We are having a Baby...

I just announced last week that my husband and I are pregnant with baby #2. Today I am so excited to announce that we are having a baby…

First of all I just want to say a HUGE thank you to y’all for every sweet word, comment, encouragement, and more but most of all for the prayers over this new baby and our growing family. If you missed the announcement last week, you can check it out HERE for more details. 

Life Update for My Family

I asked y’all here and on Instagram to give your best guess if you thought we were having another boy or a girl this time. I loved reading everyone’s responses and thoughts. It is always fun to hear why people pick one over the other. I am the worst at guessing genders too. 

Now let’s just get to the fun part. We are having a baby…


We are having a Baby...

A picture from our family and friends gender reveal party

We are so excited and thrilled to be having another baby and another boy. I guess you could officially say I am a boy mom at least for now. 😉 I’ve also always said how fun it would be for my little guy to have his own little buddy to play and wrestle with. What a joy it is to be their mom!

Life Update for My Family

Thank you again to everyone for all your love and encouragement. Now I want to know your best advice for adding another baby to the family. I feel like going from one to two babies can be overwhelming but so rewarding. God bless!!

Life Update for My Family

I have been so excited to share a life update for my family in 2020 with y’all with some big changes that have happened to us already. 

Well if I said 2020 hasn’t been quite the year for everyone, then I would be just about crazy. I understand that this year has really been like none other. As I share some updates in our family from this past year, I first want to say that I don’t take lightly all the hardships and burdens that so many have experienced. At the same time, I try to keep my focus on God’s faithfulness and have gratitude for all His many blessings which is why I am so excited to share a few things with y’all today. 

You may have noticed that over the last few months, I have not been quite as active here on my blog, YouTube channel, or other social media channels. Many of you have sent sweet messages checking on me which means so much to me. And I have good reason for that too. To begin with, WE SOLD OUR HOME AND MOVED!! 

Life Update for My Family

Our Beautiful Home We Sold

We have been praying about this decision for several years but never felt the release to move forward. Earlier this year with continued prayer, the timing just seemed right. God was in the midst of the entire process! I won’t go into all the tiny details, but TRUST ME!! He cares about every detail of our lives. 

Life Update for My Family

Beautiful Sunset from Our Front Yard in Our Old House

We had tons of showings scheduled immediately with multiple offers within the first 24 hours of our house being listed. Our home was a Victorian style with very unique character and design. I knew it would sell if it was God’s will, but I also knew it would take a very unique buyer as well that would love its charm as much as we did. Well it did sell and fast. Thank you Lord! 

Life Update for My Family

One of the Last Pictures in Our Home Before Moving

Right before we made the decision to move forward with selling our home and before the quarantines started shutting things down, I found out another bit of good news. I AM PREGNANT!!

Life Update for My Family

Capturing that Growing Baby Bump

Yes, our family of three will soon be a family of four! I am currently almost 28 weeks pregnant and due in November! I was so shocked and surprised at first. But obviously very excited at the same time. If you have been here for a while, you may remember when I shared the details about our journey to having my son who is now a little over two years old. You can check out those posts HERE

Life Update for My Family

Enjoying Some Cuddles with Big Brother and Baby #2

Needless to say, it took time for us to get pregnant with him. But it was all in God’s timing which is perfect. So when we became pregnant this time so quickly, I was feeling all the emotions and pregnancy symptoms too. The nausea, food aversions, emotional roller coaster, exhaustion, and so much more were quickly making their appearance. I took a little time away from my blog and social media which is when all your sweet messages started pouring in. 

Life Update for My Family

Documenting Doctor Visits with This Little Bump

I cannot share this exciting news of ours without saying how much my heart is with those that have struggled and continue to when it comes to pregnancy. You are in my thoughts and prayers. But more than that, your Heavenly Father is near, faithful, and always present wiping every tear from your eyes. 

Life Update for My Family

Getting That Lovely Bloodwork Done

Now for the fun part…I want to know your guess for what baby #2 is going to be. Please let me know in the comments below and I’ll be sharing here on the blog the gender next week in a new blog post. If you already know, then shhhhh! Don’t tell! God bless y’all and thank you again for all your love and support always! 

