Blog Conference Tips

If you have been contemplating going or not, these blog conference tips will surely help you make the big decision to just dive in and do it!

So many of you are probably wondering what has been going on with my social media accounts the last few days. You have seen tons of pictures, especially on Instagram (@the_southern_couture) of me having an absolute blast with tons of other bloggers. I attended SNAP conference this past week and can’t wait to share some blog conference tips with y’all too in case you have started a blog and want to get the 411.

What is SNAP Conference?

SNAP conference is specifically for DIY, lifestyle, and craft bloggers to gather for several days for an experience full of classroom learning, hands-on learning, meeting with brands and sponsors one-on-one, parties to relax, and speakers too.

Blog Conference Tips

This was my first time going and I absolutely am hooked. I roomed with Amanda from A Crafted Passion and we had a blast. Lots of late night talks and chatting about what all the day held. We were definitely exhausted after everything was said and done. Be sure to check out her blog too. Lots of good projects no matter what your skill level.

Tip #1: Get out of your comfort zone.

For me this was HUGE. I had never traveled or flown before by myself. I was always with Mark. Even though I met Amanda at the airport as soon as I arrived, it took every ounce of courage I had to get on that plane by myself. Plus take a look at this view. That was totally worth the whole trip.

Blog Conference Tips

Stepping out of my comfort zone also meant talking to complete strangers about my blog. I always feel like a salesman when people ask about my blog. I just don’t have that salesman personality, but I’m working on being more outgoing and proud of my work. Below is a picture of me mingling at the Newbies class. It was great practice for me and the week ahead.

Blog Conference Tips

Photo Credit: SNAP Facebook

Tip #2: Get your hands dirty.

I was so excited about all the classroom and lecture style classes that were being taught and how much I would learn. I had not really thought about going to any hands-on classes until a fellow blogger mentioned how important the fun, hands-on classes are to give your mind a brain break and just enjoy yourself. I ended up going to several classes including calligraphy which I found very quickly I need lots of practice.

Blog Conference Tips

Photo Credit: SNAP Facebook

Another class was with Ryobi. I am not great with power tools and usually just yell for Mark to help me. I want to get more confident and brave with them and how much I would really be able to do. Ryobi made me feel so comfortable. Below is a picture of a dear friend of mine, Lindi, I met that I know will be a friend for years to come. She blogs at Love, Create, Celebrate with some awesome woodworking projects.

Blog Conference Tips

Photo Credit: SNAP Facebook

Here I am holding my own tools and working so hard. We built an amplifier that actually ended up working awesome.

Blog Conference Tips

I stopped by the Michaels booth, okay not just once but several times. I made this card with some new products from Recollections and love the way it turned out. It made me feel like I could do watercolors even though I was cheating and it wasn’t really.

Blog Conference Tips

Blog Conference Tips

Photo Credit: SNAP Facebook

I also had the opportunity to make an arrow display for a gallery wall with the genuine Heidi Swapp. I just had to take a picture with her for the memory books. I tried to control myself and not go all fan girl. She also hosted the party that night along with Fuji which I discuss later.

Blog Conference Tips

Tip #3: Party!!

Every night was a different themed party. Even if going to parties and social events is not your thing, like I said before just step out of your comfort zone and you will be glad you did. The first night was a Fire and Ice themed party which was tons of fun with glowing makeup and black lights. Plus you have to have a photo booth at every party nowadays.

Blog Conference Tips

Photo Credit: SNAP Facebook

Blog Conference Tips

Photo Credit: SNAP Facebook

The next party was a Preppy Palm Springs Poolside Party hosted by Fuji Instax and Heidi Swapp. Let me just start by saying it was EPIC. The decorations were all handmade and just adorable. As we entered the party, there were these homemade cacti that I just had to get a picture with.

Blog Conference Tips

Heidi Swapp is probably one of the most generous people I know. She had a marquee letter bar set up where we got one of her marquee letters and could decorate it anyway we chose. From there we went to another photo booth for more pictures to capture the memories.

Blog Conference Tips

Photo Credit: SNAP Facebook

Blog Conference Tips

There were also these adorable desserts pictured below that I just had to sample a little of each. So stinkin’ cute that I almost didn’t want to eat them. Keyword being almost. Hehe!

Blog Conference Tips

I just love this picture I got with Heidi at the party too. Hopefully she didn’t consider me a stalker after getting 2 pictures in one day. I just couldn’t help myself.

