Upcycled Pillow No Sew Changeable Cover

How would you like to be able to redecorate for each holiday or season without spending a fortune? I know I love to change things around in my own house, but I don’t want to spend a lot of money on something that will only be there for a short time and then taken down until the next year.

You must see this tutorial before throwing out your old pillows. You can cover them with fabric and no sewing required for a brand new look. The easy-to-follow instructions are at thesoutherncouture.com.

I have some old pillows that have definitely seen better days and were needing to be refreshed. I just couldn’t stand throwing them out and not being able to reuse at least the stuffing inside that was still in great condition.

I knew I also wanted to be able to reuse these pillows in case I ever wanted to change the pillow cover. I wouldn’t be able to do so if I sewed the covers on either which is what led me to make them a NO SEW cover.

Now all I have to do is just remove the fabric and replace it with something different the next time a holiday comes or my décor changes. You may recall some Christmas present pillows that I made using these same pillows and idea.

I wanted some new pillows outside on my porch to “livin” it up a bit. I am actually redoing my front porch for summer and can’t wait to show y’all when it is all finished. I love decorating with bright colors.

I bought the fabric at Joann craft store which was on sale, and I also had a coupon to use on top of that which was even a better deal. You may be thinking you can buy your own outdoor pillows, but when the fabric is on sale I love to be able to buy it instead because I can pick any pattern I want. Sometimes it is hard to find pillows to match exactly like I want.

I am using 1 ½ yards of fabric per pillow. Having extra fabric makes it easier when you are folding rather than not having enough.

Lay the fabric with the pattern side facing down on a table. Then lay the pillow on top of the fabric in the middle.

Upcycled Pillow No Sew Changeable Cover

Fold the fabric over the pillow from the top and also the bottom.

Upcycled Pillow No Sew Changeable Cover

Upcycled Pillow No Sew Changeable Cover

Then on each side of the fabric, fold the sides in to form a triangle like wrapping a present.

Upcycled Pillow No Sew Changeable Cover

Then fold each side over again about 1″.

Upcycled Pillow No Sew Changeable Cover

Fold each end over on top of the pillow and wrap the 2 tips over each other.

Upcycled Pillow No Sew Changeable Cover

Then using safety pins, secure the fabric down so that it doesn’t unwrap itself.

Upcycled Pillow No Sew Changeable Cover

And you now have a pillow that you can change whenever you like.

Upcycled Pillow No Sew Changeable Cover

*See the picture below for more detailed instructions.

Upcycled Pillow No Sew Changeable Cover

What I love the most is that these pillow covers are for everyone because they are NO SEW too. You can easily remove the fabric and change them out for any occasion.

Upcycled Pillow No Sew Changeable Cover

You can even turn them around if you want a more clean look without the fold.

Upcycled Pillow No Sew Changeable Cover

Grab some old pillows that you thought about throwing out and reuse them to save you some money while still finding a new look to decorate with.

Enjoy your pillows and the little things in life like a simple upcycle project. It always makes me happy.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

Wreaths are just one of my favorite things to decorate with and being able to change it out for different holidays and seasons makes it even better. But why leave wreaths for just our front door when we can use them inside too?

Wreaths don't have to be just for your front porch and outside. Make your very own boxwood wreath to hang inside year round. Making your own wreath will also save you lots of money and won't break the bank. This post has all the full detailed instructions for you to get started now at thesoutherncouture.com.

At least that is my theory and I’m sticking to it. I have a hallway “sort of” downstairs that has a closet right as you walk into our living room. The big white door almost sticks out like a sore thumb to me at times so of course I wanted to do something to help it out some.

That’s when the idea hit me that I should just hang a wreath on it and make it brand new again. But this wreath needed to be something that I could leave hanging year round if I chose. I also wanted something that would match well with any décor while also looking classy at the same time.

When I found a strand of silk boxwood on clearance at Joann, I knew I had to have it to make this wreath. The strand was only $7. Talk about an inexpensive wreath. You have got to make your own too.


  • Styrofoam wreath: I actually found mine at the dollar store so check there first. *Also keep in mind that once you add the boxwood the wreath will look larger than its actual size.
  • Silk boxwood 6’ strand
  • Floral wire
  • Burlap ribbon

DIY Boxwood Wreath for Only $8

Start by tying one end of the boxwood strand to the wreath using the floral wire.