Life Update for My Family

Enjoying Those Sweet Cravings and Relaxing

Take the Care Dare with Encouraging Acts for 30 Days

Join me and take the Care Dare with encouraging acts for 30 days in celebration of National Day of Encouragement. You will receive a different task each day to pay it forward and be an encouragement to others. 

Have you ever been in the drive-thru at your favorite spot and got to the window only to be told that you don’t owe anything and the car in front of you paid for your order already? Remember the joy and smile that came across your face just knowing someone cared about you? Being able to bless someone else brings double that joy to you which is why I can’t wait for the Care Dare starting tomorrow.

Take the Care Dare with Encouraging Acts for 30 Days

So what exactly is the Care Dare? Dayspring is celebrating the National Day of Encouragement tomorrow by kicking off with the Care Dare. When you sign up using this link, you will receive an email with Care Dare Checklist and each day with an idea of a way that you can be an encouragement to someone else and show you care.


BUT…You have to use the #DayspringCareDare and tag me (Instagram @the_southern_couture, FB @thesoutherncouture, or Twitter @bethyvf) sharing with others what you are doing each day. When you use the hashtag and also tag me, Dayspring will then donate an encouraging card to a prison ministry for every post. And the good news is you can post as many times as you like.

Take the Care Dare with Encouraging Acts for 30 Days

So not only will you be caring for someone else, but it will be multiplied thanks to Dayspring. I love finding simple ways to show others that someone truly loves them and praying that small act will be multiplied and start a ripple effect. You just never know who God has in mind for you to bless during this next month.

Take the Care Dare with Encouraging Acts for 30 Days

Some of the ideas include sharing a verse, sending a card, sending flowers, saying hello first. Showing you care and that God cares for them doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive. A couple favorite of mine that I can’t wait to do is leaving small notes of encouragement in random places like for a waitress, on bathroom mirrors, etc. Even just sending a sweet text message letting an old friend know you are thinking of them. What are some ideas you have? Let me know!!

Below are also some free printables that I have shared before that will make it even easier to get started. Just print them out and leave them in random places. Snap a quick photo, post using #DayspringCareDare, and then tag me. How easy and impactful is that?

Give Thanks Free Bible Journaling Printable


Love Bible Journaling Entry with Free Printable


Song Lyrics Printable for Bible Journaling


Free Printable for Bible Journaling Entry


So who is joining me?! Leave a comment and let me know but you have to post on social media using #DayspringCareDare and tagging me or use #thesoutherncouture. I will be sharing your posts as well as mine on my social media so others will have ideas too. Plus I want as many cards donated a prison ministry as possible. I hope that your friends will see your posts and be inspired to do the same.


Join me and take the Care Dare with encouraging acts for 30 days in celebration of National Day of Encouragement. You will receive a different task each day to pay it forward and be an encouragement to others. 

Learning to Take Care of Yourself as a New Mom

I received compensation from Bayer Consumer Health, makers of MiraLAX® to write this post. MiraLAX® is a laxative used to treat occasional constipation. All opinions are entirely my own. #EaseTheDay #CollectiveBias

New moms have their work cut out for themselves which is why we have to learn to stick together. For any of you, I hope you are learning to take care of yourself as a new mom and want to share some tips I’ve found and hopefully they help you or a new mom you know too.

Everyone has seen that mom in the store trying to wrestle that “threenager” without pulling out her hair and still getting groceries bought for dinner that night. We just want to go up to her and take her shopping cart to the checkout lane and buy her groceries because she deserves it and so much more. As a new mom of a 3 month old baby boy, I have found already that time for yourself is definitely not the priority and hard to come by at times. I can’t wait to share with y’all how I’m learning to take care of myself as a new mom. Below are several tips and ideas to hopefully give you some inspiration for taking care of yourself too so you can be there for your little babies.

Learning to Take Care of Yourself as a New Mom

I am a bookworm. I love cuddling up with a warm blanket and my favorite book, but who can even concentrate on a story when you have a baby crying in the background and needing your love and comfort? It is important for new moms to still have time to enjoy their own hobbies to keep their sanity. I have committed to enjoying a good book and taking that time for myself when my little guy is napping. Even if it’s for at least 3o minutes, I will sit and read a good book. That 30 minutes is one of the best therapy sessions money can buy.