Blog Conference Tips

Tip #4: Make those memories and enjoy them for a lifetime.

Below I have shared more pictures from the conference that I just absolutely love and will cherish forever. The people you meet and the memories you make will truly last a lifetime. If you are nervous and not sure if you should just dive in, maybe more of these pictures will help convince you to just take the leap. It is well worth it!

Blog Conference Tips

Lindi and I at the Rustoleum lounge

Blog Conference Tips

Beautiful tablescape for dinner hosted by Chinet

Blog Conference Tips

The view from our window at the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah

Let me know in the comments below if you have attended SNAP before or if you would love to. Also let me know if you have any blog conference tips for me in the future as well.

Don't know what to expect at a blog conference or too afraid to step out of your comfort zone? This post has got you covered with several TIPS to help you make the decision to dive right in and go for it. It is definitely worth it.

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

6 Realistic and Affordable Ways to Improve Your Blog

Today I am sharing something a little different from my usual DIY décor for two very important reasons. First I hope that it will help and inspire all of you whether you are a blogger now or to encourage you to start. And second I want to personally thank and give a shout out to several fellow bloggers that I must give credit to for what I have learned since starting this blog journey.

Whether you have a blog or want to start one, check out these 6 ways that are realistic and also affordable to improve your blog. offers her personal go-to resources.

What is it exactly that I am sharing? Well even though the ends and outs of blogging can’t be narrowed down to just one blog post, I hope these tips of what I have learned and resources I have found will also benefit you as well.

I would also like to think that this is an extension of another post that I shared recently about why my blog isn’t perfect and what I have learned through all of it. I hope that several lessons I have learned will in some way help and encourage you as well whether you have a blog or just in everyday life.

We tend to forget sometimes that we would never be where we are today or have accomplished all that we have without the help of those that are in our lives. So this post today is dedicated to them. Thank you wonderful ladies and gentleman! (Keep reading through the end to see who that special gentleman just might be.)


6 Realistic and Affordable Ways to Improve Your Blog

We all know that in order to succeed in life whether that be with a blog or any other type of career, we can’t do it alone. Having friends and others we can talk to and depend on is what makes our success grow and teaches us so much more than what we can learn on our own.

I have done guest posts and also been a blog contributor for several blogs. In doing so, I meet many new readers, other bloggers, and gain inspiration from them while hopefully giving back with my own creativity at the same time.

I am currently a contributor for By Dawn Nicole where I just recently shared a post last week for an adorable cupcake stand made with supplies from the thrift store that cost me less than $3.

Even though I write a post for Dawn once monthly, I feel that I am getting back so much more in return. I like to think of Dawn as a blog mentor that I can turn to with questions, thoughts, and just needing a friend.

6 Realistic and Affordable Ways to Improve Your Blog

She also just recently launched her first eBook, Color Me Inspired: Vol. 1 A Hand-Lettered and Illustrated Inspirational Adult Coloring eBook. You can print your own coloring pages as many times as you like for such an affordable price. I will leave a link to her book HERE as well so you can check it out.


6 Realistic and Affordable Ways to Improve Your Blog

The first book I ever read about blogging came from the talented and oh so knowledgeable Abby Lawson from Just a Girl and Her Blog. I was blown away by the wealth of her knowledge that she shares in her personal eBook Building a Framework: The Ultimate Blogging Handbook. She shares how she turned her hobby blog into a six-figure income in just two years.

6 Realistic and Affordable Ways to Improve Your Blog

I know if someone is willing to share that kind of information with everyone else, then we would be crazy to not take advantage of it and try to learn all that we can.

The good news too is that today Abby is relaunching her eBook with 3 new packages including options with updates to the eBook, new blog binder printables, access to an exclusive Facebook group to learn from others as well, and over 15 step-by-step video guides. If that isn’t enough, there will also be access to 15 video interviews with other expert bloggers. So not only are you getting Abby’s knowledge but other bloggers as well.

I would encourage anyone who wants to start a blog to start by reading Building a Framework. It gives you a foundation to start from and then build upon so you aren’t just shooting in the dark with where to start and making mistakes you may regret later.

If you have already started a blog, then it is never too late to learn something new and improve yourself and your blog. I guarantee you won’t walk away saying, “I already knew all of that.”

I am so appreciate that I found Abby’s book and was given the opportunity to learn from an expert like herself.

Here is the link to check out the beautiful new relaunch for yourself and the 3 different packages in greater detail I discussed above.