DIY Boxwood Wreath for Only $8

Place the strand on the top of the styrofoam wreath being sure to tie it down every few inches with floral wire to keep it in place.

Continue tying the strand to the wreath until it is completely covered.

*You may need to use a hot glue gun to glue down any stems of the boxwood if the foam wreath tries to show through.

To add a little extra detail and contrast, I tied burlap ribbon around the bottom to form a bow.

DIY Boxwood Wreath for Only $8

Now you just need to hang that beauty up and enjoy. I absolutely love the way mine turned out.

DIY Boxwood Wreath for Only $8

It is a piece of decoration that I can leave up all year long and really is timeless. Plus I made it for much less than what you would buy it for actually. Decorating on a budget is what I’m all about.

Enjoy your decorating and all the little things in life that it brings.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

What is Chalk Paint and How to Make Your Very Own

So you have an awesome piece of furniture that you just love and can’t part with, but you would like to do something a little different to it to give it a makeover perhaps? But then there is always this budget and money thing in the back of your mind that has kept you from doing anything to it at all.

That little money voice in the back of your head is about to be evicted for good, because you can still keep your beautiful furniture, give it a new look, and NOT break the bank at the same time? That sounds like a plan to me.

All you need to use is some chalk paint! If you have been cruising through blogland for any period of time, then this probably isn’t the first time you have heard of it. But if you haven’t then you may be wondering what this rage is all about.

You don't have to spend tons of money for chalk paint to get that professional matte finish. You have to come see what simple ingredient must go on your grocery list before your next shopping trip at thesoutherncouture.com.

Chalk paint is basically paint that gives a dry, matte appearance or finish. It has actually been around for over 20 years but seems to have gotten more popular in more recent years. I actually had a friend that thought I was talking about chalkboard paint which is something completely different.

One of my favorite things too is that using chalk paint doesn’t require a lot of prep work with sanding and priming for the furniture. You can just get right to painting. It also can be used indoors and outdoors too which makes me pretty excited about a piece of furniture I am wanting to redo on my front porch that I can’t wait to share with y’all soon.

Now if you start searching the stores for chalk paint, you are going to find that it can be quite pricey especially depending on how much you are going to need and how large your piece of furniture is. So why not just make your own? You’re thinking, “You can really do that?” Why yes you can!

Recipe: You only need 2 parts of latex paint and 1 part baking soda.

How easy and inexpensive is that? Almost everybody already has baking soda. I know we always do in our fridge and baking soda is so cheap. Plus you can usually find latex paint on sale when you check the clearance section where someone mixed up the wrong color.

Once you paint your furniture, run over parts that would get worn easily with a piece of sand paper to give an antique finish. And that’s all you have to do.

One of my dear friends Dawn from the blog By Dawn Nicole has done some amazing things with chalk paint and is such an inspiration to me. (By the way, I will also be contributing to her blog this year so stay tuned for that too.)

Dawn ran up on a steal of a deal on Craig’s list with a dining room table and chair and bench set for an incredible deal. The only problem was the appearance of the wood. But being as creative as she is, she saw past the present to what it could be and worked hard to transform it into a stunning dining experience.

What is Chalk Paint and How to Make Your Very Own

She used chalk paint in different colors that complimented each other wonderfully. I love the matte, dry look of the paint too. Because the paint can give an antique finish when you sand it in certain places, you don’t have to worry about your furniture getting beat up by kiddos. That natural wear and tear will only make it look even better.

What is Chalk Paint and How to Make Your Very Own

Next time you just don’t know what to do with a great yard sale find, just think chalk paint. Mix up your own with your favorite latex paint and baking soda and you will be set. You no longer have to wonder what the rage is all about when you hear chalk paint being mentioned. You can now join in on the conversation and show off your furniture makeovers too.

Enjoy a beautiful weekend and perhaps even throw in a weekend project with chalk paint too.

Christmas Lantern Turned to Spring Centerpiece

If you have been around here for any length of time, you have probably figured out that I love turning things into something new for very little money and time. There is an adrenaline rush that happens, at least for me, when I come up on a great bargain find. Now don’t laugh. I know I’m not the only one.

Don't ever underestimate the clearance aisle or leftover Christmas decorations. They are so much cheaper and can be used throughout the year too. See now how simple the transformation is at thesoutherncouture.com.

After Christmas this past year, I was out with Mark just casually shopping and picking up a few things on my shopping list at Michael’s. I happen to come across their after-Christmas and clearance section. I had hit the jackpot. Thank you Lord. There were so many good finds for what seemed like almost nothing. You can’t get any better. (Well maybe for free would be better but that’s not realistic.)