Learning to Take Care of Yourself as a New Mom

Now let’s get a little more personal. I’m sure we have all dealt with occasional constipation especially new moms. Our diet isn’t always the best when we are just trying to find anything to eat to keep us going throughout the day. Well now I have a solution. Drumroll please…MiraLAX Mix-In Pax®.

Learning to Take Care of Yourself as a New Mom

MiraLAX works with your body’s natural process to provide effective relief from occasional constipation. Because it works with the water in your body, MiraLAX provides a gentle experience, and doesn’t cause harsh side effects. None of us have time for that anyways. If you have ever used stimulant laxative pills, then you know that they make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. MiraLAX is different and works with the water in your body to hydrate, soften, and ease, unblocking your system naturally. Make sure to use it as directed.

My favorite though is the MiraLAX Mix-In Pax because they come in single serve packets. I can just keep a few packets in my purse or the diaper bag to have on hand when I feel like I’m needing one. I don’t have to measure anything which makes it even faster. I just pour it and go and then drink up. Make sure to grab yours at Walmart just like I did the next time you are there and print THIS coupon to save money while you are at it.

Learning to Take Care of Yourself as a New Mom

Hydration is essential. I make sure I have a favorite cup of mine that I can refill throughout the day and continue to sip on it. If I’m dehydrated and not getting the energy I need, then I am not feeling my best to take care of my family.

Learning to Take Care of Yourself as a New Mom

Now that we are feeling healthy and strong cuddled up with a good book, don’t forget a little pampering goes a long ways too. My husband will send me to the bathtub to enjoy a bath bomb and bubble bath with some music and candles all for myself. He then takes care of baby boy and doesn’t interrupt me. Having that time to myself knowing I can just relax and not worry about anything is huge. Plus having a husband that is so supportive isn’t so bad either. 😉

Make sure you are always taking time for yourself too because it’s so important. Don’t forget to grab your MiraLAX at Walmart and coupon as well. Us Moms have to stick together. Enjoy and God bless!

New moms have their work cut out for themselves which is why we have to learn to stick together. For any of you, I hope you are learning to take care of yourself as a new mom and want to share some tips I've found and hopefully they help you or a new mom you know too. 

Update on Our Growing Three Month Old Baby Boy

I can’t believe I’m writing (rather typing) an update on our growing three month old baby boy. It seems like just yesterday, I was sharing his birth. Check out some of the most adorable baby pictures you have ever seen if I do say so myself. 

Being a Mom is definitely one of the hardest, but most rewarding experiences of a woman’s life. I have never felt so much joy and exhaustion all in one moment. So funny how these little guys can be so needy but so precious all at the same time.

Update on Our Growing Three Month Old Baby Boy

His first visit to Mayfield Dairy 

Thank you to everyone that has written a sweet comment, sent a message, sent an email, etc. congratulating us these past few months. I really appreciate each and every one of you.

Update on Our Growing Three Month Old Baby Boy

Update on Our Growing Three Month Old Baby Boy

Our first picnic at the park

This sweet little boy has been growing and learning so much. It’s such a thrilling ride to see them learn and experience all the wonder of this world for the first time ever. I just feel so grateful and blessed. Time just needs to stop rushing and slow down some. He rolled over for the first time at about 2 1/2 months. I can’t even believe it. He loves to watch TV with his Daddy, especially baseball games. He loves reading books and watching Bible stories on my phone. And let’s talk about that gummy grin he has. Isn’t that just the best?! He loves to be held and talked too all the time too.

Update on Our Growing Three Month Old Baby Boy

His first 4th of July

Update on Our Growing Three Month Old Baby Boy

His first Independence Day parade

Below you will see a couple more of my favorite pictures including his monthly shot. I hope you enjoy! God bless!

Update on Our Growing Three Month Old Baby Boy

Update on Our Growing Three Month Old Baby Boy

2 month old pictures

Update on Our Growing Three Month Old Baby Boy

Update on Our Growing Three Month Old Baby Boy

3 month old pictures

Preparing for a New Baby with a FREE Printable Shopping List

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. I pinky promise. #NatureMadePrenatalDHA #CollectiveBias

Finding out you are expecting is exciting but also stressful at times. I can’t wait to share how preparing for a new baby with a FREE printable shopping list can help ease those nerves some by stocking up with a few essentials.