6 Realistic and Affordable Ways to Improve Your Blog

It didn’t take me long after blogging to figure out that I needed to learn everything possible about Pinterest if I wanted my blog to be successful. The majority of my traffic comes from Pinterest as I have also heard many other bloggers say the same thing.

For that reason, I had to focus more of my attention there and just jump into the nitty gritty whether I liked it or not.

I discovered Board Booster, which is a program with several different functions but one in particular to schedule pins to be repined to different boards using campaigns or loop pinning. If you are new to blogging, then it probably sounds like I am speaking a foreign language.

I promise it will make more sense to you later which is why I must introduce you to Corey from Tiny Sidekick blog. She actually has videos to walk you through how to use Board Booster which can be a huge time saver saving you much frustration.


6 Realistic and Affordable Ways to Improve Your Blog

Instagram can be such a fun outlet and way to express yourself and share your blog at the same time. I love scrolling through my Instagram feed to find the most gorgeous pictures. I have already mentioned the beauty and artistry of Instagram twice which is what I want you to take away. People are looking for “pretty” feeds and pictures.

Hilary from Dean Street Society actually offers an Instagram class called Instagram with Intention where she shares everything she has learned with Instagram and how you can take your Instagram followers and actually turn them into paying customers.

I have to admit that I haven’t actually taken the course yet, but I did watch a live webinar she offered where she shared some of her secrets and pointers. The class is only open at certain times, but head to this LINK to sign up for an email reminder when the course reopens.

Thanks to Hilary, I am now trying to find my own style recipe. So much to look forward to.


6 Realistic and Affordable Ways to Improve Your Blog

A couple of months ago, I enrolled in Ruth’s from Living Well Spending Less Elite Blog Academy. I am about half way through the course now, and as Ruth says I am truly drinking from a fountain. I have learned more about blogging and becoming serious about growing my business than I ever thought possible. Yes, it can be overwhelming at times, but the wealth of knowledge I am learning is so worth it.

Enrollment is only offered at certain times, but I encourage you to visit the website often for updates and be sure to stay tuned for the next enrollment because you will not want to miss it next time. I will definitely be sharing an update once I complete the course for how it has helped my blog personally. The list of testimonials I have read thus far is truly remarkable.


6 Realistic and Affordable Ways to Improve Your Blog

For me personally, this blog would not be possible without my Savior Jesus Christ and the help of my husband Mark.

My faith means everything to me which means I can’t do anything daily without knowing that I place Christ first and ask for His help. Without Him, I wouldn’t have this blog or anything good in my life. I am eternally grateful to Him.

God has also blessed me with an incredibly supportive and loving husband who is actually the reason I started this blog to begin with. I have always enjoyed DIY and craft projects, but he encouraged me to start a blog and share it with others.

6 Realistic and Affordable Ways to Improve Your Blog

Because he is so knowledgeable with the tech side of the blog and web design, The Southern Couture has been possible. Without him, there simply just wouldn’t be a blog. I encourage you to find that faith and emotional support for your own blog or any endeavor in your life in general.


Wow, I feel so chatty, but I hope I have helped you in some way. I am so thankful for everyone I have learned from and only want to pass that along to hopefully help someone else in the process.

Please let me know if you have any questions and keep the conversation going in the comments below.

Enjoy your week and the little things in life that it entails.

Also if you have not already, please join me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. 

My Blog Isn't Perfect And What I've Learned

Have you ever seen something in the store that looked so simple and thought you could just do it yourself only to find out later that you should have just bought it anyways? Well you are not alone and hopefully I’m not alone in this either.

My Blog Isn't Perfect And What I've Learned

As a DIYer, I find myself picturing and imagining something in my head to be so beautiful and simple, but then when trying to actually produce that same product, things don’t seem to go the same way. I really could start beating myself up as this seems to happen quite a bit at times.

But what I must remind myself is that IT IS OKAY TO MESS UP. And you should know the same thing too. There is no shame in making mistakes over and over and over again.

My Blog Isn't Perfect And What I've Learned

I have heard it said so many times that what doesn’t count is how many times you mess up but how you actually respond to that failure that really matters. No matter how much we have heard this, it doesn’t change the fact that it is true.

My Blog Isn't Perfect And What I've Learned

We learn so much from failing no matter how much it sucks. It would be so much easier for everything to be perfect and successful the first time, but just imagine how weak everyone would be. Failures make us stronger.