I found these white lanterns in the Christmas section, and they actually had several of them still in stock. I had Mark price check them, which is always does for me when we go shopping. He came back and told me they were $2.00! I couldn’t believe it. I thought he was just joking and trying to get my hopes up, but it was no joke. My jaw just fell open, and I started grabbing them like crazy. I ended up with about 4 or 5 of them I think.

Christmas Lantern Turned to Spring Centerpiece

*You can understand why I was so excited when you check out my post here that shares my love for lanterns and how I use them to decorate for Spring.

I didn’t necessarily need another lantern, but I couldn’t pass up on them for only $2.00. The really great thing about them though is that they don’t have to be used just for Christmas. The red berries and greenery decoration that was on them came off easily, and now they can be used for anything.

Check out the video below to see how I transformed it or keep reading for more detailed instructions.

I wanted to dress them up some though for Spring and add some color. I am all about that color, so I measured the base of the lantern and then cut out scrapbook paper to fit inside to cover the bottom. This paper is gorgeous and one of my favorites. I just love the gold foil on it too.

Christmas Lantern Turned to Spring Centerpiece

The paper fit perfectly in the bottom and stays in place great.

Now this lantern needed something inside of it, but what could that be? I went shopping around my own house and remembered these potted succulent plants that I recently found during a Dollar Tree haul that I shared with y’all. I wasn’t crazy about the white pot and wanted to do something different with it.

Christmas Lantern Turned to Spring Centerpiece

I went to my old faithful washi stash and found some designs that would complement that gold foil in the paper. One of my washi tapes is gold glitzy which really just makes it all pop. I wrapped the washi tape around the pot until it was covered and then just placed inside my lantern.

Christmas Lantern Turned to Spring Centerpiece

Now I have a beautiful Spring centerpiece that cost me only $3.00! Plus I love that I can change out the paper each holiday or season and use it throughout the year.

Christmas Lantern Turned to Spring Centerpiece

Please share with me in the comments below of any bargain finds you have run up on lately. I would love to know and hear all about them.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

Get Ready For Spring with Decorative Lanterns Featured Image

I have noticed one thing about myself within the last few months. And that is that whenever I find something new that I like, I truly do commit to it and sometimes I’ll admit that I can go overboard too. One thing that I have found myself absolutely loving lately are the different styles of lanterns.

Looking for something different to add some color to your front porch? Try using different styles and types of lanterns. Come to thesoutherncouture.com to get pointers on where to find lanterns. on the cheap.

Lanterns seem to be very popular lately when I am shopping in so many stores. I love seeing different styles and colors. I bought one here and there, was given one for Christmas, etc. and didn’t realize until just recently how many I really have collected.

I wanted to share them with y’all and the different ways you can use them to decorate not only your front porch as many people would think but also inside. I also have a couple that I found either on clearance or at Goodwill that just needed a little TLC. Now they are gorgeous again and practically like brand new.

Get Ready For Spring with Decorative Lanterns 6

One quick reminder: Never think you have to spend a fortune for something you are looking for to decorate with. There are great ways to get the same results for only a fraction of the price.

The lantern below is my largest and probably one of my most favorite I have found. I found it on clearance at Target for $8 and originally $29.99, but the rope on this one had come out of the handle on top.

Get Ready For Spring with Decorative Lanterns 1

I knew that I could glue it back together very easily. They even gave me an additional discount because it was damaged. Now you can’t even tell there was ever anything wrong with it.

Get Ready For Spring with Decorative Lanterns 2

This black lantern is one that is gorgeous not only outside but also inside. It was given to me by my sister-in-law at Christmas and I love it! The cool thing about it is that it has a timer to set daily to come on at a certain time.

Get Ready For Spring with Decorative Lanterns 4

This red lantern has a solar powered light making it so easy to not have to ever change batteries or candles. I got it at Ikea with my sister as well, and it was so inexpensive.

Get Ready For Spring with Decorative Lanterns 3

I found the lantern hook at Target during Christmas and couldn’t resist putting it next to my front porch steps. Since it isn’t actually Christmas decoration, I am sure you could still find one now.

Get Ready For Spring with Decorative Lanterns 5

The milk glasses above with the money tree plants are actually a décor piece I made. You can check it out here too.

