Ideas for Using (in)courage Devotional Bible Reading Plans

I am sharing ideas for using (in)courage Devotional Bible reading plans and how I work through the different plans with notetaking. 

When I first heard about the (in)courage Devotional Bible, I was so intrigued. I found a Bible that had tons of devotionals written by women of the faith, reading plans based on topics, and so many other resources. I knew I was hooked. If you have never seen it before and want to check out all its features, check out THIS flip-through video I shared before. 

Ideas for Using (in)courage Devotional Bible Reading Plans

Since sharing my love for this Bible on Instagram so many times, I have had so many of you ask about this Bible too and even grab it for yourself. Check out all the different cover options that are available from DaySpring. They even have a brand new cover that just released recently. 

Extensive Review and Flip-Through of the (in)courage Devotional Bible

My favorite feature though are the reading plans organized by topics. Many of you have asked before too how I use the reading plans and my notetaking ideas. Today I’m sharing all of it with you in the video below. I hope it’s a blessing to you. 


I love using my Zebra Mildliner Markers as highlighters when working through the different devotionals. I also love the Zebra Technical Drawing Pens for writing notes directly in the pages. Neither of these bleed through and work perfectly. 

Ideas for Using (in)courage Devotional Bible Reading Plans

At the back of the Bible where the devotional plans are organized by topic, I also like to use the Zebra Mildliner Markers for highlighting each devotional as I have read it so I can keep my place. 

Ideas for Using (in)courage Devotional Bible Reading Plans

Please let me know if you have this Bible and how much you love it too. If you don’t have it and have any questions, leave them below so I can help you out. God bless!

I am sharing ideas for using (in)courage Devotional Bible reading plans and how I work through the different plans with notetaking. 

Ideas for Studying through Gratitude Documented

Today let’s dive into some ideas for studying through Gratitude Documented no matter what season of life you are in. We can all use some time for dwelling on gratitude. 

We are almost into November which means Gratitude Documented will begin. If you are joining in this year, I can’t wait to hopefully inspire you and give you some ideas for working through your own study no matter how that might look. I shared recently that with baby #2 due any day now, I am having to slow down for this year and keep things simple. Check out more about my set-up as I flip-through my mini TN HERE in my recent video. 

Set-Up for Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented with New Printables

But just because I am in a season of having to slow down some, that doesn’t mean you have to do the same. I didn’t want to leave anyone hanging either so I wanted to share some past projects of mine for different studies in case you are looking for any ideas. 

Ideas for Studying through Gratitude Documented

Below is a video as I flip-through the different ideas in hopes you find something that will work best for you in the season you are in right now. 


Whether you work through just your TN or have multiple projects going on, I know the Lord is there waiting for you and cannot wait to speak to your heart. Focusing on gratitude is such an important aspect of our daily lives that we should always practice. May this month just be a stepping stone for all of us to continue throughout the end of this year and the next. 

Ideas for Studying through Gratitude Documented

I would love to hear what projects you have in mind and what you are planning to do. Please let me know in the comments below so we can all be inspired by you too. God bless! 

Ideas for Studying through Gratitude Documented

Today let's dive into some ideas for studying through Gratitude Documented no matter what season of life you are in. We can all use some time for dwelling on gratitude. 

Today let’s dive into some ideas for studying through Gratitude Documented no matter what season of life you are in. We can all use some time for dwelling on gratitude. Today let’s dive into some ideas for studying through Gratitude Documented no matter what season of life you are in. We can all use some time for dwelling on gratitude.

Set-Up for Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented with New Printables

I am sharing my set-up for Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented with new printables that I also just listed in my Etsy shop to help me get organized this year. 

Another November means another month of Gratitude Documented. I am always thrilled for this time of year and ready to be intentional when it comes to thanksgiving. This is exactly why I can’t wait to share my study set-up with y’all this year using Illustrated Faith’s Gratitude Documented devotional kit, goodies from my stash, as well as some new printables in my Etsy shop. 

Set-Up for Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented with New Printables

I have lots of Fall themed printables in my Etsy shop from last year that you can grab and use for your journaling as well as some new goodies to coordinate with the 2020 devotional kit. The whole collection is Counting My Blessings Vol 2 and can be found HERE. *Make sure you also use the coupon code BLESSINGS15 for 15% off this entire collection through Nov. 4. 