My Blog Isn't Perfect And What I've Learned


Throughout all of history and mankind, so many brilliant people before us failed and failed miserable when trying something for the first time and many times after that. The lesson is that they learned from the failures and would have never known and discovered new things without failing first.

My Blog Isn't Perfect And What I've Learned

I must remind myself that the things that frustrate me and that I fail at sometimes are just small and honestly are not worth getting so upset about to begin with. We must remember and count our blessings instead of staying and dwelling on the negative.

My Blog Isn't Perfect And What I've Learned

Several different DIY projects come to mind where my plans didn’t go as originally planned and ended up costing me more money, time, sweat, stress, etc. than what I had ever planned on in the future.

I have seen cornhole sets in the store and at parties before and always thought it would be so much fun for me and Mark to have our own cornhole toss to play with friends and family at cook-outs. So with the DIY mind that I have, I just knew that Mark and I could build and decorate our own set with no problem. On top of that, I wanted to share it with all my wonderful readers. (Seemed like a good idea at first-honestly.)

Little did I know, it turned out to be a harder and more advanced project for my lack of carpentry skills than what I had expected. Several trips were spent going back to the store to get more and different supplies.

Once the set was actually built, it came time to decorate which I just knew would be a piece of cake since I love to paint and craft so much. I found out real quick that I was no master at stenciling and ended up ruining the top of the beautiful set when my paint ran and smeared right under the stencil. (I wish I would have taken pictures of the mistakes now, but at the time I couldn’t do anything but freak out.) The picture below shows the stencil I had placed before I actually tried to paint with it.

How to Build a Cornhole Toss

I went into panic mode because I didn’t have a clue what else to do and our cook-out was the next day which meant time was not on our side either. After taking a break from the chaos, I am happy to say that we figured out another solution, and I couldn’t be happier with how they turned out.

Cornhole Toss 59

We ended up with a beautiful project and really learned so much about each other while in the process. Til this day, I have to say that this cornhole set was about much more than being able to put some wood and screws together but more about team-building and a lesson in marriage.

There are lessons I learned that day that will forever change my life and come back to my memory often even until today:

It is okay to mess up.
How you respond to failure is what matters most.
Failure makes us stronger.
We learn from our failures.
Count your blessings instead.

The next time things don’t go just as you expect, try to take a deep breath and just enjoy the moment knowing that something greater is surely to come. (And yes, I said try. We aren’t perfect and this skill takes a lifetime of practice.)

Enjoy the little things in life which means even the failures too.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

P.S. Please share this post with others if you enjoyed it and found it helpful. We love when you pass on goodness to others.

5 Tips When You are Needing Inspiration for Your Blog Featured Image

5 Tips When You are Needing Inspiration for Your Blog Featured Image

Do you ever seem to get in a rut and can’t find any inspiration for your next blog article or project? You may not be a blogger but a journalist or author and hit writers block too. We all have had problems with it.

Another problem that will come up is that I have this awesome idea but then I log into my computer and see that it has already been done by another talented blogger.

There are several ways that I find helpful for finding inspiration for my blog that I want to share with you to help you too.

#1: Go shopping.

5 Tips When You are Needing Inspiration for Your Blog 1

                               Photo by Mikey Jones / CC BY-ND2.0

What woman doesn’t love to go shopping and now we have a real excuse to “need” to go. I love DIY and craft projects so shopping is even more fun for me. I will walk the aisles looking for great items but then I notice the price tag and just can’t bring myself to pay what they want. Many times I find that I can make the very same piece of decor or whatever it may be myself for much cheaper.

Always check out the clearance aisles too. I have found several items marked down on clearance that with just a little work are new again and can be upcycled into something great. I found this chalkboard on clearance for almost nothing and was able to turn it in to something even better that would have normally cost me much more.

Check out websites for stores as well. You don’t even have to leave your house if you don’t really enjoy shopping (which I don’t know why you wouldn’t). Most stores have websites and others are online only. Search for things you love and draw inspiration to create your own for much cheaper.

#2 Look to other bloggers with your same interest.

5 Tips When You are Needing Inspiration for Your Blog 2

                               Photo by Kristina B / CC BY -ND 2.0

Now first of all I want to say that I am not saying to copy anyone’s ideas as your own. If you do find something you just can’t resist and want to share with others too, then be sure to give credit to other bloggers where it is due.

There is such a community among bloggers that even joining up with them for some ideas and a contest is fun. A group of bloggers could all use the same materials and then come up with their own creation and then link to and share the others’ ideas too.