Even though it seems like I have a lot of them in this picture, I also forgot to include another one that I got at Goodwill for almost nothing. I can’t have enough because they are perfect to decorate so many different places inside and outside my house.

Get Ready For Spring with Decorative Lanterns 6

By this time of year, we all start getting the itch for warm weather and spring. These lanterns remind me that it won’t be too much longer. For now I will the look of them and try to enjoy the cold before it’s all gone.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

Decorating with Vintage Pieces Featured Image

Decorating doesn't have to be expensive. Shop around your house for pieces you already have and just change them up a bit for a new look. At thesoutherncouture.com, she shares how vintage pieces of her great-grandmother's make for the perfect decor and plus it's much cheaper.

I am loving decorating with vintage pieces lately and especially decorating small spaces like the one at the top of my stairs. Vintage decorating is one of my favorite interior design styles. When we moved into our house, there were lots of building supplies and material that were left in the outdoor work building. I have been able to use many of them for different projects and DIY ideas around the house. There was some spare wood pieces that I used when making my wooden flag for 4th of July. But one of my favorite finds that was left behind is this old window. It was actually sitting behind our building and had been through a lot of weather. So the window itself is probably not that old, but because of what it has been through, I am calling it vintage. The wear and tear it had been through only made it better to me.

Decorating with Vintage Pieces 2

This window has been sitting on my back porch for a while as I have procrastinated with using it. I am not sure why I have for so long because I absolutely love how it looks. One thing that put a fire under my behind to get it done was going to the Country Living Fair this past weekend. There were so many beautiful vintage décor pieces everywhere that you just possibly couldn’t see them all. I got to thinking and decided it is past time for me to display this window in all its beauty.

Of course you will need a window. I had mine at home in our outdoor work building, but I am constantly seeing these at flea markets, antique shops, fairs and festivals, etc.

Start by cleaning your window as much as you would like. I didn’t want mine to seem dirty, but I also liked the worn look as well.

Decorating with Vintage Pieces 1

You will need screws, a drill, and a hammer to hang your picture.

Measure on the wall where you want to hang the window. Drill two holes with the screws and leave them sticking out of the wall some.

Decorating with Vintage Pieces 3

I just hung the window on those screws and it was secure enough. Depending on where you will be hanging your window, you may want to put hooks in the back of the window and then hang on the wall. My window is hanging in a place where no one will be walking by it or possibly hitting it so I did not have to worry about it.

I hung mine on the landing at the top of my stairs. There is just the perfect spot like a little nook. The wall beside it has been needing something, and this is perfect.

Decorating with Vintage Pieces 7

There are also a few other options that you could do to jazz up the window some if you would like.

First you could use chalkboard paint and paint the glass part or at least some of them and then use it as a message board. Also a cute idea would be to place pictures on the back side of the glass to show through. Another idea would even be to hang some small, shorter curtains above the window to make the look more realistic. I love how it looks without them and more simple but the choice is truly yours and what you like.

These are also great for dorm and wall decorating ideas especially if you are needing a home feel and do not have an actual window. Adding the pictures and chalkboard paint gives you an organization station for class.

Also on the landing is a telephone table that was my great-grandparents. You definitely do not see these anymore. At first I was not crazy about the fabric or pattern on it, but with time I have grown to love. Mostly because it was my great-grandparents and second because of how unique it is. You truly do not see something like this anymore and that gives this space so much more character.

Decorating with Vintage Pieces 6

Also sitting on the telephone table is of course a telephone, but this is not just any ordinary telephone. It is also my great-grandparents and still has the label on it that my Maw Maw hand wrote with their phone number. Everything now is digital or touch screen which makes this phone unique. Who knew we would be saying that now?

Decorating with Vintage Pieces 5

Hanging on the telephone is a keychain that they had as well with the model of their car written on it.

Also sitting on my telephone table are several old books that weren’t theirs, but I have a love for vintage books. On top of those two books is a Bible that is worn so much and really falling apart, but it was my great-grandmothers. It is a reminder of her love for our Savior and how important reading her Bible was to her.

Decorating with Vintage Pieces 4

I have so many things that were my grandparents that I love to use all through my house. I have thought of many mantle decorating ideas as well to incorporate vintage pieces. The options are truly endless. My great-grandfather passed away when I was pretty young. I had the privilege though of becoming really close with my great Maw Maw. She unfortunately passed away several years ago after suffering with Alzheimer’s but is in a much better place now. After she passed away, her family had the privilege of walking through their home and being able to keep things of theirs that we loved and could still enjoy. Now as I walk through my home, it brings a smile to my face to be able to see their things and think of them.

