Now that Spring has sprung, I am definitely in the mood to get the house cleaned and organized. There is no better feeling than getting rid of junk and things you don’t need any more making your house cleaner and more spacious.

This pantry makeover was completed with items from the dollar store making it a real money saver that won't break the bank. You will definitely want to check out how I used scrapbook paper to brighten and add more color over at

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t always organizing and cleaning. As a child, my bedroom had to be neat and tidy with everything having a specific place to go. I have many fond memories of even organizing the shelves in Wal-Mart or Target as a young girl and not even getting paid for it. My sister and Mom would be shopping, and I needed something to keep me occupied. I think back now and just laugh at what a nerd I was, or maybe still am.

Not only do I like organization, but I love colors and making things pop with bright colors. So this pantry makeover is inspired by exactly these two things. I love the pantry makeovers I see that are so uniformed and elegant, but I just couldn’t do mine without adding color.

So let’s take a look at the before pictures, and yes they are quite horrible I have to admit. Please just excuse the mess and now I have at least done something about it right? I hope you like the new look too.

Budget Friendly and Colorful Pantry Makeover

Budget Friendly and Colorful Pantry Makeover


Budget Friendly and Colorful Pantry Makeover

Budget Friendly and Colorful Pantry Makeover

At least my pantry was fully stocked just not organized or pretty at all.

I also wanted to challenge myself to keep this makeover to a budget. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to use some of the beautiful matching canisters I’ve found, but I couldn’t bring myself to pay that much for them. That’s when I decided to take a trip to the Dollar Tree and see what they had. They usually have the largest selection of plastic bins and tubs.

I found these green plastic baskets for only $1 each. The pink and blue smaller baskets came with 3 in a bunch for $1.

Budget Friendly and Colorful Pantry Makeover

For grains, rice, seeds, etc. I found these small clear canisters. I love the way they look uniformed but didn’t cost me $10 each like most other retailers.

Budget Friendly and Colorful Pantry Makeover

The set of stainless steel canisters pictured below were actually my great-grandmothers. I remember after she passed away, there were so many great things of her that I loved and couldn’t wait to use in my house one day.

Budget Friendly and Colorful Pantry Makeover

Although I have different canisters, stainless steel and clear, I love the vintage look of using different pieces. Some of the ones below were ones that either I already had or bought at a yard sale. The bread box was also a wedding gift to us that I have loved so much.

Budget Friendly and Colorful Pantry Makeover

Getting reorganized doesn’t have to be expensive or some proper thing. Use what you already have and buy a few other inexpensive things to go with it.

The kraft sticker labels were also a great find from the Dollar Tree. I got two different packs with different designs and can’t wait to use them to organize other areas of my house.

Budget Friendly and Colorful Pantry Makeover

To bring all the colors together, I got different designs of scrapbook paper with bright colors and floral patterns. I placed scrapbook adhesive squares on the back of each sheet and then placed them on the wall above each shelf. The paper stayed easily and added that extra pop of color.

Budget Friendly and Colorful Pantry Makeover

I hope this pantry makeover has inspired you to do some Spring cleaning and organizing without having to break the bank at the same time. Enjoy your Spring and all the beautiful colors it brings with it.

Budget Friendly and Colorful Pantry Makeover



Budget Friendly and Colorful Pantry Makeover

Budget Friendly and Colorful Pantry Makeover

Also if you have not already, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. I would love to hear from you with any comments, suggestions, or ideas you may have.

Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers.

46 replies
  1. Cathy
    Cathy says:

    Love how neat and organized it is. I love Dollar Tree – so many great organizing items can be found there. Very pretty. Cathy

  2. Kristin C
    Kristin C says:

    This really looks awesome!
    I like all of it, but I LOVE the vintage coffee tin! Adorable! Thank you for sharing. I don’t technically have a pantry right now, but when we move, I will use some of these ideas 🙂

    Kristin // The Peculiar Treasure

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you so much! I love the vintage canisters. They are even more special to me because they were my great-grandmothers. I hope you will have one soon. I don’t know what I would do without mine.

  3. Katriza
    Katriza says:

    Looks great! No matter how many times I organize my pantry or fridge or closet… or any other part of my home, my hubby doesn’t seem to realize and just puts things wherever he darn well pleases! Ugh!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Well I’m pretty sure he isn’t the only one. It does take some work to keep it organized. Even I find myself having to tidy up a bit after a while if something hasn’t been organized in a while. It is so worth it though if you can keep it up.

  4. Amanda @ Dwelling in Happiness
    Amanda @ Dwelling in Happiness says:

    Nice work!!! I love all the colors. And, I LOVE Dollar store bins! I have a few in my pantry too… but, I’ll be honest, my pantry at its current state is twice as bad as yours was. Ha! I gotta get my organized SO bad, it’s not even funny! Thanks for the inspiration! 😉

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      I bet yours isn’t. I loved your linen closet makeover. I so need to do the same to mine and many other places in my house but it is a working process. The dollar store is the best!!

  5. Corina Ramos
    Corina Ramos says:

    OMGEE I love this! Girl you should see my pantry right now…it really needs some TLC 🙂

    Thanks for the idea. I’m definitely going to use these ideas :).

  6. Laurie
    Laurie says:

    If my pantry looked like this, I’d leave the door open all of the time. So organized, clean, tidy, and just fun. I saw your link in the Bloggertunities Share thread. I’m sharing this on my Fri Faves this week. Thanks for allowing me to share the inspiration.

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      That’s so sweet of you. I do like to just go look at it sometimes just for fun because it does make me feel better when things are organized. Thank you so much for featuring it. That’s so kind of you.

  7. Christine
    Christine says:

    Most def going to do this for my spice packets! They are always falling through the side cracks between the wall and shelf. Thanks for the idea!

  8. Jessica
    Jessica says:

    Great makeover! I love all the bright colors and the way you used scrap book paper for the back of the wall! I’ll have to try that!

    • Bethany
      Bethany says:

      Thank you so much! I just love using bright colors. I always end up making everything colorful. I just hope I don’t go overboard sometimes.

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