I also love finding things online that appeal to me but then changing it up to my own style and taste.

#3 Ask your blog followers.

5 Tips When You are Needing Inspiration for Your Blog 3

                       Photo by mkhmarketing / CC BY -ND 2.0

Reach out to social media and your followers for anything that they are wanting to see you do or learn more about. Post the question and see what response you get. You will be amazed at what others would like to read about that you may consider not important or boring.

#4 Don’t be afraid to try something new.

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                               Photo by Live Life Happy / CC BY -ND 2.0

I wouldn’t constantly change what your content is revolved around but occasionally don’t be afraid to reach out to something new. Writing about new topics or projects keeps things interesting for your readers. Plus your readers also like to know more about you, what’s going on in your life, your favorite things, etc.

#5 Look around your own house.

5 Tips When You are Needing Inspiration for Your Blog 5

                                                              Photo by Abbey Hendrickson / CC BY -ND 2.0

Many times there are projects or rooms that I need to do something with but have been putting it off for quite some time for whatever reason.  When I am needing something new to write about and create, it is a great opportunity for me to get those things done and stop procrastinating. Plus it’s a great feeling to mark another thing off your checklist.

Don’t ever feel like you are all out of options and don’t know where to begin. There is always some brilliant idea out there just waiting for you. I hope these pointers will help you and keep you from getting in that rut.

Plus share your ideas with all of us in the comments. I would love to know where you get your inspiration as well.

Hope you also will enjoy the little things in life including your own blog and inspiration.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

Hometalk Review Featured Image

Hometalk Review Featured Image

Do you ever get to the place where you are needing to change up your decorations or remodel a room in your home but not sure where to begin or what to do exactly? I know I do at times. What about needing to make some home repairs and wanting to do them yourself but also don’t want to pay someone a huge chunk of money to do so? Well look no further than Hometalk.

Hometalk is a website similar to Pinterest but with more features that I know you will enjoy and benefit from. Earlier this year I was wanting to revamp a floor full-length mirror in my master bathroom. It was actually a mirror that was part of our mantle when we moved into our house. I couldn’t just throw away a perfectly good mirror and ended up turning it sideways and using it for a full-length mirror in the bathroom. This mirror isn’t exactly pretty and was needing something extra for a long time. I turned to Hometalk and found many different ideas for inspiration for how I could upcycle this mirror and make it look not so blah.

Check out my Bathroom Mirror Makeover clipboard where I clipped multiple ideas. Also be sure to check out my post of my bathroom mirror makeover for specific instructions.


  1. Search for new projects, tips, inspiration, etc. in many different topics.

There are so many different topics from decoupage to composting and even cleaning tips and much more to help you with your next project. You will never get bored with searching because there are always new ideas being posted every day.

  1. Clip your favorite ideas to a board.

For those who use Pinterest, you are used to “pinning” things to different boards. With Hometalk when you see something that interest you, clip it to a new board. You can have as many boards as you would like and keep all your project ideas organized.

  1. Share your own projects and ideas with others.

If you have something that you have created, remodeled, upcycled, or even just a great tip, post it to your profile and share with others so they can be inspired and helped as well.

  1. Ask questions and for advice.

Probably the biggest differences and one of my favorite features of Hometalk is that there is such a community feel. If you are having problems with a project or just wanting advice on what color to paint your front door, then post the question and wait for all the other helpful users to give you their input and advice. Also feel free to reciprocate the advice and answer others questions as well. The friendships made are different than most social sites.

  1. Follow other users.

Maybe you have found another user that you seem to really enjoy their post and ideas. You can follow them to be sure to not miss out on any of their future posts as well.

  1. Get a preview of the project with pictures and a short description.

Hometalk will show you several pictures of the project along with a description of the overview so you have a better idea of what you are looking at before actually going to the website of the user. It saves time and frustration from clipping an idea and then going to the website to only find that you were looking for something completely different.

  1. Follow Hometalk on Facebook and subscribe to their emails for more inspiration.

I personally follow Hometalk on Facebook and love seeing their updates in my newsfeed. They are constantly showing what users are up to which always give me a new idea or inspiration for things I have been wanting to do but put off sometimes. I also receive an email from them often that helps with new tips and ideas as well.

Hometalk is perfect for bloggers to use to share their content with others but you don’t have to be a blogger either. Anyone can use Hometalk and enjoy all the benefits of it. I hope you will too. Be sure to follow me on Hometalk so I can do the same for you and see all your favorite inspiration too.

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.