I find joy in decorating with vintage items especially when they have sentimental value. I hope you will be able to find that same joy but also just enjoy the little things in life.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. 

Painted Milk Glass Vase Featured Image

Painted Milk Glass Vase 1

I have absolutely fell in love with glass milk bottles and knew I just had to do something with them which is why I painted them and made a vase. Mason jars are so popular, and I still adore them too. But glass milk bottles are becoming a new love for me as I think of different ways to use them.

Painted Milk Glass Vase 3

I first got the idea to turn them into a vase after having cuts of my Paw Paw’s money tree still sitting around the house trying to figure out where I wanted to put them and what I wanted to do with them. The money tree is so beautiful with the iridescent and pearl colored leaves. Their beauty is very different from just any ordinary plant and love the different look of it.

I placed mine on one of my desk for a little extra something and love looking at it when I’m working. All the memories of my Paw Paw come flooding my mind with every glimpse of it. He is now in Heaven with our Savior, and I am looking forward to that day when I can see him again. The box in the picture below is one that I found at Target on clearance several years ago. I have loved keeping sentimental notes, cards, etc. in it from my lovely husband. Also love the quote on top.

Painted Milk Glass Vase 4

This craft is also something that is simple to make and inexpensive. I literally made it in one afternoon in less than an hour. If you are looking for a simple and quick gift, then this is perfect. Maybe you just want something fun to make and do, then you have come to the right place.

Before we get started, I want to say one more quick thing about these glass milk bottles compared to the mason jar. Because my money tree branches are dainty and not a full plant, I would need many more cuts of the money tree to really fill up a mason jar and make it look full and not sparse. The glass milk bottles are taller and skinnier and worked great for this type of plant.


Glass milk bottles

Jute– I like to call it “burlap twine.”

Hot glue gun and glue sticks

Acrylic paint

Foam paintbrushes

Paint tray


Flowers for decoration

Painted Milk Glass Vase 5

First start with your hot glue gun being heated and ready to go. Place a small dot of glue on the back side or the rim of the glass bottle. You do not want the glue to possibly show if placing it on the front. Place the end of the jute in the glue and allow to harden.

Painted Milk Glass Vase 6

Start wrapping the jute around the rim of the glass bottle until completely covered.

Painted Milk Glass Vase 7

Cut the end of the jute at the back side of the bottle again in order to keep the glue from showing. Place a dot of glue on the back side and glue the end of the jute down.

Painted Milk Glass Vase 8

I chose to do three vase to add a little more to my desk. If just using one then it will still turn out perfect. But if you are using multiples, I suggest using an odd number if grouping them together. Be sure to glue the jute on the rest of your glass milk bottles as well.

Now start painting your glass bottles. One of my desk is in my bedroom which is decorated with gray and turquoise which is why I chose those colors. I also did varying heights of color but other designs with polka dots or stripes for example would be cute too.

Use a foam paintbrush to paint the bottles. You will see some of the actual glass bottle showing through at first with streaks but just keep going. Let that coat dry completely and paint any additional coats after that.

Painted Milk Glass Vase 10


Painted Milk Glass Vase 11

The gray covered better and only needed 2 coats. I ended up doing 3 coats with the turquoise to cover it completely. I also tried using the foam brushes with the round flat bottom but did not like the sponge look of the paint on the bottle.

The picture below shows the paint after the second coat. 

Painted Milk Glass Vase 12


The picture below is after the third coat.

Painted Milk Glass Vase 13

Once the paint has completely dried, place your flowers how you would like and then display somewhere in a beautiful place in your home.

I do want to show this money tree before its beautiful leaves are exposed. First there is a brown and dirty “coating” that covers what is hidden below and appears quite ugly at first.

Painted Milk Glass Vase 14

All I had to do is rub that coating off gently which was very easy and small flat seeds would fall out and leave this beautiful pearl-like leaf. If you know anyone with a money tree, it is definitely worth getting some. They are so different than anything I have ever seen or bought. Plus they last for a long time. Not like your typical store bought bouquets. And they are also much cheaper.

Painted Milk Glass Vase 15

Enjoy your new vase and maybe a special someone will just buy you some flowers to place in it. Enjoy the little things as always!