Set-Up for Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented with New Printables

Set-Up for Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented with New Printables

Now let’s just get to the fun of it all and check out the video below as I flip-through my mini TN for journaling. 


With a new baby arriving any day now, I am being realistic and keeping things more simple this year. I will miss the extra projects I always enjoy, but also thankful for newborn snuggles.

Set-Up for Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented with New Printables

Set-Up for Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented with New Printables

I can’t wait to see what y’all are up to this year for your study time. Let me know in the comments below how you plan to work through the daily prompts for Gratitude Documented. God bless! 

I am sharing my set-up for Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented with new printables that I also just listed in my Etsy shop to help me get organized this year. 

Unboxing Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented Devotional Kit

Today I am unboxing Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented devotional kit as well as giving several ideas for using the different elements in the kit. 

Thank you to Illustrated Faith for sponsoring this post. All opinions are mine alone. I pinky promise! 

Well can you even believe we are back for another year of Gratitude Documented?! I absolutely love this time of year and look forward to it so much. There is something pretty powerful about being intentional with our gratitude and thanksgiving. This year I am planning to use the devotional kit from Illustrated Faith. Make sure to grab yours HERE

Unboxing Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented Devotional Kit

Now let’s check out everything that is included in this year’s kit in the video below. I also share some ideas for using the different elements in your own journaling. 


This gold foil detailing on the leaf ephemera has to be one of my most favorite parts of the kit. It looks so fancy! 

Unboxing Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented Devotional Kit

Unboxing Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented Devotional Kit

I would love to hear how you are joining in this November. Let me know in the comments below. Stay tuned for another blog post with a video sharing my plans and set-up. I can’t wait! God bless! 

Today I am unboxing Illustrated Faith 2020 Gratitude Documented devotional kit as well as giving several ideas for using the different elements in the kit. 

Keeping Bible Study Simple

Sometimes we tend to over complicate things including our time with God, but today I want to encourage you by keeping Bible study simple for a daily priority. 

Thank you to Illustrated Faith for sponsoring this post. All opinions are mine alone. I pinky promise!

During this season of my life, I am learning to take things slower and keep it more simple. That is really hard for me to do too. I love doing all the things when it comes to Bible journaling and devotionals. With baby #2 soon on its way, I am having to slow down for sure and give myself grace every day. 

Keeping Bible Study Simple

So today I want to encourage you to do the same if you are feeling overwhelmed here lately with trying to keep up or comparing yourself to everyone else. I love working through the monthly devotionals from Illustrated Faith and using all the supplies. But this past month with their newest kit, Mixtape, I am having to change things up a bit. 

Keeping Bible Study Simple

Check out the video below as I share some ideas for working through the kit using exclusively items from the kit and keeping it very simple. 


I don’t ever want anyone to not join a Bible study or get into the Word because they’re afraid they won’t be able to do it all. We don’t need comparison, but more grace and love. I hope you will join in the next time you start to doubt yourself too. God bless! 

Keeping Bible Study Simple

Sometimes we tend to over complicate things including our time with God, but today I want to encourage you by keeping Bible study simple for a daily priority. 

I am back again today to share a flip-through of original Illustrating Bible New Testament entries in hopes you will feel inspired and encouraged to spend more time in the Word. 

What a joy it is for me to flip through the pages of my past Bibles and see the time I spent journaling and with God. So when one of you asked me to share the entries from my original Illustrating Bible, I couldn’t wait! Last week I shared the Old Testament entries, and today I’m sharing those from the New Testament. 

Get All the Details of the Brand New Illustrating Bible

Check out the video below as I flip-through and talk a little bit about each entry and how special they truly are to me as I look back. 

The original Illustrating Bible is no longer available but DaySpring just released a new one with two different cover color options and a previous one in emerald green. Make sure to check those out HERE if you are interested. 

Thorough Review of Brand New Illustrating Bible 3.0 from DaySpring

Now let me know below in the comments if you have ever spent time looking back through past journaling entries in your Bible. And if you haven’t, then I would highly recommend it. God bless! 