What an adventure motherhood is! You find out you are pregnant and the never ending journey suddenly begins. After the initial excitement has time to settle in, you start to realize that you actually have to prepare and get things in order for that new baby to make their debut. My son is now 3 months old, and I am so thankful for other moms that helped guide me. I hope today to pass on that same wisdom to you whether you are a newly expecting mom, hoping to be soon, or know someone who is. I want you to have a list of several essentials to have on hand before baby’s arrival and even a shopping list already made for you that you can just print out and take with you to the store. Preparing for a New Baby with a FREE Printable Shopping List
When shopping for our baby boy, I loved going to Sam’s Club to start stocking up on several essentials that I knew we were going to need a lot of. I felt like I could get so much checked off my list in one place which also saved me quite a bit of energy. One of those items is prenatal vitamins. Sam’s Club has Nature Made® Prenatal Multi + DHA (200mg) 150ct. softgels that are guaranteed to meet our high quality standards. They are made from carefully selected ingredients under strict manufacturing processes. Preparing for a New Baby with a FREE Printable Shopping List
You should start taking a prenatal 6 months before you start trying to get pregnant. I love that Nature Made® Prenatal Multi + DHA (200mg) 150ct. softgels provide essential vitamins and minerals (before and during pregnancy) including folic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine, vitamin B12, and vitamin D3†. They also provide 200mg DHA which may help support fetal brain and eye development †. And my personal favorite, there are no synthetic dyes, no yeast or starch, no artificial flavors, and are gluten free. Preparing for a New Baby with a FREE Printable Shopping List
While you are at Sam’s Club, you are going to want to make sure you stock up on diapers, wipes, and basic onesies. You might think you have enough, but trust me. You are definitely going to need more. Babies love using diapers. 😉 Another great idea is to have some food prepared ahead of time to store for when baby arrives. You are going to need to recover and rest. The last thing you want to have to worry about is cooking dinner. Stocking up on freezer meals that are easy to just heat up will be a life saver for you. Preparing for a New Baby with a FREE Printable Shopping List
Now before you head off and don’t have a list and forget something, I have got ya covered. I have a FREE printable shopping list that you can take with you to Sam’s Club with all these essentials listed. I have even left several blank spots so you can add any other goodies you think of. Click HERE to print your FREE shopping list!

Preparing for a New Baby with a FREE Printable Shopping List
Let me know what baby essentials you plan on stocking up on too. I would love to know and also share with everyone else. And a HUGE congratulations for you or someone you know that is expecting a bundle of joy very soon.

† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Finding out you are expecting is exciting but also stressful at times. I can't wait to share how preparing for a new baby with a FREE printable shopping list can help ease those nerves some by stocking up with a few essentials.

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

My baby boy is now here and almost 2 months old, but I still wanted to share the collection of my maternity pictures since y’all have been on this journey with me the whole time. 

I can’t believe my son is seriously almost 2 months old at the end of this month. But seriously the best 2 months of my entire life. I shared a few sneak peeks of my maternity pictures a while back and mentioned that I would share more of them later. I thought it would be fun to look back at that baby bump, especially since I’ve been missing it lately, and share the rest of them with y’all.

Speaking of missing that baby bump. Anyone else feel that strange emotion of wanting your baby bump back but also elated at the same time that you have your baby in your arms and not your belly anymore? I went to the doctor last week for my six week follow-up and saw so many pregnant women. I guess it doesn’t take long to forget how tiring and rough those last couple weeks can be. Our minds (and hormones 😉 ) sure do like to play tricks on us. But anyways, enjoy this collection of pictures and I’ll talk to y’all again very soon. God bless!

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Collection of My Maternity Pictures

Well after all those bump pictures, you have to meet him. Check out my official baby announcement where you can see all that cuteness!

Welcome to the World Our Baby Boy

With tears of gratitude and love in my heart, I write this post today to welcome to the world our baby boy. Writing this feels so surreal and such a blessing with words indescribable all at the same time.

On March 27, 2018 at 2:46 p.m. my husband and I were changed forever and ever for the best that ever could be. Our son was born! He was 6 lb and 9 oz and 20 inches long. Those four words are four words that once didn’t seem that they would ever come out of my mouth, but God is so good and faithful.