If you enjoyed the post, you will also enjoy this Ocean View Shadow Box, School Year Memory Jar, and Photo Coasters.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

Painted Milk Glass Vase 2

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. 





Ocean View Shadow Box

One thing I love about going to the beach or on vacation are the memories that we make. This ocean view shadow box is a perfect way to keep the memories alive and display in your home for others to enjoy as well. With fall on its way, it is easy to forget about those seashells that your kids collected and are still stuffed in the bottom of the beach bag. Take them out, print your favorite vacation picture from this summer, and enjoy the memories all year long.

Don't leave the beach on your next vacation without some sand and seashells. You can now display all your family memories in this beautiful shadow box year round. Get tips and pointers to make it easier from thesoutherncouture.com.

I always seem to come home with seashells, postcards, room keys, etc. and but don’t always use them but don’t want to throw them away either. Sometimes they end up sitting in a drawer and are forgotten. Now not only can we enjoy the memories but also others who visit us in our home. The beach is one of my favorite places and I never want to forget those good times.

Your kids can also get involved with this and share their ideas on how to remember their summer vacation. It is easy for them as well to help you create and put it together. Not that school has started, it’s never a bad thing to look back and smile on summer memories.

The reason I love this shadow box more than just any ordinary one is that the picture with the beautiful ocean view, sand, and seashells gives a glimpse or picture of the beauty we enjoyed while there.

What you will need:
Shadow box: I found mine at Michaels for 40% off making this project very inexpensive. I plan to do this for each vacation we take and eventually build a collage wall of trips and vacations so I didn’t want it to be too big to start with.

Picture from a recent trip

Seashells or you could also use any other small objects from your trip


Straight pins or scrapbooking adhesive squares: My shadow box came with straight pins that I used to attach the picture.

Ocean View Shadow Box 1

Let’s get started!

Remove the back of the shadow box and place your picture on the back wall of the box. You may want to attach with scrap booking adhesive squares first and then place straight pins in the corners for extra support and also decor if they have the pearl or colored tip on them.

Ocean View Shadow Box 2

Ocean View Shadow Box 3

Placing the seashells and sand can be sort of messy but don’t worry. It doesn’t have to look perfect with everything places perfectly. The beach doesn’t look that way either.

It would also be easier if the top of the shadow box would open as well and you could drop the sand and seashells in but mine didn’t. Maybe you can find one that does.

I laid the shadow box flat and placed my shells randomly on the glass. Depending on your picture will depend how far up the glass you want to cover it with the shells and sand.

Ocean View Shadow Box 4

Next I started laying my sand on the bottom portion of the box below the seashells and on part of them. I used a picture of the shoreline with the water and sky so I wanted the seashells and sand to cover the bottom of the picture and make the picture sort of come alive.

Ocean View Shadow Box 5

Replace the back of the shadow box with the picture and secure it in place. Slowly and gently turn it over and see your finished project. Because of the sand and seashells moving easily you may need to turn it over and do some more placement but like I said before, don’t try to make it perfect.

Also write the year of the vacation or the year and month on the back of the shadow box so in the future you will not become confused on which vacation it was.
Ocean View Shadow Box 6

I love being able to look at this shadow box and smile on fond memories of a wonderful trip. I know that you and your family will be able to do the same as well.

Ocean View Shadow Box 8

Enjoy looking back on good times and looking forward to making more great memories in the future. But most importantly enjoy the little things in life each and every day!!

Please feel free to share your pictures or memories of your recent summer vacation in the comments below. We love to hear of other great places to travel and things to enjoy while traveling.

If you enjoyed this simple project then be sure to also check out the School Year Memory Jar, Photo Coasters, and Bathroom Mirror Revamp.

Ocean View Shadow Box 7

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. 

When your little ones are all grown up, you will be so happy that you took the time to make this school year memory jar each and every school year to open up and read all the good times. The new school year has just started in my neck of the woods. Make this memory jar to encourage your children to try their hardest each and every day in order to be able to add a new accomplishment. Of course when your children are too young and haven’t quite learned how to read and write, you can ask them about something fun that happened at school that particular day and write it for them.

Get your kids ready for school with a jar for them to keep all their memories this next school year. Then at the  end of the school year, you can read back through all their accomplishments. Get this fun tutorial that you can make with your children at thesoutherncouture.com

Another great idea to use this jar is to encourage good behavior at school. Use it as a reward system and if they do good the whole week at school, then they can add a new and fun memory each week. Another great encouragement of using this jar is to remind your kids of all the great things they do. School and growing up can be hard sometimes. When they seem to be struggling or having a hard time with schoolwork, pull out a note from the jar and remind them of the great things they have done in the past and all that they are capable of doing if they will only try their hardest.

