don’t stop or get out of a routine because it’s always harder to start again. Make things easier for yourself, not harder.

3. Plan Your Meals for the Week Ahead

There is nothing more frustrating than exercising to only find that you don’t know what to make for dinner because there are no groceries. So then you end up heading to get take-out which we all know isn’t healthy.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle {During the Busyness of Life}

If you will plan your meals for the week ahead of time and buy your groceries accordingly, then your meals for the week ahead are already planned and just have to be made. It is so much easier to stick to a healthier lifestyle when you know what you are going to eat ahead of time. This is especially helpful for me after a stressful or long day at work when I really just want to go splurge.

4. Drink Lots of Water

I don’t know how to stress the importance of water for our bodies. Water is the best thing we can drink and put in our bodies to keep us hydrated. Water helps so many different organs and is instrumental in a healthier lifestyle.

I recommend getting a cup or water bottle that you really love to keep with you all day to drink water throughout the day. For me a cute cup is encouraging and makes me want to drink it. (Kinda weird? But it works.)


Now get out there and put your mind to living healthier! If you would like to try EAS Protein, you can get 5% off at Target with THIS Cartwheel offer.

Click HERE to find out other ways to incorporate EAS Protein into your daily life. Let me know in the comments below if you have any suggestions for me that have helped you live healthier.

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CloudPetsForever #CollectiveBias

I am going to be an aunt for the first time come January. I couldn’t be more thrilled and am so excited. Is it bad that every time I walk into a store now I go straight to the baby and kids section to see what I can find? This is going to be one spoiled little boy, but isn’t that how it is supposed to be?

You can now have the perfect baby gift for the newest bundle of joy in your family with this stuffed CloudPets animal. Find out more at thesoutherncouture.com.

I just couldn’t help myself when I found this new and one-of-a-kind stuffed animal in Walmart for my nephew… CloudPets. I found this one at the front of the store on a display with bears and kitties too. It does require three AA batteries, but these can be found at the front of the store too to make your shopping trip even easier.

The Perfect Gift for the Newest Bundle of Joy in Your Family

The Perfect Gift for the Newest Bundle of Joy in Your Family

Who would imagine that technology would one day allow us to send messages to our loved ones no matter how far away they are? I love that I don’t have to be close to my nephew to send a message to let him know how much I love him. With this stuffed animal, all his Mommy has to do is download the free app, register his puppy, and then invite family and friends to send him messages.

The Perfect Gift for the Newest Bundle of Joy in Your Family

What is so adorable is that his heart will light up and flash when he has a message waiting for him to hear. He can then record and send messages back to me. His puppy will also be able to play games and sing him lullabies when I’m not there to.

The Perfect Gift for the Newest Bundle of Joy in Your Family

His Mom and Dad don’t have to worry about anyone sending him inappropriate messages either because it comes with parental controls making it even safer. Now if you are wondering how exactly how this comes together and works, check out the “How It Works” video HERE for a demonstration.

Now you may be thinking, he is only a baby and won’t really be able to play with his puppy. For me that’s the fun part of the whole thing though. Having voice messages recorded is a fun way to let him know how I feel about him and different experiences he has through his first year of life. Then when he is a little bit older, he will be able to listen to all of our messages and enjoy them forever.

The Perfect Gift for the Newest Bundle of Joy in Your Family

I think this is such a great and modern way to send “letters” to them that they can enjoy later and know all the fun memories we made.

Be sure to go to your local Walmart to get yours. They are available in select stores but will be available nationwide very soon.

The Perfect Gift for the Newest Bundle of Joy in Your Family

The possibilities are really endless for ways to enjoy CloudPets and share them with your loved ones. Maybe you have a family member in the military. They could send your kids messages to make them feel closer to home or perhaps even a bedtime story and prayers every night. Let me know in the comments below who you would love to give one to today.

Enjoy the feeling of joy when your kid’s face lights up hearing a special message and of course the little things too.

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

My Idea of the Perfect Me Time

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertisers. All opinions are mine alone. I pinky promise! #FeelingInvigorated #FeelGlade #CollectiveBias

Everyday life can just become burdensome and overwhelming at times. Wouldn’t you agree? I have found myself there at certain times and just needed some time to take a break and check out. When I’m really stressed, my husband will even start a bubble bath for me and tell me to go relax.

My Idea of the Perfect Me Time

I can’t wait to share my idea of the perfect “Me” time to give you some pointers for your own rest and relaxation. Plus there’s even a fun craft that you can make too to get you right in the mood even when the beach isn’t in your back yard.

My perfect “Me” time is pretty much consumed in the bathroom. I like to start by lighting a candle and setting that relaxing mood. My most favorite candle recently has been the new Glade® Blue Odyssey™ Large Candle. You can get one yourself first at Walmart.

The candle is a blend of water, air, and earth with the most fresh and clean smell. When my mind is flooding with thoughts, I light this Glade® candle to settle my stress and pull my thoughts back together.

As a blogger myself, sometimes your creativity bank can seem to start running dry. There is just something about the scent of the Glade® Blue Odyssey™ Large Candle that is invigorating and gets those creative juices flowing. If you are in need of newfound passion and energy for your job, hobby, etc. then I suggest you get your matches!

In order to really rejuvenate myself and regain my passion, my Glade® Blue Odyssey™ Large Candle is the perfect addition to a bubble bath. Toss a fizzy bath bomb into a warm tub of water and the light and refreshing scent uplift your feelings. A handmade sugar scrub would just be the icing on the cake to finish off a relaxing night for myself.

My Idea of the Perfect Me Time

While I’m lying in my bubble bath, a warm cup of flavored tea really helps to relax me as well. I like to try new flavors and enjoy the warmth especially if I’m not feeling well. The tea isn’t overly sweet making it a great addition to a relaxing evening.

My Idea of the Perfect Me Time

Now that I’m relaxed and a new splurge of creativity has been born, I need to get it all out of my mind and onto paper so I don’t forget it later. Keeping a journal and cute pen (well the pen doesn’t have to be cute but it helps) nearby is a necessity. I love to write down notes and ideas that I have for new blog posts and projects.

My Idea of the Perfect Me Time

I mentioned earlier that the beach may not always be in your backyard, but why not bring the beach to you whenever you have the chance. So now you’ve heard about how I create the perfect environment to enjoy some “me” time at home, but outside of my house, my favorite stress escape location is the beach.  While relaxing next to the waves, my only care in the world seems to be what book I will read next.

However, the only down side is that I don’t always have access to a beach. That’s why I enjoy the Glade® Blue Odyssey™ Large Candle so much. It is so fresh, with hints of bright blooms and sweet peach along with the touch of amber and musk, it really makes the scent of the beach come alive in my home.

Now you can enjoy the ocean in any room with the fresh new scent of Glade® Blue Odyssey™ candle, which you can find first at Walmart. And the best part? The new and larger candle now burns up to 60 hours! You can also buy 2 Glade® Large Candles (9.2 oz.) at Walmart and receive a $5 virtual gift card.

I would love to know what helps you take a break from all the stress to relax again. Leave your suggestions in the comments below. If you are in need of some ideas, check out what others are saying HERE.

Enjoy the little things in life like a little “Me” time for yourself.


Glade Blue Odyssey Candlehttps://js.gleam.io/e.js