How to Add Inserts to Spiral Binding of the Illustrating Bible

Flip-Through of Original Illustrating Bible Old Testament Entries

Today I am sharing a flip-through of original Illustrating Bible Old Testament entries in hopes that you are encouraged and inspired to start journaling in the Word today too. 

Some of the links below are “affiliate links.” This means if you click a link and purchase an item, I will receive a small affiliate commission that helps me to be able to continue with this blog and hopefully continue to inspire you as well.

I don’t know about you, but I love a good flip-through video to see what others have created and be able to find inspiration to make their ideas my own. And that is my prayer for each one of you today as I flip-through my original Illustrating Bible to share my entries. One of you suggested I do so over on Instagram, and I thought it was a fantastic idea. 

Get All the Details of the Brand New Illustrating Bible

I also love sharing these entries because many of you just got the brand new Illustrating Bible from DaySpring. I hear way too many times that people are intimidated to open a new Bible and start journaling in it. I get it! I have and still struggle with my own trying to be perfect with different crafts and projects. BUT…I want you to walk away from today’s post (and video) feeling empowered to open your new Bible and get your first entry done TODAY!! Who is with me?!

Get All the Details of the Brand New Illustrating Bible

Now let’s get started flipping through this beauty of a Bible. Today I’ll be sharing the entries from the Old Testament. Stay tuned for the New Testament entries. Check out the video below and let me know if you have any questions. 


The original Illustrating Bible shown in the video above is no longer available, but the latest Illustrating Bible in the NIV version with two cover color options is now available from DaySpring. It is very similar with many of the same features. Check out my review video and process video if you haven’t seen it and want more details. 

Thorough Review of Brand New Illustrating Bible 3.0 from DaySpring

Let me know in the comments below who is breaking open their Bibles today to spend some time with God in His Word. God bless!!

Today I am sharing a flip-through of original Illustrating Bible Old Testament entries in hopes that you are encouraged and inspired to start journaling in the Word today too. 

Ideas for Word Study with Illustrated Faith Word Nerd Kit

Learn more with these ideas for word study with Illustrated Faith Word Nerd kit and dive deeper into scripture and Bible study. I am also sharing my set-up using TNs. 

Thank you to Illustrated Faith for sponsoring this post. All opinions are mine alone. I pinky promise! 

If you have ever done a word study from scripture, then you know just how rewarding that time is spent. If you have not, then be prepared to be amazed at how God’s Word will speak to you through a word study. I was obsessed with Illustrated Faith’s Word Nerd study last year and couldn’t wait for them to bring it back this year. Make sure to grab your kit HERE and join along. 

Ideas for Word Study with Illustrated Faith Word Nerd Kit

Now don’t be intimidated if you have never done a word study before. The travelers notebook in this year’s kit will guide you through a word study with devotionals and even simple worksheets. I’m so thrilled for this one. I also use a resource, Blue Letter Bible, that has been a great guide. You can find tutorials for using it online as well. 

Ideas for Word Study with Illustrated Faith Word Nerd Kit

To go along with the kit, I designed a collection of printables in my Etsy shop. “Bible Bookworm Vol 2.” Use the coupon code BOOKWORM15 for 15% off the entire collection this first week only. I’m obsessed with the rainbow color scheme and can’t seem to get enough. Plus they’re perfect to use for many other entries and papercrafting in the future.

Ideas for Word Study with Illustrated Faith Word Nerd Kit

Now let’s check out my set-up for Word Nerd 2020 using the new printables from my Etsy shop and items from the kit. I also share some ideas and tips for working through the study.


I have to say this is definitely one of my most favorite devotional TN set-ups yet. Each and every element is so adorable and cute in its own way. Plus I’m a nerd for anything school supply related. 

Ideas for Word Study with Illustrated Faith Word Nerd Kit

Ideas for Word Study with Illustrated Faith Word Nerd Kit

Ideas for Word Study with Illustrated Faith Word Nerd Kit

Now who is joining in on this word study? You can also grab the digital version of the TN as well as extra worksheets from Illustrated Faith. And don’t forget to check out the new set of printables, “Bible Bookworm Vol 2,” from my Etsy shop. Make sure to use the coupon code BOOKWORM15 for 15% off this first week only. God bless!