At the end of each school year, it would also be fun to pull out all the notes and take turns reading them out loud. This will also boost your child’s confidence by reminding them how far they have come within the last school year and how much smarter they already are.

If you are a teacher, the memory jar would be a fun way to remember each class of students that you teach each year. You could have the students write their name and an accomplishment or memory that is special to them on a notepad throughout the school year and then place it in the jar. These are memories that you would have for many years to come of each of your precious students.

Pictures and videos are great ways to remember important parts of life and record memories. But writing the memories down makes them so much more personalized in their own little handwriting at each grade level. Plus many of the small but meaningful everyday accomplishments are not always taken in a picture or video either. This is a great way to remember those little things in life.

What you will need:

School Year Memory Jar 2

First I would like to begin by saying that this is a jar that can be personalized according to your child’s favorite things or style that you choose. Using decorative pieces that your child likes will also be another great memory as you look at how each jar changes in appearance every year. I am going to explain how I choose to make mine though below.

Have your layout and design ready to go before starting with any specific scrapbook paper or stickers you may need.

Use the Cricut to cut out the letters and numbers that you will need depending on your child’s specific school year. I used the Cricut Alphabet cartridge which has a standard but also cute font that worked perfect for this style.

School Year Memory Jar 3

If needing more specific instructions with how to use the Cricut, check out this 80’s sign that was made with the Cricut with step-by-step instructions.

Cut out a rectangle or shape to use to place your letters and numbers on before attaching to the jar. I found a scrapbook paper pad that had the writing tablet paper design and thought it was perfect. I cut my rectangle to be 4”x3”.

Then using the foam brush, brush a light coat of mod podge over the entire rectangle.

School Year Memory Jar 4

While still wet before completely drying, place your letters and numbers on the rectangle. Brush another coat of mod podge over the top of the letters and numbers to help them stick and lay flat. Do not worry if you have never used mod podge before and everything seems to have a white coat of paint over it. You did not ruin it. I promise. It will dry clear.

School Year Memory Jar 5

Let the rectangle dry completely before moving on. Once dry, brush a coat of mod podge over the part of the glass where you want to place the rectangle.

School Year Memory Jar 6

While still wet, place the rectangle on the glass jar and then brush another coat of mod podge on the top of it to help it to adhere to the glass and lay flat.

School Year Memory Jar 7

Add any décor or stickers to the jar at this point. I cut out from a piece of scrapbook paper, a little half-moon shape that said “Notes” to add a little something extra.

School Year Memory Jar 12

I also thought a tag hanging around the mouth of the jar would also be cute. The tag hanging on mine was actually just a plain yellow tag design from the same scrapbook paper pad that I used for this entire project. I cut it out and then also cut out several pencils that were on the same paper and adhered them to the tag using scrapbook adhesive squares. Use foam dots on certain shapes to raise them up and add an extra dimension.

School Year Memory Jar 8

Make a hole through the top of the tag which I found was easiest and cleanest looking using a straight pin until the hole was large enough to place twine through it. Measure your twine by first placing it around the mouth of the jar and then cutting it. Place the twine through the hole of the tag and wrap around the mouth. Tie a knot in the end to keep it from sliding off the top of the jar.

School Year Memory Jar 14

Measure the ribbon in the same way and wrap around the mouth of the jar for a little extra color. Tie the ribbon in a classic bow.

School Year Memory Jar 9

Once you are satisfied with your jar and the décor, now all you need is a notepad and a few crayons or pencils to start taking notes and making memories.

School Year Memory Jar 10

This project is also a fun way to get your kids involved helping you and also using their imaginations to design something that shows off each of their individual personalities.

School Year Memory Jar 11

Help your kids make their own school year memory jar to remember good times for many years to come. This jar is just a great way to incorporate what I truly do believe in. It’s the little things in life that really do matter that we must not forget. Live for the moment and enjoy the little things in life!

School Year Memory Jar 13

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

School Year Memory Jar 1

DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 17

DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 16

Looking for something easy and inexpensive to add a little something extra to your bathroom? This DIY bathroom mirror revamp is the perfect solution. It may be inexpensive but will look like you spent more much than you really did.