Welcome to the World Our Baby Boy

He was perfectly healthy and couldn’t be more perfect. My labor and delivery was truly beautiful and such an incredible experience. I don’t say that lightly or think everyone’s experience is like some fairy tale, but I am so appreciative that God was with us and for the way things went. I am going to include a few more pictures of him below and leave you with that. I think that’s what everyone wants to see more than hear (or read) what I have to say. God bless!

Welcome to the World Our Baby Boy

Welcome to the World Our Baby Boy

Getting ready to come home from the hospital

Welcome to the World Our Baby Boy

Welcome to the World Our Baby Boy

Our best Easter gift ever!

Welcome to the World Our Baby Boy

Welcome to the World Our Baby Boy

March Baby and Pregnancy Update

Ready for my March Baby and Pregnancy Update??!! This will be the last one probably which seems crazy. Next will be a Baby Announcement. How fun! 

If you have missed any of the other posts about my pregnancy and would like to check them out, you can click HERE where they will all be listed. It has been such a joy to have all these moments written down to go back and look at for years to come. Today I am 37 1/2 weeks. I can’t believe that Baby Boy will be here later this month. This will be my last pregnancy update which just seems insane to me. The next update I post will be the announcement of our sweet baby. (*Catch a sneak peek of our nursery below. I’ll be sharing the reveal later.)

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

Last month I mentioned that I had several baby showers. Actually 3 in 1 week. I shared pictures from one shower. The next shower was thrown by my MIL and SIL. Everything was so special and a day we will never forget. I am still grateful and blown away by everyone’s generosity and love for our family.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

After all my showers, I thought it would be fun to share a collection of my top favorite baby gifts either we received or that we bought for him ourselves. Come see all the cuteness [here] if you haven’t already.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

Symptoms: This past month has had its challenges as I near the end of this pregnancy journey. I have mentioned rib pain, restless legs, muscle cramps, heartburn, etc. But as he keeps growing and each week passes, those symptoms seem to multiple or intensify. I am happy and grateful for such a healthy baby boy that is growing inside of me, so I really can’t complain. 

I really had not been swelling at all until this past month with some in my ankles and knees. The swelling seemed to get worst one week and started up my entire legs. I believe he was sitting so low on a nerve that was causing extreme leg pain with a burning sensation. Keeping them elevated and resting helps but that’s easier said than done of course.

Cravings: Lately I have been craving any type of pastry or sweet treat that you can think of that would be in an adorable bakery. For me right now, it seems to be all about the sweets. 😉 Or just a LARGE milkshake or blizzard from DQ will do too!

Pictures: Below are some pictures we have just taken randomly throughout the last month of me and Baby Boy along with my weekly bump photos.

March Baby and Pregnancy Update

March Baby and Pregnancy Update

March Baby and Pregnancy Update

Thanks for following along on this journey with us. We are just so thrilled and excited that I can’t help but share with others just how miraculous our God truly is. God bless you!

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

I’m excited to show y’all a collection of my favorite baby gifts that either we bought for Baby Boy or were given at our baby showers this past month. 

Some of the links below are “affiliate links.” This means if you click a link and purchase an item, I will receive a small affiliate commission that helps me to be able to continue with this blog and hopefully continue to inspire you as well.

Wow!! The countdown for Baby Boy to arrive is truly getting slim. I am 35 1/2 weeks today. I have said this multiple times, but time is surely a thief. I just can’t believe we are getting this close to holding him in our arms. Well this past month we had 3 showers thrown for us. Everyone has been so generous. My Mom and sister gave us our first. My work threw the second one, and then my MIL and SIL threw us our last one. This little guy is so loved already by so many people. We are truly grateful for everyone’s generosity.

But after having so much fun, I thought it would be fun to recap the showers somewhat and share a collection of my favorite baby gifts that he got. Some of the items I’m including are things that we bought him and then others are gifts that he was given. I hope this collection will also help you if you know of someone who is pregnant and are looking for something special to buy them. You may even see something you want for yourself if you are pregnant or to keep in mind for later. I hope to also be able to review these once I’ve used them for Baby and let you know if they worked out as good as I thought.