Ideas for Word Study with Illustrated Faith Word Nerd Kit

Ideas for Word Study with Illustrated Faith Word Nerd Kit

Learn more with these ideas for word study with Illustrated Faith Word Nerd kit and dive deeper into scripture and Bible study. I am also sharing my set-up using TNs. 

Brand New Illustrating Bible is HERE with a Process Video

I am beyond thrilled to share with y’all that the brand new Illustrating Bible is HERE with a process video working in mine in hopes you are inspired to dig into the Word more. 

Thank you to DaySpring for sponsoring this post. All opinions are mine alone. I pinky promise! Some of the links below are “affiliate links.” This means if you click a link and purchase an item, I will receive a small affiliate commission that helps me to be able to continue with this blog and hopefully continue to inspire you as well.

Well today is the day!! The brand new Illustrating Bible 3.0 is officially available and waiting for your pretty little hands. If you missed the thorough review and flip-through I shared in a video last week, check it out HERE. You will see all the nitty gritty details up close. 


Brand New Illustrating Bible is HERE with a Process Video

Now let’s get to the fun part today. I’m sharing a fun process video working through an entry in my Bible and can’t wait to share with y’all too.


Brand New Illustrating Bible is HERE with a Process Video

I hope this process video will give you some encouragement and inspiration to start working in your Illustrating Bible as soon as you get it. 

Brand New Illustrating Bible is HERE with a Process Video

Brand New Illustrating Bible is HERE with a Process Video

Don’t forget to grab your Illustrating Bible too in either the pink or grey cover or maybe both. 😉 Let me know which one you choose. God bless! 

I am beyond thrilled to share with y'all that the brand new Illustrating Bible is HERE with a process video working in mine in hopes you are inspired to dig into the Word more. 

Thorough Review of Brand New Illustrating Bible 3.0 from DaySpring

I am so excited to bring y’all this thorough review of brand new Illustrating Bible 3.0 from DaySpring that is now available!

Thank you to DaySpring for sponsoring this post. All opinions are mine alone. I pinky promise! Some of the links below are “affiliate links.” This means if you click a link and purchase an item, I will receive a small affiliate commission that helps me to be able to continue with this blog and hopefully continue to inspire you as well.

Every time a new Illustrating Bible is released it takes all I can to contain my excitement! They are all so unique and beautiful with their own special features. I can’t wait to share more with y’all today in my video where I’ll flip-through the newest Illustrating Bible that is NOW available. I’m even going to share how it compares to the previous Illustrating Bibles. 

Thorough Review of Brand New Illustrating Bible 3.0 from DaySpring

BUT if you know you want to grab your Illustrating Bible now before they are gone, you can go ahead and grab it HERE! The Bible is now on pre-order through August 30th and even comes with a FREE grab bag of Bible journaling items valued at $75!!! You will get one free grab bag per Bible too which is even better! 


Thorough Review of Brand New Illustrating Bible 3.0 from DaySpring

Below is a thorough video of the new Bible as I flip through and share all the fun details and features. And don’t forget I’m comparing it to the previous versions so you have a better idea. 


Below are some specific features of the Illustrating Bible: 

  • Lay flat design
  • NIV Translation
  • 75% thicker paper than traditional Bibles
  • Single column with 3 ¼” wide margins
  • 8 pt text size

Thorough Review of Brand New Illustrating Bible 3.0 from DaySpring

Now let’s talk more about that pre-order special. When you grab your Bible by August 30, you will get a FREE Bible journaling grab bag valued at $75!! How cool is that?! If you purchase more than one Bible, you will get a grab bag for each Bible which makes this even better for Christmas gifts. And don’t forget FREE shipping too!

Thorough Review of Brand New Illustrating Bible 3.0 from DaySpring

Below is an entry I did in mine to remind me of God’s peace for each day. I’m totally obsessed always with the wide margins and having plenty of space to be either artistic or just to use for writing out all the notes, prayers, and more. 

Thorough Review of Brand New Illustrating Bible 3.0 from DaySpring

Make sure to head over to DaySpring and pre-order yours now! Let me know in the comments below if you plan on grabbing the pink or grey cover option. I can’t wait to see what y’all pick. God bless! 

Thorough Review of Brand New Illustrating Bible 3.0 from DaySpring

I am so excited to bring y'all this thorough review of brand new Illustrating Bible 3.0 from DaySpring that is now available!