The mirror I used was actually part of our living room mantle when we moved into our home. They had built it in horizontally across the top above our fireplace. Well the mirror was one of the first things to go when we moved in. My husband would not have it any other way. He really did despise it. But being the crafter that I am and always trying to find a way to repurpose things, I had him keep it and not trash it. I just knew I could find a good use for a mirror. I had placed it in our master bathroom for a full-length mirror to use when getting dressed.

But something had always been missing. I did not like the color of the wood frame around it the entire time but just dealt with it. I finally decided enough was enough!

I thought I could always stain the wood frame around it or paint it but the frame around it was just blah. So why not get rid of the frame and add something completely different? That’s exactly what I did. I have some marble accessories on my bathroom counter for holding toothbrushes, cotton balls, q-tips, etc. My inspiration came from these to add a matching touch to the style I already had going and loved. I added “marble” look-a-like tiles around the frame and what a difference it made.

The mirror now looked so expensive and not homemade. I was also grateful to find my tiles on clearance at Lowes bringing the cost down even more. I am all about some clearance deals.

You will need:


DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 1


DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 2

Adhesive sealant

DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 3

Scissors- if needed

You can use any mirror that you would like. As I said before my mirror had a wooden frame around it that was very easy to remove. There were a couple of thick “poster board type” boards on the back that were stapled down.

DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 5

My husband used a knife to just cut down each side and remove them. Just be careful if using a knife.

DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 6

Then I popped the mirror right out being careful of course to not break it.

DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 8

If your mirror does not have any frame, then that is even better. You can just skip all of the above steps.

Now depending on what tiles you choose to use, the backing on them will be different. I had planned to cut down the middle of the tiles between each one to separate them. The tiles easily peeled off of the backing.

DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 9

As you can see below, there was some backing that was left on each tile. Do not worry. The tiles still stuck to the mirror without any problems.

DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 10

Because my mirror was not hanging, I layed it down in the bathroom floor before moving on. If your mirror is hanging then you may need to modify the below steps a little bit.

Now before gluing down your tiles, be sure to lay out your tiles around the mirror. If you do not have a lay out first, you may find once you are already gluing that you will not have enough room to finish outlining one side. If your mirror is hanging or attached to the wall and cannot be removed, then measure your tiles and then measure your mirror to figure out where to glue your tiles.

For example, I made the mistake of just immediately gluing tiles to the top border of the mirror without first measuring and laying out all my tiles. I did not notice it being a problem until I got down one side to the bottom and noticed that my last tile would not have enough room to be glued on and would fall off. It was only a small mistake and, I was able to space the rest of the tiles on that side the tiniest bit so it is not noticeable. Plus it is at the bottom and no one would probably even notice it if I did not pick it out. I started stressing so take my advice and be sure to take that extra step. It is worth it. I would hate to have to try to peel off the tiles once the glue is starting to set. What a gooey mess!

Using whatever adhesive sealant you choose, place about a dime size of glue on the back of your tile.

DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 11

Immediately lay the tile down in the correct position and press it down holding it for several seconds to help the glue adhere. If your mirror is attached to the wall, then you may need to hold the tile in place a little longer to be sure it does not start slipping off and falling.

DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 12

Continue gluing your tiles on the mirror until the borders are completely covered. If your mirror is hanging or attached to the wall, you may also want to use a strong type of tape such as painters tape or duct tape to place across the tile and onto the wall. This will also help the tiles to stay adhered to the mirror and not slip off especially on the top border.

Let your adhesive sealant or glue completely dry before trying to hang. I let my mirror sit for at least 24 hours before hanging or even standing up. At first I thought my sealant was not going to be strong enough because they wanted to wiggle a little bit when I would press on them. But with some patience, they sealed to the mirror perfectly and weren’t wiggling.

The last part is to just simply hang your mirror if not already hanging. Step back and enjoy a new addition to your bathroom that was simple to make and totally inexpensive. I love the idea of being able to revamp something in my house for very little money but making it look as though it was very expensive.

I use my full-length mirror in the bathroom all the time and love the new look of the marble. You could never buy a mirror like this in the store for as cheap as it was for me to make it. Plus I was able to recycle that old mirror we found when we moved into our house which makes me even happier.

Enjoy your new revamped mirror whether it is in your bathroom or anywhere else in your home, but also don’t forget to enjoy the little things in life!

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 15

DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 14

DIY Bathroom Mirror Revamp 16