#1: Mark had heard about the mamaRoo baby swing/seat from 4moms and loved the whole idea of it. After reading reviews and from others we knew that had used one before, he decided to order one for me and Baby Boy. I am so excited for Baby to sleep in it with all the different settings it offers for different movements. You can also hook it up to your phone using the cord that comes with it or via Bluetooth.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#2: I had always said that when I got pregnant, I wanted to invest in a glider/recliner even if it was one of the most expensive items I bought. I had searched and searched for all different kinds and brands trying to find the best deal at the same time. I found this Ann Reclining Swivel Glider from Wayfair  in Grey Linen that matched perfectly what I was looking for. It swivels completely around, glides, and reclines. I knew the recliner part was a must for those middle of the night rockings and feedings. This is definitely one of my most favorite purchases and something that I will be able to keep and use for many years to come even outside of the baby room.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#3: We received many of the infant gowns that are stretchy at the bottom making it easy to just slip it up in the middle of the night for a diaper change instead of wrestling with thousands of buttons when you are sleep deprived. My nephew had several of these, and I just thought they were the most adorable thing ever. I couldn’t wait to get some for our Baby Boy either. Mark isn’t the biggest fan of these because you don’t typically think of a boy wearing a gown, but I think he won’t be able to resist when he sees our son in one and how much easier it will be for changing those diapers in the night.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#4: One of my favorite gifts that someone at my work got us is the Gund Baby Animated Flappy The Elephant Plush Toy. This has to be the most precious stuffed animal you have ever seen. It has the sweetest voice that sings and also talks to your baby. He plays peek a boo and also sings “Do Your Ears Hang Low?” with his ears moving back and forth. You have to check out the video to see the cuteness for yourself.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#5: When I saw the Blooming Bath Lotus, I just knew that Baby Boy had to have one. At first I only saw bright pinks but then I found this grey one that I knew would be perfect. I love how it sits right in the sink for me to bathe him and keeps everything cushioned. Plus it’s just adorable!

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#6: Mark has an aunt that is so very talented with just about anything crafty. She put together a beautiful baby blanket with gorgeous shades of aqua and lime green. The material is so soft and definitely a blanket that I will use for Baby Boy over and over again. It would also be beautiful to hang and use as a decoration in his room once he gets bigger.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#7: My SIL gave us this Owl Infant Baby Positioner that I fell in love with instantly. The aqua is gorgeous and those eyes too. This is going to be so handy to use in the living room or on the couch when he is smaller.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#8: I wanted to have something for Baby Boy to be able to play on in the floor that would be soft and cushioned but also be something fun for him to play with as he gets bigger. A family friend bought him the Skip Hop Alphabet Zoo Activity Gym, and I just love it! The colors are perfect and not too “cartoonish”. The bottom is actually a quilt type design that could be hung for decor later.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#9: Now if you are planning on bottle feeding or will eventually after finished breast feeding, I’ve heard the Baby Breeza is a dream come true. My sister has one and when my nephew would need a bottle perhaps in the middle of the night, this thing was a lifesaver for her. The formula and water is all loaded. All you do is hit a button. It even heats the formula. Think of it as a Keurig but for babies. I hope to breastfeed but found a good deal on one that I couldn’t pass up and will use in the future if needed.

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

#10: And last but not least, you can never have too many diapers and wipes so those are definitely making the list. It’s just one of those things that you hate to have to buy yourself when they are so expensive and get thrown literally in the trash. Sort of like toilet paper. *And no, this post isn’t sponsored by Pampers. I have just heard great things about them. 

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

Below you will see a few pictures that were taken at the showers. Each one was beautiful in its own unique way and design. I just loved them all and all the gifts that everyone was so generous in giving. Our friends and family worked so hard putting them all together too. The memories we made will definitely last a lifetime. That’s for sure.

February Baby and Pregnancy Update

February Baby and Pregnancy Update

A Collection of My Favorite Baby Gifts

I hope to come back in a few months after using some of these goodies and let you know exactly how they worked out for us. I hope they are all wonderful, but you just never know. Some things you hear are great and may make your life more convenient, but are they really worth the price and for how short of a time you will actually use them? We shall see!

Please let me know if you have any favorites that worked great for you and made your life easier that we just can’t live without. I would love to know and read in the comments below. Keep following along this journey too. Baby Boy will be here before we even know it! God bless!

I'm excited to show y'all a collection of my favorite baby gifts that either we bought for Baby Boy or were given at our baby showers this past month.